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AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Printable Version

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Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - ★ HAZEL - 07-08-2018

[align=center]hazel elise caelum . eight months . the ascendants . golden girl . tags

Hazel woke with a start, shouts piercing her dreamless sleep. It was the first nap she’d taken in a while; forced under by Titanium’s power roll, Hazel finally had a little bit of energy in her veins. She’d been lucky and grateful that her slumber consisted of no nightmares, but instead an odd feeling of fleeting warmth that she couldn’t place. Ah, well. She wasn’t complaining.

Sitting up, Hazel moved to get out of bed. However, the covers and blankets tangled around her, and she had to struggle to remove them.Oh deus meus, She mumbled. Pushing the blankets away revealed dark skin draped over two legs, not four. Hazel dragged her lip under her teeth, stretching her arms in front of her. She wasn’t a shapeshifter, so...? Deus, maybe everyone else was like this, too.

Rising carefully, the girl shuddered as massive amounts of curls brushed against bare skin. Everything felt odd and wrong and — wait, no fur. Cold. It might be summer, but in the basement of the observatory? The concrete floors and walls were like an icebox. Hazel searched blindly for something to cover up with, knowing she couldn’t walk outside naked. Just something to cover up the extremes...ah ha! Hazel snatched a dress off her beanbag, shrugged it on and walked out her door with a clarity she hadn’t experienced in days. She grabbed a blanket, too, keeping that wrapped around her shoulders because she was still cold and her bare feet weren’t helping.

Upon gracing the top of the stairs, the girl blinked, taking in the situation. She could pick out voices and auras, but appearances were...unfamiliar. A whine reached her ears and she turned, noticing a little girl with dark skin pressed into the corner. She couldn’t be but three or four, and there was only one child that young —

“Aali!” Hazel recognized, going to crouch in front of the shivering girl. “Hi, sweetheart — it’s me, Hazel.” She assured her, sliding the blanket off her shoulders to wrap around the child. “Here, you’ve gotta be freezing. Roy is just over there, okay?” She pointed to the familiar royal blue aura across the room before giving Aali a smile and standing. Honestly, she wanted to take the little girl to her adoptive father, but her skin was starting to itch, which meant she needed to find Bastille.

She tried to avoid looking at her hands and arms as she walked; her fingers were covered in pale scars, the same way her paw pads were. Cut by broken glass, they were still just bad reminders of something Hazel couldn’t escape. Part of her had hoped they had disappeared during the shift, but unfortunately that hadn’t been the case. Worrying at her lip with her teeth, she carried on, ignoring the flaws on her skin.

There had been a glow of ice just through the throng of confused people, and Hazel turned, searching for it. Bastille knew a little about all sorts of weird shit, and regardless of the bond, he would have been the first person Hazel sought out, anyway. Trying not to trip on her dress, she managed to find him just as a shirt appeared in his hands.

It didn’t matter; Hazel had already flushed right red, though she desperately tried yanking Ti’s eager “Holy shit!” away from the bond. Heart beating too fast for comfort and skin uncomfortably warm, Hazel fiddled with her hair, waiting for him to finish talking and for the blush to fade from her cheeks. “Who cares if something’s messed,” Ti purred. “he’s hot.” Hazel shoved that away, too, more effective in her mental abilities now that she’d slept.

“It might wear off soon,” Hazel supplied. “And I don’t think it’s so bad. Opposable thumbs are great for a lot of things!” She wiggled her thumbs, though her moment of optimism didn’t last long as she noticed the scars across her knuckle. Suppressing a small sigh, she considered her words, knowing art would be a lot easier with thumbs than without. Then again, she’d gotten rid of most of her art things the moment she’d left combat training and Genevieve. Nobody knew about it, not yet.

[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - guts - 07-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church had been among the ones who had actually minded being turned into animals. He hated not having hands and feet, and most of all, being here in this weird ass version of Earth where animals talked. He just wanted to go back to his life of monotone, even if Blood Gulch would be as boring as ever. At least it would be better and more familiar than this weird place.

Though, when he woke up that day, he quickly realized something was off. While Washington and Carolina weren't around, he had taken the opportunity to take a nap. Now that he was awake though, something was definitely different. Extremely different. As he lifted his hands up to his face, he quickly realized what it was, a goofy grin breaking out on his face behind his helmet. He turned his hands over, almost like he was testing them to make sure they were real.

This better not have been a dream. As he stood, he raised his fists in the air, letting out a loud roar of triumph. "HELL YEAHHH!" he yelled, racing off in the direction of the Observatory. Of course he nearly tripped a few times, but inevitably he got there, huffing and grinning like a wild man. Even though he had never liked exercise of any type, he had missed running like that

Then he noticed Caboose as he looked around, not thinking twice as he approached him and wrapped his arms around him as best he could after helping him to his feet. The guy was pretty big, so it was hard, but he did his best. He was laughing all the while, which was rare for him. "You big idiot, we're humans again!" he says as if it wasn't the most obvious thing ever. Considering who this was, he may or may not have noticed yet.


Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - rhosmari - 07-08-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]After all the confrontations had settled down and Washington had managed to tell her where he went to bed the woman had decided to sleep with him. Since they were animals now she didn't see a reason to be upset if they shared a bed. The night had been quite and she had been resting, just listening to Washington's slow moving breathing as she tried to quell her own thoughts. Maybe he wasn't really asleep and maybe he was but she wouldn't bother him if he was actually sleep. So she had taken most of the night to calm herself before she allowed her eyes to close and for her mind to actually rest. Sleep was so good right now but it seemed like it happened so fast and without so much as a warning there were loud noises going on all throughout the observatory. A groan left the woman's throat and she turned her head to the side, face pressing up against an armored shoulder. Although she wasn't quite in her right mind yet and so she grunted in pain for a moment before he lifted her arm and attempted to push the other feline over. "Wash, move over...I know you are a big cat but I need room too."

Her voice was so air and sleep and she lifted her hand up, dragging it over her face as soft pink lips parted on an exhale. Though that was when she realized it. When she felt the way her fingers flexed and curled, and how her body shifted her eyes jerked open. For a moment she was still and quiet, gaze wandering over the room before she let out a sudden shriek and tried to push Washington out the bed but it backfired heavily as she didn't have he armor and he still had his. The militaristic woman ended up falling out of the bed with a had thud upon the ground, ginger hair covering her face as her chest rose and fell with heated breathes. She was panicking a bit and her eyes scanned over her arms and her legs, toes wiggling a bit. Sleeping together as animals was one thing but as humans it was a whole nother ball park. Her eyes flicked up to the bed and she struggled to her knees, legs shaking a bit. "Wash! Washington! Wake up!" She hissed as she pushed herself to her feet, pulling her hair back out of her face as she looked down at him.

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Zjarr - 07-08-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]//human ref is essentially pfp but with brown eyes

When he stirred and felt all of his face and his back and his forelegs, he knew something had gone awry somewhere. Perhaps he had shifted to some other natural form in his slumber—not exactly an event he was unfamiliar with. But his body was no longer warm and soft, and he felt ever so exposed to the elements. Where was his fur? His eyelids flickered open to discover not forelegs arms; real, elongated, somewhat pale arms. There was not a spot of fur on him: no, nothing but some natural body hair and a relatively short-cut, amusingly well-groomed head of reddish-brown, paired by a short beard of a lighter color. Rising to his full height, he took note of his build and size. He was quite tall, though not tree-like, and unlike his mesomorphic feral bodies, he as a human was lithe and almost lanky, though bearing a bit of muscle. And judging by the horrified screams and amused, hysterical laughter beyond his quarters, Zjarr could tell that it wasn't just him impacted by...whatever had caused his spontaneous transformation.

He wasn't very shocked at all—no, this had happened many times before in the Thunderlands, and he figured that maybe along the way of him being a demon he had adopted a bipedal form like this one, one he had long forgotten about. All he could do was ride it out and hopefully help in keeping everyone else calm and composed until they got to the bottom of this hilarious mess. Quickly he had taken to picking up the human-sized clothing that lay on the floor of his quarters, covering himself up with a plain white t-shirt, a pair of jeans matched with a brown belt, and some old sneakers before stepping outside with a soft huff. Oh boy, here we go.

Briefly scratching at his chin, the almost impassive man scanned his surroundings, only concerned with his daughter at the moment. He was fine with being a two-legged fella, but what about Pele? His brown hues finally locked onto the light-haired girl, a face that would light up the darkest abyss at any time. He would smile if she would not appear so dazed and confused and almost terrified, which brought upmost alarm to the demon. He took note of a pale, cape-wearing guy trying to catch his daughter in his arms, and his lips pursed together tightly. This was what he had missed. Being overprotective of a child. But he wouldn't start screaming "OHFUCKOFFYOUTOUCHYSON-OF-A-BITCH" and "GETTHEFUCKAWAYFROMMYDAUGHTER" just yet—if anything, the other guy was just trying to assist her. Still he wouldn't pay any more mind to him as Zjarr rapidly rushed over to the demoness.

"Pele? Pele! Don't ya worry now, I'm here, it's alright," he murmured as he attempted to gently grab hold of the girl in an attempt to soothe her and hopefully get her stable. Briefly he would turn in Roy's direction to stammer, "Uh, i-it's Zjarr." It felt almost awkward in a way, to reach out like that after being absent in her life for so long. Did she trust him? Did she even like or respect him? Did she consider him her father? He didn't come back to the Ascendants because he felt that he had to. He came back because it was sheer instinct for him to protect his family, no matter what. Even if he hadn't seen her in such a long time, he was willing to devote his attention and life wholly to his kin now.

"C'mon now, just sit down here, Pele. Deep breaths. You're fine, you're fine. I-It's okay..." God, he was so shit at reassurance and he knew it. But he was anxious, incredibly concerned, and his wide brown eyes expressed it almost perfectly.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_n94s2cJJw21tf9ebuo3_500.gif]

He had been tired. Actually, more like he had been exhausted and to the point of passing out. The extraction of his AI had taken a much larger toll on him than he would have liked to admit. And because of that, he was going to make a better method to keep the situation that he was away from the likes of others. The former human didn't need anyone else attempting to try and dig into his mind right now. He just wanted to get a little bit of a sleep, the small amount of sleep that he had decided to try and get. And of course, the last thing that he had expected was for Carolina to decide to bunk with him. Well, more like sleep in the same bed with him. He knew that she probably didn't have anywhere to go, but if she wanted to she could have easily made a room of her own right next to him, as the room next to his didn't have any occupants with it. At first, he had been confused, and if he was capable of blushing he would have done exactly like that. He had to constantly keep telling himself that this was the leader of Alpha team. That she was just doing what she considered to be the best for her. And since she didn't have armor, it may be best for him to stay around her in case anything bad happened. Which it seemed like nowadays that happened quite a bit. The wildcat had curled up on the decently sized mattress, having his back toward Carolina. She had told him to go to bed, but for the longest while, he didn't sleep. He had made sure to slow his breathing for the majority that he was laying, and there was no way for Carolina to see if he was awake unless she wanted to take his helmet. He instead just stared at the clock that appeared in the bottom left corner of his helmet. He watched as the minutes ticked by. Those minutes turned into hours, and soon he finally did fall asleep. Thanks to the sleep schedule that he had given himself, he didn't have to worry about sleeping in all that much as he got up fairly early in the morning, 0400 to be specific. A schedule that Carolina still didn't know about. Freelancers were light sleepings, but thanks to the exhaustion of his break down he was sleeping a little bit heavier than he would have liked. At least he didn't store. Hearing a voice though, his mind started to kick itself back into gear. Washington blinked open his eyes, although they remained fairly close. In response to the female's words, Washington didn't bother to really move. His mind clouded completely with sleep.

The shrieks and the movements happened seconds between each other. Causing Washington's eyes to suddenly widen themselves and his adrenaline pumped through his body. He sat up in the bed, making his arm as if he was about ready to pull out a sidearm as if there was a threat in the room. Carolina's yell to wake him up had definitely done the trick. The armored soldier opened his mouth before he was really able to take in the situation. "What's wro-" Washington didn't have time to finish his sentence until he realized who he was looking at. He was actually looking at Carolina. Her red hair unmistakeable. His jaw his helmet dropped and happiness bubbled up in his chest. He moved his arms to looked at his gloved hands. He had a full set of armor on now. Which definitely hadn't been easy to sleep next to. Washington seemed stunned for a moment as he looked at all the functions of his suit coming back. "No way.." Wash whispered to himself before standing up from the bed. Looking behind his back and basically checking himself all over. Almost like a dog chasing its tail. "We're humans again!" Washington said ecstatically with a smile on his face as he turned his attention toward Carolina. She still didn't have her armor but she was still human. Then that raised the question. How the hell did this happen? "But how? We didn't change anything. You literally just got here so how..." Washington questioned Carolina as if she would know the answers. The thought of having his full set of armor back was certainly nice, but for some reason, he raised one of his arms and touched the back of his neck, as if expecting something to be there. Episolon didn't suddenly appear and the scar was still there. He could feel it under his undersuit. His body visibly relaxed, but he didn't say anything about the movement, and he still didn't take off his helmet. In fact, he had almost completely forgotten that he was indeed wearing a helmet at all. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - kinglykingstone - 07-09-2018

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
//human refs x x outfit

Dale pawed lazily at the blankets coiled around him as he awoke slowly. The quite that surrounded him seemed odd, compared to the normal hustle and bustle that his keen hearing could normally pick up. Smacking his maw open and closed, the canine slowly sat up. He allowed the blanket to fall off of his form, stretching his front legs forward, only to find that those were not paws and, instead, two hands were stretched out in front of him. Glinting in the soft sunlight that streamed through the windows, a ring resting on his left ring finger caught his eye. A wedding band that, somehow, he knew would have the phase 'Fire Walk - D&H C.T.' engraved on the inside.

Memories flashed in the mans head; a warm hand on his shoulder, a pair of arms wrapping around his neck while a forehead presses against his own, and his name being whispered so softly that it's nearly lost on the wind. The man shook his head, brushing away memories of a human past he'd never possessed. At least, as far as he was aware.

Standing carefully, the man would glance down at his own appearance, finding himself in a dark colored suit, wrinkled from his sleep. Laid out on his sleeping place was a tan trench coat, which he picked up and tugged on, finding that it looked to be a size too big but felt comfortable and right. He reached a hand into one of the inner pockets of the coat, fingers meeting cold metal. Wrapping his fingers around the object, he pulled out a ring nearly identical to his, except, the inscription read D&H C.T. - With Me'. Tears began to brim in the mans eyes as he quickly put the ring in its pocket and cleared his throat.

"Diane, it seems that I find myself in a human body, possessing clothes that are familiar yet I could never have possibly possessed." he spoke, walking quickly over to the mirror that was propped up in the corner of his room. He scanned his appearance quickly. "Dark brown hair a few inches in length, eyes a consistent hazel, I appear to be around the six foot mark" he relayed to Diane, reaching for the recorder in his pocket. There was no recorder in his pocket, just the phantom memory of one. His attention was brought back to his reflection and to the ring that rested on his finger. "And it seems... it seems I posses rings that represent Harry and I- Harry and I's marriage." he trailed off. It was about time he investigated what had happened to the rest of the group.

Traversing quickly to the observatory, he was surprised how easily he maneuvered in this body. He'd been one of the earlier one's to arrive, carefully watching and determining who each person was. His attention was quick to snap towards Roy as he shot flames into the air. Of course the alchemist would decide that a flame would be best to gain the groups attention. "Dale Cooper, here." he responded to the former bobcat, waving a hand.

His attention was jerked away by a commotion and his eyes landed on two strangers doting awkwardly over a young girl. Unease crawled over him and he began to cross the room, pace quickening when he finally caught a name. 'Pele.' and that one, the man now trying to calm her was her blood father, the one who had long abandoned the young fireball.

He kneeled beside the trio, placing one of his hands on his adoptive daughter. "Why don't you let me deal with Little Pele." he spoke, voice firm and leaving little room for argument. "It may be best for someone who she actually knows to help her while things are in such a disarray." he added, hiding the order like a suggestion as he leveled Zjarr with stern a look. He spared a glance away from his daughter for a moment as Suite made an appearance, waving at his best friend with the hand that carried his wedding band. He took a moment to identify his groupmates before focusing back on Pele and her father, sparing a kind smile towards Anzarel.

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Luciferr - 07-09-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

Anzarel eyed the two, more he didn't know but that was unsurprising considering his own newness here - but he inclined his head to the second, they knew her after all  and he did not, so he shifted back onto his feet with a nod to the two "you are right of course - Anzarel by the way, since we've never met before, well, this decided to befall us" he smiled idly "apologies if you believed I overstepped, I merely wished to help" that said he moved back for them to help peel, cape gently moving behind him obscuring his silhouette somewhat.

Instead he turned to the side to watch as the others all discovered and made their relative notes of surprise - clearly the freelancers and co were rather happy about this, not that he could blame them - though he did spot one struggling to help another whom seemed to have collapsed to his feet, but held off going over, he didn't know if his help would be welcomed in their quarter given the reactions when Carolina had been found.

So he simply leaned back against the wall and watched for now, inclining his head to [member=450]Suiteheart[/member] when the other spoke up "possibly it won't be permenant - and likely that's exactly how they felt" he mused - he'd certainly felt strange not to have his other forms and be locked into one at the start of it all.

/if anyone needs his outfit ref again, I've put it in his bio (there's a list on the first post that'll take you there) and I'm also tagging whom he's talking too since this thread might get long.


Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - BASTILLEPAW - 07-09-2018

Bastille yawned, rather ungracefully -- it's not like he was accustomed to the human practice of covering their yawns with a hand, and he was fucking tired. He wasn't sure if that was from the shaky tremors of the withdrawal in his veins, lurking even now, or if it was a result of the duress his body had undergone to shift into... this. After, he noted that his canine teeth with pointy but not as pointy, and stuck his tongue out slightly as he bit down it a bit (testing the sharpness), lip curled.

"Huh," he commented, slightly muffled, before his head came up and he seemed to focus on the group once more. Suiteheart was talking, as per usual, and he looked particularly bored for exactly five seconds before he felt the bond curl and heat up in his stomach. He glanced over his shoulder immediately, chasing the golden radiance that had emerged at the edge of his vision, and stared blankly for a moment.


His gaze flickered down the details of her dress, mystified as to how exactly this witchcraft had decided what clothing they would magically find themselves in, and mystified as to how this graceful, flowing fabric made perfect sense the second he saw it clinging to her. It seemed exactly like something Hazel would wear, and there was another half-second where his thoughts short-circuited and he wondered idly how he knew she was attract if he didn't have any human standard of reference to compare her to. The next half-second was spent being miserable, because of course she was.

He jerked his attention away from her as others emerged, shouting, and cleared his throat awkwardly before she started speaking. He glanced at her sideways and snorted. "Yeah, sure, princess," he commented dryly, "Might be better for painting, but somehow, I feel like everyone magically turning into humans might be... problematic." He considered Roy for a moment. "Is it weird turning back, or normal?" Would he feel weird turning back to his real body?

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - axiom - 07-09-2018

She stood there, shakily leaning against the tree's walls, as she waited for a return call from her sisters or to see even one hint of them. But, seconds turned to moments, and the teal-haired woman decided that waiting made for a waste of time. Her stomach still growled with hunger, and she knew this slow and weak form made for poor hunting. Her dark eyes drifted to the nearly consumed boar carcass just outside the hollow tree den, but her nose curled at the sight of it; instinctively, it seemed that this pathetic body also found carrion intolerable. A sneer plastered across her face as she released her hand from the bark, shakily swaying for a moment before she took a step. And then another.

Walking, still as difficult as her first attempt, nonetheless seemed as easy a skill to acquire as anything else. Going without her large, heavy tail as a counterweight caused the new human to lean too far forward as she walked - with her back still straight, this made for an unusual sight. She also found working these feet rather difficult. Given that, as a Utahraptor, she spent the majority of her life walking without the use of a heel, adjusting to this awkward foot structure gave her more trouble than the lack of a counterweight.

Eyebrows crinkling, muscles tightening on her forehead to form angry lines, she stumbled through the forest with a clear goal in mind. If she couldn't find her sisters - and Owen, she hadn't seen him for at least a month now - she had one way to definitely find food. She doubted she could intimidate the mammal pack into giving her food in this pathetic state, but her favorite food giver (and a new food giver, the female blood eater) made for more solid bets.

Soon enough, she found the mammal pack's structure with minimal difficulty; even her pathetic human senses picked out the giant building against the lush forest. Announcing her presence by inadvertently slamming the door open - the first thud resulted from the wooden door hitting the wall, the second twack came after the door rebounded off the wall and hit her arm. Hissing in pain, she leveled a quick glare at the goddamn contraption. For something built by those goddamn humans, she certainly didn't understand how it caused her new human form pain just by opening it. Of course, Delta didn't know that she was seriously overmuscled compared to regular humans; standing at five foot six, she had a less than impressive height. But with a BMI of 23 and body fat percentage hovering around 20%, she certainly had enough raw power to make it dangerous to stumble around hitting things too hard. She might break her fingers.

Habitually sniffing the air, trying to get a read on the location of the Ascendants, she growled again to herself as she realized her sense of smell was even more useless than she anticipated. Despite such a close proximity to the bulk of the mammal pack, all she smelled was the musty interior of the building. When she paused to think, though, she heard the sound of voices. Human voices. On alert, the former Utahraptor sharply turned towards the source of the noise and quickly skidded to the area - inadvertently taking advantage of the fact bare feet skidded on hardwood floors, she slid to the room where the bulk of the conversing came from.

Thwacking into the side of the doorway, she ignored the sting in her shoulder from where the collision hit the hardest, she gritted her teeth as she leveled an angry glare at the humans. Presumably, she understood either that the mammals came to her same fate of turning into a human or these were human invaders. Either way, with her usual heightened senses out of the picture, she couldn't identify the food givers from the rest of them. "Favorite!" she babbled at them loudly, managing to nearly perfectly imitate her raptor voices due to the sheer range of sound the human throat could reproduce. For good measure, she braced herself by placing one hand on the doorway and loudly screeching, "Delta hungry!"

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - BASTILLEPAW - 07-09-2018

The loud crash of a door slamming open caught his attention, managing to yank his gaze away from Hazel's face as his head cocked to the side. Human hearing was weird, he determined, but it was... familiar, in a way. Hosts had been human in the past, so perhaps he was programmed in a weird way to take to it. Whatever. Not important at the time: what was important was that something had just slammed, and he stared towards the doorway in puzzlement, unable to exact place the sounds.

When a familiar aura popped into view, understanding hit -- oh, there was that flaring, distressed aura. He hadn't realized this would strike the girls to, and he breathed out, "Oh, Delta." She was... fucking filthy, which was to be expected, and there was a split second to register her presence before she started shrieking at them. Bast squinted. Those screams were vaguely familiar, warped by her human throat, but... strikingly on point. Huh. Could he mimic her better in this form?

He shook off the tangent thought, and hastily stepped away from the group (with a quick glance towards Hazel) before he was heading to Delta, one hand up. "Hey, Delta, easy," he drawled, making soft warbled noises in the back of his throat as usual. Oh, yeah, that did sound closer. Weird, but whatever. He eyed her, determining she wouldn't understand him even now, likely, and noted up close that she was short. Shorter than him, for one. Much shorter.

And... not wearing clothes, actually. Human modesty wasn't really a concept he understood or cared for, given that he was not human, obviously. He had only put a shirt on because everyone else seemed to be clothed, and it took him a second to realize that oh, Delta should probably also be wearing clothes. "Uh-- Right," he said, glancing away from her as he conjured a blanket in his hands, "Here-- just. Hold that. Around you."

He fumbled it towards her, brought his gaze to her eyes, kept it there, because he had phantom memories of human hosts and knew that looking down would be... rude. Realized after a moment that she likely would have no idea what the fuck he was doing with this blanket, and sighed as he awkwardly leaned towards her, shifted the wadded fabric to one hand, passed it behind her head to his other, and draped it over her shoulders.

"Good, see? All those human morals abided by. Okay, food..." A pause. "I doubt you can have raw meat," he muttered, and a moment later there was jerky in his hand, assuming that if Wash ate it, it was a more human friendly food. "C'mon, Delta, come eat over here," he drawled, offering her one piece and pointedly backing up towards the others with the rest. He followed it up with a nonsensical vibration, glancing briefly over his shoulder as his gaze found Hazel again, once.