Beasts of Beyond
REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Printable Version

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Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-30-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Ivan didn’t necessarily do a lot of thinking. His thinking capacity had been improving with time.... he had some idea of strategy. The dog rushed in, and dived into a mud puddle, coating himself in it and rolling around. He didn’t even know about Morgan’s traps, but got up and started running as soon as he felt coated. The mud mixed with Ivan’s swamp-stained scent and made him look darker. Wouldn’t be a huge help though- the moonlight would get in the way.

He moved roughly, sniffing the earth as he looked for traces of cloth, or Beck’s scent. Soon as he had a trace, he started following it.
© madi

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Morgan - 07-01-2018

Morgan's head snapped toward the true Iota as he realized his trap failed. "Clever," he mumbled under his breath. Of all the preparations he had made, he had somehow neglected to bother paying attention to the participants' auras, and how Iota seemed to lack one. However, he was not to make that mistake again. In acknowledgement of her idea, the samoyed ceased his assault on Iota, simply hurling one last snowball in her direction before turning away. He would return to her later.

First sensing Whisper's presence, the dog threw another two flurries of snowballs to try slowing down the pup. He prepared a stretch of black ice along her general path, the slippery surface forming out of the mud on the ground. He noticed Zimavich next, his mud hardly helping camouflage him from Morgan due to his still-visible aura. Simple snowballs and his smaller traps would likely be less effective against an animal as big as him; the cream canine had to get more creative. He began by pulling the water in the bear dog's mud, forming tentacles of liquid to wrap around his back legs and attempt to trip him. To cover himself further, Morgan took a sharp breath, launching a large pillar of ice out of the ground from beneath the larger dog to try knocking the wind out him or pushing him off balance.

Vigenere's attack was completely unprecedented, the samoyed not expecting him to retaliate so soon. He smirked and barked out, "Good, Vigenere!" as he fell out of the tree onto the muddy floor. Teamwork was not at all outlawed; it was just Tanglewood's dangerous nature that led many to think only for themselves. Morgan smiled under his mask and got back up, shaking the mud off of himself. He pulled water out of the mud and formed a wave to propel himself over to another tree for a new vantage point. From there, he threw more snowballs at Vigenere, following them up with speedy jets of shockingly cold water. He needed to make sure that the Firebrand was absolutely ready to go with him on their journey, and the Vigil was the perfect opportunity to test him.

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Luciferr - 07-01-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

some might think he wasn't even among them, but he'd been here the entire time - surprisingly hidden and unseen for one such of his size - but he'd been there, he'd watched his sister and his friends-family get ready for their turn amid the gauntlet.

Fenrisulfr's mask looked a horrifying thing - ancient and large, a jet black skull polished over until it seemed to gleam with an unearthly light, seemingly without eye holes or any decorative eyes - just a crown of vicious horns styled and twisting ashen-gold like livid fire from the skull's top leaving two cut areas for the long ginger ears and his own horns to encircle down around and set below with vicious teeth like metallic daggers outlining around his jaw, golden accents seen encircling - and emblazoned centre of the mask a sigil of an half lit eclipse with a single slash run through the very centre etched in gold - the ensemble complemented and worked with the draconic looking beast and perhaps Fenrisulfr felt mildly nostalgic for the rest of his once armour and the true helm he'd worn that this mask resembled somewhat.

He looked more like what he was in truth - one of four, the second seal, the red harbinger of ruin.


He'd watched their progress, something like pride in his chest at their determination despite Morgan's tricks - and pride too for his fellow regent's challenge - before he'd make his own move.

He'd subtly aim to infiltrate their minds with a light whisper touch - Morgan was already doing the heavy lifting - and from where he stalked the shadows - his father's domain shielded his children just as well as the Lord of dark -  he'd aim to conjure slight tricks of sight,

Was that a glimpse of Fenrisulfr over there? Was that a spot of fire igniting just too close for comfort? Was Morgan striking here instead of there?

He resisted the urge to go to hard or go easy - it was best to prepare them for all they might encounter and the Vigil was about attaining your mask and to do so each had their trials.

He would start with this first, he was a fair teacher but he wasn't soft - and going straight for reigning hellfire would be a bit overkill.

Not to mention likely set their home alight.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-01-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
The dog felt mud grab his legs, and turned around, barking and biting down on his own trap. His mouth filled with mud, and he started hacking as the mud dissipated. A pillar rose up and the dog was knocked to the side. Zimavich's eyes landed on the column, noticing the ice.

Morgan is attacking us.... He growled and snarled at the realization, rushing ahead and looking for his prize. He had to focus. There was a corner of Fen out of his eye, and he moved away, ducking behind a tomb. He cursed, growling rougher and sniffing again.
There was one close by. He ran at it, sniffing again and biting down on a piece of cloth.
No time. He wanted out of here. He wanted his prize.
He ran for the exit.
© madi

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - ARGUS - 07-02-2018

Lost to this monster

While Whisper's other half would distain with Ice and Mud, Whisper was more aligned with the colder elements than she ever would be the hotter aspects. The irony of the statement did not fall from her own complicated mind, but logically it was sound enough. Never seeing Ice she would grow an appreciation to whenever she saw it- water, ice anything so long as it was full of life was interested. Anything to disturb an illusion of baking sands and soul deep hunger that the pup knew for far too long. That however did not mean she was used to the frigid air- although her body was built to deal with most climates that did not mean she had any experience in battling it.

Cold winds was her only warning of the two snowballs. White amusing the shade of night hit their mark's clean on if they were aimed for the floor. Whisper's only saving grace there being her rather small form- they served as a good distraction to the iced over ground- dragon-like claws skidding on the ice for a few seconds before she sunk them deeper within. Making little sound against the rest of her clumsy clan mates as they all fumbled in the darkness. But enough to alert other's where she was. Where Whisper was trained in learning to be sneaky- it was a glaring flaw in her own strategy. Her fur made it easier to hide- and her secondary set of eyes open wider than usual to widen her referrals for commingling attacks.

She was unaware where any of the colored cloths were that they were meant to be finding, only knowing that her eye site was made better in the night than it ever was the day. Ivan's form flickered into sight of her preferential for a moment longer- and she debated sabotaging the elder clanmate for his prize but later decided against it- split second decision as Fenris appeared from where Ivan was before. A low uttered curse as the pup let herself slip into one of the darker parts of a tomb. Sneaking around the false Fenris' sight as she kept a watchful gaze alone the ground corners for a cloth.

No such luck yet.

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-02-2018