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ghost's storage - Printable Version

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Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 04-08-2018

yet another character idea
Saber the Deinonychus (dino bod: +100,000 gems)
can be up to 11ft long, but she'll probably be small at like 8ft, 3ft at the shoulder
she's a big Nerd. her parents discouraged her from studying stuff bc "you're not a human, now eat the chicken!"
she's actually genetically cloned but was abandoned before she even hatched so some kitty cats took her in
her weird uncle said "screw those guys, be what you wanna be" so taking advice from the weird uncle, she left home in search of Knowledge!
probably dark gray and blue feathers, silver or pink eyes, wears a light brown collar with a metal cat charm thing
is definitely sentient and can speak, but will also definitely squeak and whatever noise that sepcieis makes bc im terrible at naming sounds, in excitement/fear/ect
this was literally a joke from my minecraft jurassic park work but it's a thing now
when i get enough gems..... one day.....

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 04-21-2018

if i drop this one im actually gonna be really mad at myself
camalora / cam
gray tigeer (small bengal at like idk 190 pounds and 60 inches from head to tail) w/ black stripes, scars on her right cheek, purple stripes over eyes, no pupiles, eyes glow white, golden earings on left ear with little connecting chain thing, wears a leather cord with a raven feather on it cause of her family guess what, they dead
5 or 6 years old
she has a raven named Serrure no loki references here, not at all .....
uh uh uh v friendly and laid back until it's bUSINESS TIME. confident and proud but not like.... arrogant or antyhin.
she likes the moon and nighttime and the stars a lot and reading.
pragmatic and passionate
she doesn't like being alone as in living alone, but also hates crowds.
she loves everyone


Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 04-23-2018


those epic moving pictures:

bonus to-do list:
- do that thing called posting but with everyone

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 04-27-2018

FULL NAME Derrick Daremo.
—ranking None.
6 years old.
—mental age --
—aging ratio Real time aging. Birthday is January 22.
GENDER Cismale
—pronouns He/him
Face claim is Terra from Kingdom Hearts.
Learning Italian.
Tends to forget names very quickly, especially if you have not made an impact on his life - good or bad.

health status - [90%]
SPECIES[b] Tiger
—breed Bengal
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] A white tiger with black stripes, standing at about 43 inches at the shoulder and weighing approximately 490-500 pounds. He has heterochromatic eyes, the right being pink and the left being bright blue. Sprouting from his back are very large, and mallaeble metal wings colored silver. On his head are two black horn stumps, both used to grow out to curl back to his ears, but they had been broken off in a fight with an old enemy.
—accessories Wears a red and white wayfinder and a crown imbedded with several gems of varying shades of pink and blue, both gifted to him by his sister.
—smells like Pine.
—scars Face, chest, back, and flanks are heavily scarred after multiple battles. Minor scars spread across his body, hidden mostly by fur. Both horns are broken off.
—injuries General fatigue.
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] how does your character act physically - are they high energy and running around? more reserved or slow? clumsy or graceful?
—posture Bad posture, slumps a lot.
mtbi - chaotic neutral - hogwarts house
Who's Laughing Now? | Anger Born of Worry | Knight Templar Big Brother | Hair Trigger Temper | He Who Fights Monsters
DESCRIPTION[b] Derrick comes off as carefree, sarcastic and sometimes even rude. Underneath that, he is very insecure and self-loathing. He cares more for his family than he does for alliances, but he is still very offended if someone bad mouths his clan. At times he can very reckless and only allowing his emotions to guide his actions.
ORIENTATION[b] Homoromantic, pansexual.
[b]STATUS[b] Single.
—crush None.
—friends None.
—family Zero (parent), Sigil (parent), Venta (sister).
—enemies Too tired to care.
will start fights - will not back down - will kill - will not show mercy
—platonic relationships Has some trust issues, but overall tries not to be difficult. As long as they are a friend of his sister, he will tolerate almost anyone.
—romantic relationships May get too attached to anyone that shows even any interest.
—rivalries Incredibly easy to become an enemy of. All it takes is a bad statement about his sister.
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] Mediocre.
—physical difficulty Hard. He's had plenty of battle experience.
—mental difficulty Very easy. His mind is incredibly fragile after having his soul split and then barely repaired right before death.
Attack in #F58B45 with name in capital letters. Tag this account or @ sahloknir if needed.

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 04-27-2018


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]
[color=#F58B45]✘ [url=]tags[/url][/color][/align]

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 04-27-2018


Flares - The Script
Somebody to Die For - Hurts
Battlefield - SVRINCA
King - Lauren Aquilina
Hi Lo (Hollow) - Bishop Briggs
Icarus - Bastille
Fractures - Illenium
Crossfire - Stephen
Heavy - Linkin Park + Kiiara
Sincerely - Stephen

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 05-18-2018

FULL NAME Moonshadow Aurumque-Daremo.
NICKNAMES Moon, Shade, Moonmoon.
CLAN/GROUP[b] Recondite Realm.
—ranking Magus.
3 years and some months old.
—mental age 3 years old.
—aging ratio Real time aging. (17th)
GENDER Cismale
—pronouns He/him
based on Runaan from The Dragon Prince (spoiler free!!)
voice and face claim are, of course, Runaan
holds the triforce of power
ic opinions. i swear i'm nice.
health status - [100%]
SPECIES[b] Dire wolf.
—breed N/A
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] REF A white dire wolf, standing about 2 and a half feet at the shoulders. Purple markings are sparse, but noticeable on his face and forelegs. His eyes are turquoise. Dark gray-blue horns grow between his ears, the base covered in silver metal with runes engraved in them.
—accessories Dark leather bracers on his forelegs. A silver and light purple amulet on a rope cord around his neck.
—smells like
—scars None, yet.
—injuries None.
—posture Tall and proud.
mtbi - natural alignment - hogwarts house
tropes and stuff here
DESCRIPTION[b] A stern and no nonsense kind of guy, Moonshadow is well disciplined and trained in his practice. More often than not, he is on alert for any dangers that may come to his family and his group. His tough and stern attitude grows out of his desire to see others thrive and grow. He is determined and ruthless in battle, not afraid to kill if he must.
[b]STATUS[b] Single.
—crush None.
—friends None.
—family Vanitas (father), Runicflare (younger sister)
—enemies None, yet.
will start fights occasionally - will kill - will not back down
—platonic relationships
—romantic relationships
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] Hard.
—physical difficulty Very Hard.
—mental difficulty Medium.
conjuration, enhanced senses, wall walking, (in the future) invisibility, teleportation
IF NEEDED Attack in #11234B with name in capital letters. Tag this account or @ sahloknir if needed.

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 05-18-2018


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 09-17-2018


Wolves - Sam Tinnesz
Way Down We Go - Kaleo
Shelter - Porter Robinson & Madeon

Re: sahl's storage - ghostpact - 09-18-2018

FULL NAME Coldsun.
CLAN/GROUP[b] The Ascendants.
—ranking Observer.
2 years and some months old.
—mental age 2 years old.
—aging ratio Real time aging. (21st)
GENDER Cisfemale
—pronouns She/her

health status - [100%]
SPECIES[b] Domestic feline.
—breed Maine coon.
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] [ref wip] A very fluffy dark gray maine coon cat, though smaller than most. There is a single black mark on her face, over her right eye, which is half yellow and half blue. Her left eye is red. She has small blue horns grown from her forehead.
—accessories She wears a light blue vest, though unbuttoned. Around her forelegs are two different colored cuffs; one rainbow, the other blue and white.
—smells like Cotton candy.
—scars None, yet.
—injuries None.
—posture --
mtbi - natural alignment - hogwarts house
tropes and stuff here
DESCRIPTION[b] A reasonably excitable gal, she doesn't get too loud, but she might get very jittery and active. She's outgoing and tends to make friends quickly. Everyone larger and scarier looking than her (everything, basically) intimidates her and thus, she is very submissive.
[b]STATUS[b] Single.
—crush None.
—friends None.
—family Unknown.
—enemies None, yet.
will not start fights - will not kill - will run away
—platonic relationships
—romantic relationships
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] Easy.
—physical difficulty Very Easy.
—mental difficulty Medium.
earth & air elementals, mental manip & comuncation, conjuration
IF NEEDED Tag this account or @ sahloknir.