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He didn't around often enough to recognize everyone by the fact that they had. After seeing domestic cat after domestic cat it was a little bit easy for everyone's appearance to melt into one of each other. It was a lot easier to tell who everyone was in Project Freelancer because everyone had their own different colored armor. The armor that he wore now had been the armor that had been exactly like what he used to wear during his time in the Project. Carolina didn't have her armor like he would have thought the Freelancer would have, and instead she was just a regular leopard. Hence why he hadn't managed to recognize her immediately. It was easier to tell the difference between a human face because everyone was basically different in that regard. Washington was so used to telling his teammates by the armor that they wore that it had almost become a habit. It wasn't hard for him to really memorize something, as he wasn't a complete idiot, it was just going to take him a little bit of time was all. Washington still remembered the armor that the Twins wore, York, Maine, all of them. Everyone had different colors, and his armor color had been fairly plain compared to the rest. Dark, but the bright yellow portions of his armor probably gave his position away if he was trying to hide somewhere.

There was also a bright stripe that ran down the front of his helmet, which wouldn't have helped either if he was trying to get a good shot at someone with his battle rifle. Either way, it was going to take time for Washington to memorize everyone's name. But it was going to be his job to do just that in order to help his teammates. Carolina didn't know everyone's names after all, and he knew that it would be better for him to gather the information as she wouldn't want to interact with any of the civilians. Something he wished he could say because he didn't exactly like walking around talking to everyone when he could be doing something else. A job was a job though and he wasn't one to like a failure. He was following the simple procedure, even if the procedure he was given wasn't made specifically for this situation. It was close enough to Washington. As the Freelancer listened to what the female had to said about those that were gathering around her, Washington was finding himself more lost as he went on. She hadn't been around but she also had? How did that work? Unless holograms were available here then he was pretty sure no one could be in two places at once. Washington didn't make any attempt to interrupt anything that the female had to see, as it was obvious that a lot of her teammates cared about her well being at whatever had happened to her.

From her physical appearance though, there didn't seem to be any sort of physical injury on her body. So was it something else? Washington just confused himself even more as question after question started to pop up into his head as he tried to figure everything out by answering them himself instead of asking them out loud. Finally, the female turned toward him and introduced herself. She waited to be done before saying something else. Wait. Suiteheart's wife? Could animal's have wives? Or was that the same thing as mates? He didn't know enough animals for this kind of stuff so he wasn't even really going to think about it. He was just going to pretend like he understood what that meant in the likes of an animal's term. He gave a curt nod of his head toward the female, not sure if she was one of the more higher ranked animals that lived here. As he would address both Suiteheart and Bastille specifically when they often were around. "Agent Washington." The armored smilodon would introduce himself curtly as he usually did. The name in itself was strange since it was indeed after a state, but no one here knew what the states were so he didn't really have to explain himself from there. Then she talked about how she had swapped places. He had heard of different mental disorders that soldiers got when they were allowed to go back to civilian life. That meant multiple personality disorder was somewhat common thanks to the trauma every soldier went through.

Washington was even sure himself that he would never be able to adjust to civilian life. It was too... simple. "So like multiple personalities?" Washington would question, just to clarify. He had no intent on being rude, as he was again just gathering intel and what he should look out for. Now that he was looking at the feline more calmly, he realized that she certainly sounded different compared to the other times that he had seen her around. The Freelancer listened to what she had to say after that, and still didn't quite understand what she was talking about. Vampirism? That wasn't a thing, right? That was something that was a myth. He knew about vampire bites and animals that survived off of the blood of others but those were aliens. They weren't cats. This was obviously a serious moment for everyone that was around here, so for once he decided to keep his mouth shut. Maybe he was too tired to ruin a moment like this, which he definitely was. His ears moved inside of his helmet as she waited for her to be done, and she was apologizing to everyone on her own power. The smilodon would shuffle his paws a little bit as he wasn't sure how to accept that. After all, she hadn't done anything to him that would have made him upset. "Uhh, apology accepted?" It was phrased like a question, and he wasn't quite sure as he didn't know the female at all. Was an apology due? Obviously, no one that was approaching her seemed to hate her for whatever she had done. Either way, when he hadn't decided to question what vampirism was, he still managed to probably ruin the mood of the entire scenario. Oh well, he won some and lost some. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: