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YOU ARE TOO MUCH - open; building base - Printable Version

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Re: YOU ARE TOO MUCH - open; building base - BASTILLEPAW - 07-08-2018

Bastille could be a lot of things, which was simply in his nature as a mash up of several souls and obligations. There were times when he was rash and angry, lashing out before he stopped to slow himself down, but those times were less often than one might imagine. No, Bastille was a creature of controlled, slow-burning rage most of the time: he processed a situation and got angry and then he planned. Sure, there were times when his souls were in chaos and his powers were slipping out of control and he lost if before he could check himself, but the minority of situations could never tell the whole truth. He was far more measured and controlled than he came off, at his worst.

And maybe his issue was that he was young. He'd come into this young, younger than he should have been, and unprepared. Gods, he was trying, but that had been a rocky start and he knew it was a rocky start, but that was months ago and he wasn't quite as young as people tended to treat him. Even Pele, his baby sister, got snide with him sometimes, making an off-hand comment about being childish. It was... peculiar. Not something that would bother him, really, because he didn't give a fuck what others thought of him (well, he cared what certain ones thought). But even he could lose patience with people constantly talking down to him and chastising him like a stupid kit, and as Washington lost his complete and utter shit, he broke down Bast's tolerance.

His shoulders straightened slightly, and he met the soldier's stare evenly, ice blue gaze cold and measured. He didn't bother to interrupt, and he didn't even shoot Suiteheart a nasty look for speaking first. No, he took his time, and his voice maintained that even, low tone. He never rose it in anger, but the bored undertone he'd taken with Carolina had vanished, replaced by sharp clarity, evidence that he was paying attention and expected Washington, too. (If there was anything that could make him show his age and authority, it was making him lose patience with things, it would seem.)

"While I appreciate the input," he said, stare unwavering, "I think maybe you should take a few steps back before you start accusing me of neglecting the situation. We took you in, we didn't ask too many questions, and we offered to let you use our resources to figure shit out -- but you came to us peacefully and respectfully. We helped you with the telescope, which is something I probably shouldn't have, frankly, because that's supposed to be a sacred object in the eyes of our founder. I think you're well aware that we can be understanding and considerate of your needs and your missions, or whatever you want to call them, but you can show some common courtesy. You may not have considered yourself a member, call it a miscommunication or mistranslation, whatever -- but to me? To me you became my people the day you agreed to stay here and accept our help.

"And she,"
he continued, nodding towards Carolina. It was clear that he was not actually trying to be rude by talking about her in front of her, but simply responding to Wash, "Came onto my land, attacked my people, disrespected one of my most trusted advisors, and refused to explain herself or answer literally any of our questions in a civil fashion. She may have her reasons for acting like that, but that doesn't excuse her behavior, particularly when you're the only one who has actually tried to speak apologetically on her behalf. And now, here she is, bossing around those I see as my people and trying to establish a base for herself on my land, unauthorized, after very pointedly telling us all to fuck off and making it clear she isn't a part of us. You may take offense to threats, but I'm under no obligation to play nice with hostile invaders, Wash. And that's what she's made herself into, from my perspective."

His gaze shifted to Carolina, and he regarded her for a moment, as if to confirm that she got that she was coming across as a fucking dick. And then his attention was back on Wash. "So before you want to lecture me about not knowing a damned thing about anything, maybe you should take a hard look at things from the other side, too. Because I understand that you have things to do and some awful situation that you're coming from, and I understand warzone mentalities, but I'm still not going to let her disrespect me or my people on our own damn territory." His gaze shifted to Carolina once more as she interjected, and there was a pause. This was the most empathy he'd seen her show anyone yet, and it was vaguely reassuring to see that she had the capacity. When she spoke to him, he met her gaze evenly, and supplied, "Warning intruders off our land isn't harassment, Carolina. But when you're ready to talk civilly, you can find me where ever."

His attention was back on Wash as discussion turned towards getting him looked at, and he rolled his eyes at the soldier's refusal. Typical. "Too bad. Everyone here has outvoted you, and we're going to get Rin to check you over at least briefly. Maybe get something for the headache." A pause, and a hint of a humorless smirk. "Sorry, Wash, but if you're finally admitting you're one of us, that means it's my job to look after you. To the clerics it is."

Re: YOU ARE TOO MUCH - open; building base - guts - 07-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Compared to all that was going on, it looked peaceful out today. Church looked out towards the horizon, watching the flowers occupying the field swaying with the wind as it breezed past, the sight momentarily allowing him to forget about the shit-show he had found himself in. Even if he wasn't enjoying his time here much, he could at least appreciate the scenery. That was about all this shitty place had going for it. And some of the people were pretty nice, too, even though he didn't know any of them too well. He would have liked to stay at the Observatory with the others, but alas, he was a puppet on strings and the members apparently wouldn't want him around, anyways.

He glanced around as they reached their destination, realizing this was the same place he woke up. Great. Shrugging it off, he listened to Carolina as she spoke, frowning. He definitely didn't like this chick suddenly appearing and ordering them around, and while Washington might not have had any problem with it, he certainly did. But before he could object or bark out a snarky comment, Caboose was already speaking and walking over to him. While he still didn't exactly like the guy, he was a big comfort in these times, as having someone familiar was really helpful.

"Dumbass, don't you ever listen? We're supposed to be building a base," he replies harshly. Then the people from before start appearing and it all goes to even more shit.

He's barely able to listen as they bicker among themselves, his head bobbing back and forth. Instinctively he moves in front of Caboose, not wanting a fight to break out and him to get injured. Luckily, or unluckily, as things begin to get more heated, Washington ends up exploding at them. Whether it was good or not, it seemed to deter them and he sighed, relaxing just slightly. Still, tensions remained high and he didn't want to be in this situation at all.


Re: YOU ARE TOO MUCH - open; building base - rhosmari - 07-08-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]"Your perspective is obviously skewed." The woman began with an obvious bite to her tone and she was annoyed once more. They couldn't just leave and have it be settled, there had to be an argument about something because of this or that. She wasn't having it either and at this point in time she was just ready to go on a fighting spree. But she couldn't do that because she was too worried about Wash and his condition. After all she partially knew some of the things that were happening. Partially and she'd have to ask the other about what he had told her before when he had woke up and the other Mother of Invention was going down. There was so much information missing here and there that she couldn't gather the whole story and that was what made things difficult. But she forced her attention back on Bast as he continued to speak, pointedly trying to claim that she had attacked his people. His people? Her eyes widened a bit at the accusation and she snorted a bit before lifting a paw and waving him away as if he was an annoying bug.

"That's a lie. You just said as well as Wash just now that he was accepted as a member. Therefore when I dealt with him, and him alone he wasn't one of your people. I don't recall touching anyone else here but Agent Washington and he clearly explained it was misunderstanding." Her eyes looked away from Bast and to Washington as she pressed her form up against him to try and keep him on his paws. She wanted to ask him if he had been sleeping but not in front of them. She didn't want to give them any sense of weakness from her and her steely gaze narrowed a bit before she shook her head a little bit. She just wanted to go and she didn't have time for the senseless arguing over something that definitely wasn't going to change. Rather they liked it or not she was going to be staying here as long as the Simulation soldiers and Washington was here himself. So they would just have to deal with it. "I'm not going to spill my story to a bunch of people I can't trust with the information. That's just it. You don't need to know and I'm not keen to trust someone like you anyway." Her voice was hard as her claws flexed in the ground before she glanced to Wash for a moment. "And it is harassment if you leave a situation and they continue to follow you, doesn't matter what you want to cover it up as. I'm not going to be finding you any time soon so be prepared to wait. Or you could be the civil one and find me first."

"You don't have to let them poke and prod at you, Wash." She had heard Suite and she understood but even so Wash may not be comfortable with it. The woman knew he had went through something and who knew what would trigger it to happen again. Forcing herself to relax again she attempted to nudge him gently and she decided not to take his choice away from him and make him do something he didn't want to do. The ginger leopard sat down and looked way from the smilodon, eyes flicking up to the sky for a moment as she debated on the situation. Really, she was just tired and she hadn't had a chance to rest since she had gotten here. "Do what you want Wash, just be careful." After that the woman rose to her paws and decided to walk away because Washington was a child and though she worried for him he could make his own decisions.

Re: YOU ARE TOO MUCH - open; building base - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-09-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

He wanted it all to go back to the very beginning. He didn't care if it meant that he would end up being betrayed again. It was better than whatever THIS was. At least to Washington. He wanted to go back to the early days of Project Freelancer. Other's probably would say differently, but it was during this time that he really did feel like he was making a difference and was allowed to be himself. He wasn't hiding the personality that he was hiding right now. Washington wanted to have the family that he once had back together again as they tackled the world that was working against them at the same time. It wasn't a whole lot of pressure to be put on their shoulders, because the majority of the time they were lucky on their missions. Lucky enough that half of the time because of that they completed their missions. if there were going to run into issues and there were only a couple of them in the field, then they were simply going to send in a lot more. It wasn't that difficult to understand how Project Freelancer actually worked once they got the hang of it. Washington knew that there were several operations where they would simply go out in teams of two.

Those types of missions were the ones that required stealth, and because of all the different missions that they went on none of them were every really certain if they were going to be coming back. And by the time they did come back from their missions they usually weren't able to talk about it. A failed missions usually meant that they were forced to meet with internals and explain themselves. Or being asked questions on certain things that had been happening in the program. He remembered the time that he had been called about some suspicious of certain radio signals that were beginning to leave the ship. Which of course was against protocol but someone was doing it. In it the end it had turned out to be one of their own, which was a huge struggle as there was so much confidential information that was on the ship, to begin with. Not only that, the things that were confidential were just to protect the Director from the crimes that he was committing. Hiding that he had only been given one AI fragment that had then turned into many over the course of the program. Which wasn't exactly legal or allowed, or even specified in the contract that they had with the UNSC. It was against their contract, and if it was against their contract then the Director could be arrested.

The man hid everything, and the only one that knew of his crimes were Alpha, him, and the Counselor, which had been the Director's right-hand man. A man that Washington would have liked to completely avoid. The Freelancer just wanted the family that worked together to get their job done and makes sure that they weren't going to exactly run into their deaths. It was because of CT that their lives had been put in danger, but he couldn't completely blame the female for what she did anymore. Project Freelancer had deserved to fall, and that was all there was to it. He was tired of dealing with all the strange things that were being said to him that he was refusing to comply with. He didn't want to listen to the likes of anyone else higher in the military if he didn't have to. Two heads were better than one in this situation, so he needed Carolina to be around to give him fresh eyes to work with on the plans that he had started to come up with. The issue that the Ascendant's didn't know about that Washington had never been on their side. He was manipulative. He had never been before, but when it came to his survival it was a trait that was going to be needed to put to good use.

He was only acting neutrally because if he didn't they would probably be driven out of this place and have nowhere to go. Which in theory would be okay with them, but figuring out what could be considered to be threats or not he wasn't sure. Washington wouldn't have really cared about killing off those that got into his way, even if the facade that he had right now wasn't exactly concrete it was enough to fool those that were around him. Would he betray Carolina if given the chance? In theory yes. But considering how much stronger she was compared to him that would only mean that he would threaten his own life in the first place. He needed Carolina's strength while he was regaining his strength back, and that meant that he was going to end up being on her side. Even if it meant sucking up his behavior so that it wouldn't be an issue later on. Washington was never really one to hold a grudge against someone, but there was definitely a huge loss of disrespect. He was a threat as much as Carolina was. But Washington also knew how to play his cards correctly. Although at the moment he was also fearing that he had just let out all of the cards out of his hand. He wasn't strong enough to deal with these animals that had the abilities he didn't know about. The armored smilodon was no longer looking at anyone though as he continued to stare at the ground.

He had no reason to really look at anyone right now, but considering how close Carolina was to him, he could see her out of the corner of his visor. Washington listened to whatever Bastille had to say, and he wanted to argue back so badly. But considering the fact that he was about to pass out from exhaustion and the trauma he was going through, he wasn't able to answer. Although there was a moment that he sounded like he was going to interrupt him, as one could hear his mouth opening, but slowly closing. He wasn't closing it because he thought Bastille was right. He was closing it because the male was wrong and he was too tired to argue anymore. This all could wait at a later date because they weren't about to start killing each other. One thing that concerned him why they seemed to be concerned about him almost out of nowhere. He was a soldier. He had always been expendable whether he liked it or not. He was only being. His death wouldn't have affected this place if Carolina had indeed killed him. Their own minds were different from the civilians that they were surrounded by. And it seemed like no matter what they said, they fell on deaf ears as they refused to understand the underlying intention of their words.

One thing that he certainly happy about was that the guy was going to force him to go to the medics. He thought about his options here. He didn't want to go. But if it meant that he could shut everyone else up and leave as well, then he was going to do just that. He could easily lie to the likes of a medic and leave whenever he wanted. Bastille obviously didn't say how long he was going to have to stay wherever their medics were stationed. He just needed a checkup. They could give him a physical and say that he was fine, because he was, and then leave. Carolina started speaking again, and his lowered head turned to look at the female. Washington let out an airy exhale from his jaws as she explained herself, his head turning to Bastille. "She has a point from her point of view." Washington would state in a tired tone. It almost sounded like he had never slept before in his entire life. Sleep wasn't a commodity that the Freelancer could acquire. He hadn't admitted until being a member until now. Meaning that he didn't belong to them until now. Just to say the word belong didn't sit well with him. No one was in charge of him except Carolina on occasion and himself. He wasn't about to start taking orders like he had done by the Director. Not again.

The headache that he had, more like a migraine, pounded right behind his eyes, causing a small twist of his head until his neck popped again. He felt Carolina press up further to make sure he kept his balance. Part of him appreciated, but the other part of him didn't. He should be strong enough to support his own damn weight. And yet he felt like a soldier that had just gotten out of stasis. Groggy. Unable to move his limbs right. And his thoughts were fuzzy. Washington would give another nod of his head in agreement to the next couple sentences that Carolina was saying. "The quickest way to fix this is just to give time. Let everyone cool down instead of trying to instigate things right off the back. We aren't here to hurt any of you." Washington would state, although he knew in the back of his mind that wasn't entirely true. Could he kill one of them? If the mission needed it then yes. Was in the right state too? Definitely not. Her next words were also correct. He could refuse. And the only way they could get him medically checked out would to physically force him.

But again that would cause more distrust then mend more bonds. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he wanted to just smash his head into the wall to stop all of the pain. "I know, but better to appease than to try to fight them right now. I'll talk to you later Boss." The Freelancer would say calmly, having raised one of his paws to at least nudge one of Carolina's shoulders. His head turned into the direction of the observatory, and he began to grind his teeth at the thought of the medics. He was doing this for the mission. That's all that he kept on telling himself. "I'll go to your damn medics then." Washington would say with a frustrated growl. He wasn't going to ask anyone for directions. If he asked a random stranger in the Observatory they would tell him exactly where he needed to go. He was glad that Carolina wasn't following him. He didn't know how much his mental state could hold at this very moment, but it obviously wasn't a lot. Agent Washington wasn't going to stop even if someone told him to stop and instead kept walking till he was out of view.


Tags | Updated 06/26/18: