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Maybe he had trust issues. But he had plenty of reasons to have trust issues because he had learned that everything that he had dedicated his life to was nothing but a myth. That they didn't turn out to be the good guys by the end of what they were doing, and just the simple thought was enough to piss him off to no end. Hell, he had believed everything that the damned Director had told him and growing up in the military that one knew how to really question a superior officer. That was just asking them to get themselves in trouble by doing something like that. Hence why he wasn't spilling his life story to the lifeforms that did live on this planet. He wasn't prepared to deal with that yet, and especially since he knew exactly what he was going to have to do for data controller if they finally did leave. Hence the reason why he wasn't bothering to try and become close to any of those that were willing to give him any sort of information that was around.

He did appreciate what they were doing for him, but if they outlived their usefulness and knew too much of already what was going on with them, then he would have no choice to get rid of them. He wasn't the type to show any sort of mercy when it came to going up against those that he deemed to be a threat. Which had been exactly what he had been when he was under Project Freelancer. He was a gun for hire, not exactly a mercenary, but even worse than one. If one thought a mercenary was bad, Freelancer's were worse with all the different things that they had been through. Besides, they were known to kill Simulation troopers like Church and Caboose when they were given the okay. After all, said soldiers were expendable as they were usually the dropouts and those that wouldn't be missed by their families. They were sent off to remote locations to run 'drills' that were created just for the Freelancers themselves as means of target practice. But instead target practice against those that were the same raise but were still capable of firing back at the Freelancer.

Sending one down there though meant that there were no means of concern for the Freelancer, as it would just mean that the Simulation troopers wouldn't always be accounted for, and that was fine to them. Right now, Wash could care less for the likes of a simulation trooper. Having been ordered to strictly listen to orders, and after what had happened to him in the UNSC for being court-martialed, he wasn't about to disobey orders again. Having learned his lesson. He expected the soldier in front of him to do exactly that. He had expected the other to simply follow his orders because they weren't exactly hard to follow. He wasn't exactly putting his foot down on their throat with every task that they gave them. But it still seemed like Church didn't understand the severity of the issue at hand. There was obviously no way for them to communicate with the current helmets that they had because there was no power source to them.

His suit was slightly powered mostly because of the fact that he had elemental electricity, which he didn't know about. In his mind, his suit was only partially powered because he had a more complete set of armor compared to the two dogs that only had their helmets left. Maybe he could fix a power source to the back of the helmet but even then he wasn't sure how big the communication would be unless they were able to access the likes of a communication relay somehow or somewhere. Which was basically impossible with the location that they were at right now. However, when Church begins to speak, Washington's head snaps in the simulation troopers direction. Fury bubbling through the entirety of his body. That asshole! "Church!" Washington would snarl in the other's direction obviously pissed about what the other had just done. And of course, it wasn't going to be left without any sort of punishment. The Freelancer opened his mouth again to speak directly toward the canine, before Bastilleprisoner made his way over, stopping him. The other obviously had dealt with military personnel before, which probably made everything easier. "Which means you understand why we have to be so." Agent Washington stated in a tense tone as he watched the other.

The commanding officer didn't even seem to remotely care about the secrecy that he had going, and that was good news at least, and the other was still going to offer to help them. "Exactly what I had inferred. A fairly easy task." Washington would say the poison-filled words directed toward Church as the other wasn't capable of doing such a simple task without doing something else. Distractions were a good way to get killed. Now that he was done addressing Bastille, the armored smilodon turned his attention toward Church. He began to walk his way over, and it seemed like every step he took toward the simulation trooper, something about the atmosphere seemed to change drastically. The temperature of the air around them seemed to drop a significant amount, making the summer heat suddenly cold in a small radius around the group. The air also became charged with electricity, and sparks of electricity even began to flicker off of the Freelancer's armor. Agent Washington knew better than the kill the likes of a soldier in front of everyone, but talking to him in private?

That was obviously allowed. With his claws unsheathed, he stopped directly in front of the much smaller male, basically towering over him. Considering how close he was, some sparks of electricity that were coming off of his body could potentially give a small shock to certain areas of the border collie. "Church. I will have a word with you in private. Right now." There was no means to refuse this command. It was set in stone as soon as he said it, and it was obviously said with a guttural growl to his tone. The Freelancer knew that he could easily kill the simulation trooper, and he was pretty sure that Church knew that based on his experience he had with Agent Texas. Not saying else to anyone else, the armored smilodon began to walk off in the distance heading further toward the border of the territory where there would be fewer ears to hear on their conversation. He didn't even bother to look behind him to see if Church was following him. If he didn't, well then beating the crap out of him to show him an example could be used if he really needed it too. This mission was life or death. It seemed like Church needed a small refresher.

Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: ANIMAL INSTINCTS -- O, CHASING TAIL - Suiteheart - 07-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart nodded to Roy in greeting, listening as he echoed her inquiry. It seemed she wasn't the only one curious about whatever the hell the former soldiers were after. She flickered her eyes back towards Washington as he addressed both she and Roy, and she hummed a bit, under her breath? Confidential? Well, her nosy ass was going to get to the bottom of it if it was the fucking death of her. Curiosity always killed the cat, didn't it?

Baby blues found Church's within an instant of his snort, and without meaning to, a smirk spread across her maw. She liked him. He had some spunk about him, and that was always something she could get behind. What she did not expect, however, was his spilling their so-called "confidential" information. So, they were searching for their friends? Suite was smarter than she thought. She was about to speak when Bastilleprisoner arrived.

Just like with Roy, she nodded her head in greeting, falling silent as he spoke. Once he had finished, she nodded again. "Bast's right. Odds are, they're around here somewhere. We'll be having a few events with other groups coming up soon, too, so I'm sure you'll get the chance to look for your friends the-"

Suiteheart closed her maw as Washington began to rage. The air around her manifested into something too cold for a summer's day, and she found herself fighting a chill. The space that contained the small group was charged with electricity; the Ecliptic Admiral could feel it swirling around her, charging herself up. Great, she thought, her souls were about to go haywire from all the excess power. However, before she even had time to address that, Washington was demanding to speak with Church in private, with claws unsheathed.

"Hold on just a minute," the feline interrupted rising to stand between Church and the larger form of Washington. Her voice remained cool and even despite the rising tensions. "Washington, you can put your claws away. I understand that you're mad at Church, but take it easy. You're both a part of our group now, and we don't attack each other. Got it?" Her question wasn't harsh or demanding. It was simply put. There was no need to make this situation any more volatile.