Beasts of Beyond
i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - Printable Version

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Re: i always fuck my life up / o, caught in trap + extreme injuries - axiom - 07-06-2018

Swaying wildly on the trap like a living pinata from the hyena's bites, the leopard cub could barely think through the thick brain fog her pain created. She felt the teeth dislodge from her head, as noises of scuffling and pained yips came from below her. Through the muddle of pain and overload of sound, she picked out the voices of her clanmates - though their words seemed echoed and slimy to her disoriented senses. She gasped, even as the very movement of breathing seemed to jar her dislocated shoulder even more. "Mamma! Nayru!" she wailed to them, thinking she heard their voices among the chaos.

She tried desperately to blink the darkness away, but the wet sludge covering her face seemed too thick and sticky for that. The only thing she could smell was her own blood, caked and half-dried on her nose and splattered in her mouth. Every scent from the outside got lost as soon as it hit her nostrils; she couldn't even pick out the distinct scents of her family members.

She let out a startled yip as she dropped through the air, onto presumably someone - cushioning her fall, but the jostle still aggravated her severe wounds. Her shoulder stung, her entire arm limp and half-numbed no matter how much she tried to move it. And another leg practically radiated pain; the same leg she thought she heard the awful tear from, and she tried to believe that it was still there, intact, just screaming in agony from some awful gash or another.

But, no matter how much she blinked, she couldn't get the gooey tar out of her eyes. She knew it just had to be that nasty hyena's saliva; perhaps it was too thick? "Why can't I see?!" she cried out, panicking bubbling above the brain fog. Even if something got stuck in her eyes, she knew she should still see blurry messes of color at the least. With the back of her left forepaw, she desperately wiped at her eyes - smearing blood and the remnants of her gooey eyes across her muzzle and face. Feeling nauseated by the texture of the goop, she realized that it definitely wasn't the hyena's saliva.

She felt her heart sink in her chest. Her entire right side was either in agony or numb, and she couldn't even feel where her eyes were anymore. How many pieces did she get torn into?

[ wounds list: rear right leg gone with two inches of femur left, dislocated front right shoulder, deep gashes on face, punctured eyes (unsalvageable)
don worry she's gonna shapeshift into a black kitten in next post i'm not that cruel ]