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CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - Printable Version

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Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 07-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church had been waiting for him to get bored, bracing himself to be annoyed. So, he was prepared for when he finally spoke up, but he still couldn't help his eye from twitching. He should have been used to this by now, but with Caboose, the consequences of being bored were unpredictable. As long as he didn't end up hurting himself or other people, they would be fine. Of course, that came at the expense of his patience, which had already been strung thin a long time ago. Whether it was by Caboose himself or someone else, that had yet to be disclosed.

"Gotdammit, Caboose, then go find something else to do," he grumbles through grit teeth, his poking jostling him and nearly pushing him over as he walked. Looking over at the other male, he sneered behind his helmet, his anger beginning to boil. He was never known to be the best at handling his anger, especially when it was caused by other people. "Okay, that's it," he says and, without any further warning, jumps at the other canine and tries to pin him down.


Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - arcy - 07-04-2018

Honestly, Caboose couldn't predict what he was gonna do himself half the time. Mostly because he didn't think about what he was doing before he, well, did it. But also just cause he just ... didn't know. Or care to know. Because he didn't think about it. Just like he didn't about much of anything. Consequences? What were those? Honestly they didn't even really exist to Caboose because he somehow had a way of turning bad situations into something good in his head, even if there was literally nothing positive about it.
Caboose merely tilts his head as Church snaps at him. Something else? But Caboose didn't wanna. Cause there wasn't anything and he wanted to spend time with Church! He's about to whine about this, ready to spin in some dorky circle when he's suddenly on the ground. His helmet very nearly rolls off as he slams into the ground, but it doesn't, and Caboose is left absolutely puzzled. .. Why was he on the ground? The realization, of course, comes slowly. And then he beams.
"Oh!! Oh, are we playing a game??" The retriever wriggles under Church's grip, completely oblivious as always. Honestly, he seems absolutely delighted, grinning brightly under his helmet. What were they playing? Caboose doesn't know!! Caboose spends a long few moments consider this before maneuvering one paw away from Church to attempt to gently pat Church's cheek with it. Or whatever he could reach, honestly. Might just be Church's side. "Tag! You're it!" He chimes, definitely still under Church and obviously kind of confused but definitely not aware of it. It would seem that there wasn't much point to taking out frustration or anything on the poor canine -- he just wouldn't understand. Which, well, would probably make him a good outlet but probably not ideal. Honestly, the only times he understood was when people yelled at him -- Caboose didn't like it when people yelled at him. Oh well.

Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]For someone as short-tempered as Church, it was easy to get mad at Caboose. He was as dumb as a rock and even if he did get mad at him, he wouldn't really notice or get it. Which only made him angrier. It was a vicious cycle he fell into often, like right now. He huffed through his nose at his reply, softly shaking his head. Really, he should have seen that coming, but he still finds himself irritated by his obliviousness. As his helmet is tapped, his frown only deepens, though it can't be seen. Did he really think he was just about to play along?

Unfortunately, he was. Normally he wouldn't, but considering there was nothing else to do, he would this once. Plus Caboose would probably pester him until he agreed. So, stepping off him, he took a seat and curling his tail around himself. "Alright, fine. Since I'm feeling generous today, I'll give you a head-start," or maybe he'd just ditch him this way, let him run around thinking he was being chased. That seemed like a good option to him.


Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - arcy - 07-06-2018

Seriously, Caboose didn't know anything about how whatever he's doing may affect people. He just .. does stuff and then stuff happens and Caboose is just left kind of clueless. Which was probably part of the reason Caboose was still absolutely certain Church was his best friend and all that. And probably why he doesn't understand this situation at all, either. Caboose was pretty convinced that he was the one playing along with whatever was going on, rather than the other way around. Still, the Retriever's excitement just grows as Church agrees, even if he still doesn't really get it.
"Oh! Yay!" Caboose's tail wags at the agreement. He's not sure what any of this has to do with being gen-rous, but that's okay. Caboose, for a long few moments, though, just sort of .. lays on the ground. He seems to forgotten a crucial step, which was getting up. The realization comes pretty slowly, as all of Caboose's realizations do, and he quickly scrambles to his paws. What was a head start? Start head? What -- wait, no. He understood now. "This'll be fun!" He partly assures Church, but mostly just seems to be talking to himself as normal. And with this, Caboose tears off into the great outdoors and absolutely didnt maybe sort of absolutely definitely almost trips a lot. He hasn't quite gotten used to running yet, but that's okay. Anyways, Caboose isn't really sure where he's going, and he's mostly focused on running. He's good at that! He used to be good at that. Sometimes. Running was fun, though! Even if he face-planted at least, Caboose had forgotten and didn't really care. Anyways, Caboose really wouldn't notice if Church were to just ditch him. He'd probably run around for quite a while before running out of steam and then later claiming his definite victory over Church, in all honestly. That was just how it was.

Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 07-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Honestly, Church was tempted to just let Caboose wander around until he realized he wasn't being chased--or until he decided the game was over. Whichever came first. Ultimately he doubted he would notice he wasn't playing along, since that was just the slow way of thinking the retriever had. As much as he didn't want to waste time like that, though, there wasn't really much else to do. Washington hadn't given them any new orders, so they were pretty much doing whatever. Actually, Caboose had probably already been doing that.

Anyways, he watched the other clumsily climb to his paws, then race off back outside. He faltered then, tail softly tapping against the ground. Sit around and do jack-shit or chase after this dumbass? Oh the choices. In the end he decided to humor the guy and pad out shortly after him, snorting as he stumbled over his own paws. But he probably didn't have much room to talk, since he couldn't move very fast without tripping, either.

Once Caboose's form had grown more distant, he set off after him, going at a moderate pace so that he stayed a good distance ahead. It was like playing with a toddler. You had to go slowly, otherwise you'd catch up quickly and it just wouldn't be fair.