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Re: READY TO GO OFF ANY MINUTE | {OPEN, NOT EATING} - Owlie - 07-04-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Anakin let out a needless sigh, since, he didn’t breathe anymore. He whispered to the smilodon but looked everyone else still heard him. A small wound to his dignity, but whatever. He was dead.
They didn’t know what he once was.

"I’m trying to tell you to suck up the mask bit before you lose the privilege of eating.” That’s something Anakin remembered throughly from his life. The envy of eating. His throat had been so damaged that he couldn’t ingest food, leaving him to transfer bags and suckle on Vitepaste. He remembered once, he took a cookie made by Padmé (different one, before he was reunited with his wife) a few wondered what weird intentions Vader might have had with it.
After all, he couldn’t eat it.

Re: READY TO GO OFF ANY MINUTE | {OPEN, NOT EATING} - imperia - 07-04-2018

Agent Washington is correct: Imperia would not be able to endure military training, but not because of the physical requirements. No, the dainty creature is delicate by choice, not because she is incapable of incredible feats of physical prowess. Pierre and the other pack members tried and tried to mold her into an apex predator—they recognized her brilliance, her intelligence, but quickly became frustrated with how unresponsive the child was to their training. Why? Because hers is a heart full of kindness and goodwill. In order to become a true apex predator, one must abandon all compassion and mercy in favor of embracing one's most primal instincts. Why become a cold-blooded killer when many problems can easily be solved by kind words and rational thought? Why trade morals and ethics for pure power when it is the rules which bind people to goodness that gives life meaning? Imperia knows the chaos of a place ruled by anarchy. She is familiar with the methods of reward and punishment. If someone was unfortunate enough not to fit the predetermined idea of a valuable pack member, they suffered their entire lives. Peri experienced that firsthand. So, no, the lovely young she-wolf would not make a good soldier. While she can always relearn the confidence necessary to abandon her submissive habits, she is completely unwilling to even consider walking a morally grey path, bound to an organization which exists solely for killing even if they possess good intentions.

It truly is a shame that many people look down upon the softhearted. In regards to Imperia, people miss out on a wonderfully sharp and brilliant mind. A talented healer in the making and a well-read scholar, the meek huntress knows many things beyond common knowledge and possesses the capability to absorb much more. It does not bother her much to be overlooked, though. Peri does not require acknowledgement to act true to her nature. She listens, wide-eyed, as Agent Washington explains the components of his armor and its uses. "Fascinating!" she gushes with a slight grin. Imagine the applications of such technology! Imperia already imagines reinforcing the architecture of key structures like nurseries and healing dens. Contrary to Washington's initial assumption, it is the concept of "bullets" which escapes her understanding, not the mention of an alloy. Peri has never heard of a "bullet," but she is familiar with bronze. "No, no, I follow. Bronze is an alloy—copper and tin. I've never heard of titanium, though? It must be some sort of stronger material, right?" Large, silver eyes shine like a full moon on a clear night, twinkling with a sort of bookish excitement only those in love with learning could ever express. Imperia already brainstorms a plethora of applications for reinforced metal.

"I can take my helmet on. It's not stuck to me so I can take it off whenever I want."

A sheepish smile crosses her features. It's blatantly obvious now that he says it. Peri wishes she would take the time to think about her words before she says them. "Ah, I see," she murmurs, thoughtfully cocking her head to the side. "I understand it's advantage in warfare, but I imagine it must be awfully burdensome sometimes. The world is much prettier without a barrier—" Imperia says this softly, almost as if speaking her thoughts aloud rather than directly addressing the armored smilodon. "—and more intimate." For someone who so thoroughly enjoys interaction with others, just the thought of not being able to have that intimacy of face-to-face communication would make her feel stifled and isolated. A helmet is just another layer between the world, she knows that, but it must be lonely. If she wore a mask, she would not be able to smile and make people feel safe and loved in her presence. Curt though his response is, Washington's assurance that he too is pleased to meet her brings a radiant smile to Imperia's lovely features. If she could blush, she would be blushing now. It always feels nice to know that people enjoy her presence, even if it is minimal.

"You can have all of them. I do not mind—I can always make more," a bit of a lie, for Agent Washington's sake. The jerky she carries with her now is the last of her reserve and it will take quite some time to gather the necessary ingredients to replenish her store. But Imperia cares more about the male receiving the nourishment he requires to remain healthy than indulging her picky eating habits. Thankfully, it seems that Suiteheart has a solution to the pair's dietary dilemma. "Oh that would be wonderful, Miss. I've always wanted to learn how to make my own fire—I've always had to ask someone else to help." Peri detests being so reliant on others, so she is always eager to take advantage of situations where she can learn to become more self-sufficient. Anything to no longer be a burden. As Bastille approaches, the she-wolf offers hims a welcoming smile. Always nice to see a friendly face, even if he does look impossibly tired. Imperia is about to say something to the astral seraph when she is once more distracted by Agent Washington. "Fire elementals is a power—a magical one, I suppose—where one can control and even create fire in all it's forms." She is basically a walking encyclopedia, this one.


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Magic was something that never existed from where he was from. He was pretty sure that if he asked any human about the magic they would just simply tell him that the entire thing was a joke and that there was nothing to come from it. It was all just an illusion to make a couple bucks at the end of the day. Which made sense with how it was hard to make a living if someone wasn't in the military with the extinction of the human race just at the brink of everything. When it came to anything close to magic, he guessed that Freelancer technology would be the closest thing compared to what the clans had in that regard. No, no Freelancer could simply lob a ball of fire in someone's direction. That was basically impossible for anyone to do in that regard, besides starting fires wasn't exactly efficient in a firefight when they had inciderary grenades and other weapons. Every Freelancer had their own form of equipment that they would end up using in the field to help them in battle or help complete their tasks. There were some Freelancer's he knew about that potentially didn't have the equipment, and if they did then they just didn't show it in the middle of the field. There were certainly a couple that came to mind that would most definitely be difficult to use in this world.

Agent Texas probably had more of the concerning equipment that could turn her completely invisible. Of course, if she walked through sand or snow it would be easy to see each other's tracks. But for Freelancer's that worked mostly in buildings, it made it basically impossible for anyone to be seen with that kind of ability. Next would be Wyoming's time distortion unit. Most likely made from parts of a shock point drive from a ship that was capable of going into slipspace. At least that the only thing that he could think of that was even remotely close to time travel and stopping time in general. A extremely powerful equipment that was given to a highly specialized Freelancer, although half the time he wasn't sure even by Wyoming's personality if the other was even capable of strategizing compared to the rest of them. Not like it mattered because Wyoming was always higher on the leaderboard than he had ever have been, so he guessed that he couldn't judge the other guy for the way he used his equipment. North's shield that he was able to create by simple creating as a simple movement would certainly be difficult to get behind. He had seen it used in practice by North himself and how capable he was with his AI. However, he would certainly like to have North's equipment right about now just as a precaution if something were to ever happen where he would need to use it.

Although honestly, he would probably get himself shot by trying to attack from the inside of it and just have it deflected back at him. Washington would most certainly need an AI to use the said shield, not like he was going to allow that to happen after what Episolon did to the inside of his head already. The only equipment that he could remember someone using would be Carolina's speed unit. Basically, it just meant that she was able to go extremely fast. Which was somewhat of a problem in the current form that he did have, which was bulkier than he would have liked but he wasn't given a choice when he had plummeted to this planet against his will. He was pretty sure that the rest of the Freelancers, South, Maine, and York didn't have any equipment that was specialized just to them. So what equipment did he have? He had the form of an EMP at the turn of a button in battle. Which surprisingly wouldn't turn his suit off because if it did then he would have been out of commission right in the middle of battle. He would be able to shut down vehicles that were coming toward him and turn off other devices that would be using in battle. He rarely ever got to use it though. Which could have been that there wasn't a right time to use it, or he simply forgot. He was a little bit scatterbrained when it came to the first time that he did join Project Freelancer.

How much someone could change with just a little trauma sprinkled here and there. Which confused him a little bit, why him, the worst freelancer, was given equipment? Maybe it was some damn test that was given to him by the Director to see what he could make of the ability. Oh well, he didn't have that ability anymore. That's what Agent Washington told himself, but the form of his EMP that he used to have had changed its shape into electricity elemental powers in this world. If he wanted to, he could easily override different technologies in the area if they ran on batteries, without even knowing it. It was also the way that his armor was currently powered. There were lights and a clock inside of his helmet, while there were lights just underneath the two shoulder pieces on both of his arms. It certainly came in handy to help him see while he was looking around. If only he could get the damned night vision feature to work. Honestly, any positive at this point would certainly make his life easier. Either way, the thought of equipment made more sense to Agent Washington than the likes of magic that they were calling it. Although he guessed that if he showed these animals here what Freelancer equipment was capable of doing, they would call it magic as well. But Anakin had shed a little bit of light in the meaning behind his words. Especially with what he was saying. Agent Washington was lucky when he crash landed. 

If his armor hadn't held up, and part of his helmet crunch to his head, there would have been no way he would have been able to get his helmet off. There was no way for him to get food inside of his helmet without taking it completely off. This was the best case scenario that all of his armor was working the way it should have been. His gold gaze turned to look at Anakin, and he chewed the inside of his cheek. The guy was right. He should count himself lucky and just eat what he could without complaining about it. "I guess you're correct with that statement." The Freelancer would mumble underneath his breath. He never really liked to admit when other's were right, especially in his current condition. Even if he was trying not to show it, there were probably a couple creatures here that were capable of taking him on with ease since he wouldn't know where to place his paws during the beginning of a fight.

The struggle of being a human first and an animal second. His attention turned back toward Imperia though and noticed the glint that was in her eye. Wait. She seemed to not really be confused at all what he just said. The smilodon seemed to stop for a second as her reaction seemed to confuse him. It wasn't something that he had expected out of a group like this. The other was interested in his armor, which that part wasn't surprising because everyone was curious about his armor. Then a sudden flood of questions came toward him. So she did understand! Honestly, that made his entire life a whole lot easier for him to deal with. It just meant that he wouldn't have to really explain all that much. "Basically. Titanium is known as a very strong but also an incredibly light metal. If the armor I wore was made out of anything different I'd probably be crushed underneath. Titanium alloy is used by mixing several different metals and chemicals together to create something stronger. So basically like a chemical reaction. Titanium is basically standard in almost every military equipment because it's easy to change its attributes and its lightweight.

The soldier would explain in full detail this time. Leaving almost no complicated words out of what he said. The wolf was smart. Maybe something that he could use to help him figure out how to get back home. He wondered what the canine would think on the idea of alien technology, if that was even something that was capable of being comprehended. At the mention of the limitations of his helmet, he had to admit that was certainly true. But he had his reasons for constantly keeping his helmet on. "To others maybe. Where I'm from its incredibly rare to see anyone out of armor, so I'm used to talking to helmets. Being out of armor just feels... wrong. As when we're given armor we are expected to keep its upkeep, and maintain for basically the rest of our careers." What he was trying to get at was that even if it was just armor, it meant something to Washington. Somewhat like a security blanket that he could rely on when things got tough. He wasn't an intimate person. He had never been. There was no reason to be in the likes of the military when everything was all about the mission and making sure that the team survived.

At the other saying the he could take them all, he almost felt bad. He wasn't going to take them all. He could always just ask Imperia how she managed to make them and make some himself even if it was going to take a little bit. "Uhh thanks again." The Freelancer said in almost an embarrassed tone. It was rare for him to really thank others. He always thought of himself as being incredibly independent. Not needing help from anyone else. He of course would have eventually caved and figured out how to eat, but this just made everything a lot easier on the stress that was already on his mind. Then the other began to answer what fire elementals were. Being able to control fire. That sounded like magic, but Washington couldn't really seem to wrap his head around it. A deadpanned look was behind his visor just at the insane thought of it all. "Magic. You guys... believe in magic." The armored wildcat would question, as it was the strangest thing in the world. He had yet to see any form of powers since he had been here, meaning that there was no evidence to try and prove and convince the Freelancer that what they were actually talking about was real. What Washington didn't realize was that he had such elemental power himself, almost all of them."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: