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SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - Printable Version

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Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-02-2018

some agilities character notes before i go to bed
- a Good Boy
- honestly just wants to please people and gets very frustrated and upset when he can't perform how he believes he should, "loyal as a dog"
- relatively timid, not exactly much of a talker - especially around strangers
- can come off as pretty blunt at times, especially when unsure, since he struggles to find what to say and ends up saying the absolute minimum in return
- he also speaks sparsely when he's upset and this can making reading him difficult, especially since he doesn't have the thickest of skin. he's rather sensitive
- tbh he doesnt really have a sense of humor, things are pretty black and white with him. he /understands/ humor, he knows when something is a joke and when to take it lightly, but for the most part he doesnt exactly laugh at them.
- THAT BEING SAID in a more private setting he's much more open and light, easier to converse with and certainly more giggly
- Uncomfortable Chuckles™
- intense rivalry with his brother - possibly stemmed from the fact surefour is purebred and agilities is a halfbreed? if we still go that route, agilities could feel the need to prove himself to his mother & half-siblings while growing up and surefour saw this as a direct challenge @ him and stepped up himself
- non-confrontational, not much of a fighter and would much rather duck out and accept scorn from his opponent than risk himself in a fight. fucking loves to wrestle and play-fight however, only with those he's particularly close with. has small nics and abrasions from his frequent playfighting with his siblings/half-siblings before parting ways with them
- scars sprout small yellow-green feathers instead of remaining hairless stripes. this means agilties has a lot of random plumage where he's received small nics growing up. this is also why he's so nervous engaging in new fights, he doesn't want any serious scars to bloom a full set of feathers.
- resting bitch face, its not that he MEANS to look scowly and upset but he just. does. a lot
- despite his feud with his brother, surefour also gives him a lot of confidence. their dynamic is a very double-edged blade for agilities, he loves his brother but he also feels threatened and lesser than him
- coydog?? wolfdog?? ideally coydog since he's a smaller boy, could have got his name for the fact he's lanky and lithe- able to move quickly, difficult to hit. gen one husky/coyote cross??? (x) (x x) (x x) blue eyes? green eyes? blue-green seafoam eyes? ideally still pretty young, maybe younger brother to surefour?? littermate but still half-brother bc Genetics??? ~10 months, still childlike in some of his mannerisms
- obviously agilities/brady girardi is a faceclaim and source, but he has some serious inspiration from james sunderland (silent hill 2) and jon snow (game of thrones/asoiaf)

use south's playlist for the most part, with some of sam's playlist. (actually update lmao sam's playlist works VERY well for agilities use that a Lot) some ~muse~ songs in particular:
- hopeless wanderer by mumford and sons
- little game by benny
- guillotine by jon bellion
- legends never die by against the current
- teen idle by marina and the diamonds
- running with the wolves by aurora
- lungs by chvrches
- wolves without teeth by of monsters and men
- no one's here to sleep by naughty boy/bastille
- rich kids by new medicine

signature lyric ideas:

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - Bean - 04-02-2018

hmm i should probably do something too shouldn't i
well, here's some notes on surefour c:
- the Big Brother
- cares very much about his family, will do whatever it takes to protect them no matter the cost
- extremely outgoing; pretty much the polar opposite of his younger brother
- very laidback; it takes a lot to anger him, and at the most he’ll just make snarky comebacks instead of getting heated
- very humble and sportsmanlike, especially considering his upbringings as a purebred and spoiled child
- 99% of his mood is a joking mood, wishes his brother were a bit less uptight about humor
- Loud Hyena Laughter™
- although rivals to the bitter end with his younger brother, he still respects him and loves him deeply and treats him with care. he sees himself as kind of a mentor to agilities, although agilities may see this as condescending and a threat to his honor and dignity. likes to banter with him.
- as laidback as surefour is, however, he will not back down from a fight if he sees a challenge in it. sometimes fights just for the sheer joy of it. tries to provoke agilities into sparring with him often. rarely sees a challenge usually
- however, in a good fight with actual challenge in it, the small abrasions he gets on his skin are unlike his younger half-brother. akin to his bloodline, he regrows his white/dull purple fur
- smiles a LOT. if he’s not smiling then that’s not the real surefour
- broad and big. he is a Big Boy.
- lane “surefour” roberts is the obvious face claim lol, although a LOT of his inspiration (especially the fighting aspect) comes from Sodapop Curtis (The Outsiders,  S. E. Hinton)

a few songs that come to mind when thinking of his character:

EDEN - Times Like These
Lemaitre - Cut to Black
The 1975 - Girls
The 1975 - The Sound
Porter Robinson - Polygon Dust
Young Heretics - Animal War
Hudson Mohawke - Very First Breath
NERO - The Thrill / NERO - The Thrill (Porter Robinson Remix)

might make a playlist, idk yet!

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-03-2018

woW a dump for agilities stuff
why am i awake its 5am
i'll,,, make his signature & some surefour icons tomorrow

[Image: LmW1mTB.png] [Image: rKNMRah.png] [Image: ZHt4XCq.png]
[Image: oxK9hAu.png] [Image: reIubrq.png] [Image: QYKCmZJ.png]
[Image: deGkcN7.png] [Image: KkDIKY5.png] [Image: cJMq1MT.png]

edit: bonus soon & verbo
[Image: Xi0BjC3.png] [Image: yFkGVIQ.png]

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-05-2018

and we could run away before the light of day
— [size=22px]"you know we always could," the mountains say

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-05-2018

[align=center][div style=";width: 50%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt;"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In elementum fermentum ante, id tempus diam ornare eu. Donec egestas mattis quam, non bibendum nisi mollis in. Ut rutrum, quam iaculis semper vulputate, enim felis viverra odio, quis viverra nisi lacus sit amet massa. Nam vel urna eros. Pellentesque scelerisque condimentum eros, sed gravida felis rutrum at. Fusce ut sapien porttitor, iaculis urna id, hendrerit ligula. Phasellus volutpat vel dui in posuere. Duis feugiat venenatis posuere. Nulla efficitur faucibus metus sit amet volutpat. Vivamus facilisis velit id augue luctus, sit amet ultrices ante imperdiet. Vestibulum quam risus, molestie facilisis sodales vel, pharetra vel eros. Fusce condimentum ante non turpis semper condimentum. Nunc sollicitudin mi ut molestie bibendum. Suspendisse nec tincidunt magna, et posuere massa.

Cras eu auctor diam. Nullam viverra ex sed est dignissim iaculis. Maecenas non mauris velit. Nunc tincidunt pulvinar sagittis. Curabitur sodales tortor ac tortor commodo, non scelerisque eros scelerisque. Morbi euismod elementum nulla a dictum. Donec metus metus, lobortis et nisi ac, mollis dignissim nisi. Morbi tempor nisl a eros dictum consequat. Fusce rutrum porta justo id porttitor.

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-05-2018

lmao i'll make tags and/or a bio for agil eventually but for now here's another small dump

[Image: VxSVqgh.gif]

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; height: 120px; border: 1px black solid; background-image:url(; background-position: center;"][color=transparent]text[/color][/div]
[div style="background: transparent; font-size: 37px; text-align: center; font-family: century gothic; color: white; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; margin-top: -24px;"][i]susitna — moderator — wings out[/i][/div]
[div style="background: transparent; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 5px; text-align: justify; width: 600px;"][/div][/align]

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-16-2018

(04-02-2018, 05:22 AM)susitna link Wrote: some agilities character notes before i go to bed
- a Good Boy
- honestly just wants to please people and gets very frustrated and upset when he can't perform how he believes he should, "loyal as a dog"
- relatively timid, not exactly much of a talker - especially around strangers
- can come off as pretty blunt at times, especially when unsure, since he struggles to find what to say and ends up saying the absolute minimum in return
- he also speaks sparsely when he's upset and this can making reading him difficult, especially since he doesn't have the thickest of skin. he's rather sensitive
- tbh he doesnt really have a sense of humor, things are pretty black and white with him. he /understands/ humor, he knows when something is a joke and when to take it lightly, but for the most part he doesnt exactly laugh at them.
- THAT BEING SAID in a more private setting he's much more open and light, easier to converse with and certainly more giggly
- Uncomfortable Chuckles™
- intense rivalry with his brother - possibly stemmed from the fact surefour is purebred and agilities is a halfbreed? if we still go that route, agilities could feel the need to prove himself to his mother & half-siblings while growing up and surefour saw this as a direct challenge @ him and stepped up himself
- non-confrontational, not much of a fighter and would much rather duck out and accept scorn from his opponent than risk himself in a fight. fucking loves to wrestle and play-fight however, only with those he's particularly close with. has small nics and abrasions from his frequent playfighting with his siblings/half-siblings before parting ways with them
- scars sprout small yellow-green feathers instead of remaining hairless stripes. this means agilties has a lot of random plumage where he's received small nics growing up. this is also why he's so nervous engaging in new fights, he doesn't want any serious scars to bloom a full set of feathers.
- resting bitch face, its not that he MEANS to look scowly and upset but he just. does. a lot
- despite his feud with his brother, surefour also gives him a lot of confidence. their dynamic is a very double-edged blade for agilities, he loves his brother but he also feels threatened and lesser than him
- coydog?? wolfdog?? ideally coydog since he's a smaller boy, could have got his name for the fact he's lanky and lithe- able to move quickly, difficult to hit. gen one husky/coyote cross??? (x) (x x) (x x) blue eyes? green eyes? blue-green seafoam eyes? ideally still pretty young, maybe younger brother to surefour?? littermate but still half-brother bc Genetics??? ~10 months, still childlike in some of his mannerisms
- obviously agilities/brady girardi is a faceclaim and source, but he has some serious inspiration from james sunderland (silent hill 2) and jon snow (game of thrones/asoiaf)

use south's playlist for the most part, with some of sam's playlist. (actually update lmao sam's playlist works VERY well for agilities use that a Lot) some ~muse~ songs in particular:
- hopeless wanderer by mumford and sons
- little game by benny
- guillotine by jon bellion
- legends never die by against the current
- teen idle by marina and the diamonds
- running with the wolves by aurora
- lungs by chvrches
- wolves without teeth by of monsters and men
- no one's here to sleep by naughty boy/bastille
- rich kids by new medicine
hOh yeet his finalized body is def an f1 coydog, and his coat is definitely this w/light blue eyes & the little random sprouts of green and yellow plumage, he's a Small boy but got some POOF like his brother. im guessing surefour is smth like this?? try 2 find an actual ref for how the feathers go but a simple description is that small down-like feathers (x x) grow in thickly where scars would be, so they're randomly across his body - i dont rly care where they go tbh, but i do know there'd be a lot of little plumage sprouts on this throat especially from his roughhousing hobby. and obvs green/yellow like a parakeet for the valiant colours. his undercoat would definitely be lighter than it is in the picture to reflect brady's bleached hair but the rest of it is Pretty Spot On

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 04-28-2018

so show me where my armour ends,
— show me where my skin begins.

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 05-04-2018

HOH storing these character notes again until i can get home

Quote:- wakescott?? or maybe nathanael - merge them into one char? steal nathanael's name?
- basically nathan from life is strange meets james from silent hill 2, a genuine Problem Child
- purebred smooth collie with blue eyes- ~2013 jonah is the perfect ref. covered in scars, esp on his throat and underbelly, nicks in his ears, filed down canine teeth
- bred to pedigreed parents from a show line, lesser herding drive although particularly strong with cattle animals
- sold to a loving family after being weaned from his mother and separated from the rest of his litter of five, raised by a comfortable family of two parents and two children for approximately three weeks before stolen from their front yard and used as a bait dog in an underground fighting ring- thus the filed teeth and large accumulation of scars
- fought to survive, has killed two inexperienced dogs : put in the ring as a competitor a handful of times, hopped up on steroids. after his loses he was retired to be a bait dog once more, sedated so he was inhibited against his foes
- very hostile toward other dogs ; extremely aggressive toward beefier "fighting" breeds that rival his size like the staffordshire terrier, boxer, cane corso, etc
- still just a boy at 1 year old, still growing; very thin, lanky, neither feminine nor masculine; well muscled although it doesn't particularly show- enough but to flip others off of him but not enough to pin other dogs down
- aggressive, generally untrusting, extreme dog aggression & has a severe distrust of humans, addicted to street drugs without knowing what they are, easy to "trust" but also difficult to truly befriend, finds eye contact very challenging, finds sudden movements or loud noises frightening, always goes for the kill in fights, usually experiencing withdrawals as he cannot find a consistent hookup for his drugs - suffers from psychosis, anxiety, bipolar disorder, insomnia, and paranoia which all come from his past as a bait dog. eventual redemption arc through each?
- expand on what his personality would be if he had been raised "normally" as a pet dog