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HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - Printable Version

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Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-25-2018

He pouted at being called a dork, lower lip jutting out comically. He slips a paw up and lays it over his heart, feigning offense. "Me? A dork? Nah," he says, trying to play it off, but really Roxanne was right. He would play it off like he was a cool guy until the day he died, though. He watches her curiously as she slips her crocodile up onto her back, unsure what she was about to do. Sic her pet on him? Hopefully not. For a moment he thinks she's leaving him out, stranded and alone, then she offers to let him in and he jumps at the chance. It was a lot better than staying all cramped inside the tree.

Following her out, he struggles to get out for a second, grunting as he finally frees himself. Then he eagerly follows her, only complaining about the rain slightly. But then he stops when he notices the shape in the distance, a house standing in the middle of the island. He's a bit surprised, since he had thought that everyone stayed on the ship. It was probably really nice to have her own place, nevertheless. If he said that he wasn't jealous, he would be lying.

Greed stepped inside, glancing around and taking it all in. His fur dripped onto the floor and created a small puddle. Then he's startled by the sudden towel hitting his face. He scoops it up, thanking her with a grin before starting to dry himself off, wrapping it around his shoulders when he was done. Now that he was able to get a look around, it was a pretty nice place, small but it still had a cozy atmosphere.

He quickly nods at the question, joining her on the bed with an expectant glance towards the tub of ice cream. It had been a long time since he had eaten such treats, and he was excited to finally be eating some. As soon as the lid was off, he took up a big scoop, shoving it into his mouth and wincing at the cold overwhelming his mouth. He manages to get it down, though, an amused look on his face as he watches the television. A chuckle escapes his maw at her comment. "Oh wow, you're right! Hah!" he agrees before shoveling more of the ice cream into his mouth. It didn't take long for him to become invested in the movie, as he had never really seen such a thing. Back where he had come from, technology wasn't that far along, so this was pretty new to him.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-26-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]
[b]"The biggest dork, I've ever met."

Now that they were in her home without having to be crammed into a log, Roxanne would shovel ice cream into her mouth quite entertained by the movie. She couldn't help but feel a giggle escape her as Greed agreed that Jacob did indeed remind them of Chicken Little, she had the plastic spoon in her mouth for a while just continuing to watch the movie smiling at bits that were the most funniest occasionally making soft comments of her own and giggling at them. She hadn't had this much fun before and well, she was a bit surprised of making some kind of friend in the matters of moments. She could see Greed as her friend though he didn't know if he felt the same way about her though those thoughts didn't seem to bother her at all. She didn't even realize that she had been starting to get drowsy with her head slightly bobbing up and down as she tried to keep awake. She shoveled some more ice cream into her mouth trying not to show that she was tired though what made her snort in amusement was when the chicken got his very own movie near the end, she would let out a soft yawn.

She rubbed her eye with a paw still trying to stay up but that didn't seem to work at all, the spoon still clamped her jaws before her eyes finally drooped from exhaustion. It had been quite the night and well, she certainly had enjoyed it to say the least. She held the plastic spoon in her paw for a moment before it fall out of her grip and she would lean against Greed with both of her mismatched eyes closed, her breathing slowing down starting to fall asleep. A tiny tired smile would appear on her maw as she unconsciously snuggled against the large panther, she let out a soft sigh using her fluffy tail to cover her face and basically blanket herself with it. Living out by her own with her own house from the pirate ship was always nice and well, anyone else could have one of their own if they wanted to. Well, either way, Pinch dropped by every now and then so if she didn't want Greed getting killed by her brother then she'd have to keep quiet about this.


She opened her eyes slowly flinching as the sunlight peeked from her curtains, the winged Siamese would let out a yawn blinking a few to try and adjust to the light. She stretched out slowly digging her claws into her bed kneading the sheets for a moment her bum lifting up as she continued to stretch out her hind legs. She hadn't known that the storm had not stopped during the night she had passed out so she would find someone next to her which startled. She was about ready to swat away the other before realizing there was an empty tub of ice cream and the television was still turned on, she proceeded to turn it off swallowing nervously as she stared at Greed with her face flushing a bit. She wondered how long he probably stayed up and how much ice cream he had consumed though her curiosity locked onto those glasses he wore, she would attempt to remove them off of his face without waking him off and well, if she managed to pull that off she'd put on the shades. Oh! These were very nice.

kldkfvkf hope this is fine!

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-26-2018

//its fine!!

He was usually susceptible to being lulled to sleep by storms, especially those that were like the one raging outside. The pitter-patter of rain against the deck--or roof in this case--was easy to fall asleep to. But his interest was currently elsewhere, eyes trained on the television. It probably wasn't much to others, especially since it was a bit of a silly movie, but he still found himself invested. His spoon hanging out of his mouth, he almost didn't notice it when a sudden weight pressed up against him, turning to look down at Roxanne as she slipped off. She was pretty cute when she was sleeping, actually.

A smile tugs at the corners of his lips. As he continues to watch, he's careful not to wake her, wanting to see what else would come on. But eventually he began to grow bored, a bored frown on his face. At that point he had eaten a little bit more than half of the ice cream, and his stomach was almost painfully full. A nap would probably be good, since there wasn't much else to do. Adjusting them so it would be comfortable, it takes him a moment to slip into sleep, but eventually he lets his guard down.


When Greed awakes, he quickly realizes something is off. He blinks the sleep from his eyes and glances around, noting the sun streaming in through the window. How long had he been asleep? Then he realizes what's missing. His glasses, had they fallen off in his sleep? But he quickly finds out as he looks over at his friend, an amused grin forming on his face.

"Not bad. You're the only one besides me who can pull'em off," he says with confidence in his voice, slowly getting up and stretching out his legs. He curls his toes and yawns, then takes a seat, laying his tail over his paws.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-26-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]She had pulled a feather boa wrapping it around her neck with a cocky smile on her maw not even realizing that Greed had woke up as she strutted to the edge of the bed before flipping the feathered boa like it was hair. She let out a startled squeak hearing Greed speak up as she turned to look at the other hearing what he said [b]"Why thank you, sugarplum." She purred before adding playfully as she lowered the glasses a bit so her eyes were slightly visible "Maybe I'll keep em." There was a pause as she added with a soft chirp "Maybe then I wouldn't have such a difficult time trying to get lost in your eyes." She said with her own confidence though she slipped off the feathered boa and stretched out her wings for a moment before flapping into the air to put the glasses on Greed only to let her land onto the bed with her paws. She blinked at the almost empty tub of ice cream though she would return the goop that was once frozen deliciousness into the mini-fridge she had until her attention would turn towards Kal who was already chirping that he was hungry. She would hum quietly picking around the fridge until she grabbed a jar of grasshoppers but she had made sure they weren't anywhere near her own snacks or provisions.

"Look at you! Already awake! You silly thing," She cooed to the baby crocodile before tossing two grasshoppers onto the ground, the poor insects in a sleepy daze for being in a fridge for too long and just as the heat returned in their tiny bodies they were already being devoured by a tiny crocodile. She stretched out a bit more only to slowly open the door flinching at the powerful sunlight that seemed to glare at her "Well, that was certainly better than possibly sleeping in a log. Wasn't it?" She mused stepping outside into the sunlight, she shook herself out and would sit down spreading her wings out a bit so the suns rays would warm them up. She could hear the far cries of seagulls smiling quite happily that they didn't dare get near her flying range, she would flap her wings a bit though she didn't fly off just yet, "That's the most fun I've ever had." She finally said closing her mismatched gaze and slipping on her eyepatch. She would blink a few times to get adjusted to her other eye being covered and took a deep breath only to ask "You wanna go to the tavern or wanna just go eat fish and crabs?" Crabs were fun to gnaw on every now and then.

Kalayavan would scuttle out of his bed before realizing someone large was on Roxanne's bed, his mouth was gaping as he stared at Greed. Did he? No. How dare he. The baby crocodile made a mad dash for the bed starting to jump the best to his capabilities and snap his jaws repeatedly trying to dig his tiny claws into the bed. He would hiss every time he seemed to miss, he was fuming.

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-26-2018

He chuckles when he startles her, amused at the sight of her wearing a feather boa. He isn't too peeved by the threat to keep the shades, since he could easily wrestle them away from her, though he wouldn't want to hurt her on accident, either. He doesn't have to dwell on it long, as she soon places them back on his nose, fluttering in the air in front of him. If he wasn't aware of just how much of a size difference there was between them before, he was now. But it wasn't anything unusual to him because he had been on the tall side before he became an animal.

Greed scowls for a moment as he looks over towards Kal. He didn't dislike the creature, per se, he just didn't like how it was always going after him. He wasn't sure at all why it seemed to hold such a disdain for him. Either way, he's thankful for the momentary distraction from him, taking the moment to fully stretch himself out, shaking off the sleep from his body. "Well, I'm glad you had a good time, lovely," there was definitely gonna be questions if anyone found out that he had spent the night there. Hopefully that wouldn't happen.

Attention now on the scratching at the edge of the bed, he peers over the side, only to be met with the fangs of an angry baby crocodile. Great. Quickly following Roxanne outside, he didn't have much time to enjoy the sun with Kal possibly on his heels, quickly hurrying past her and shouting back as she asked what he wanted to do now. "Meet you at the tavern, slow-poke!" now that she knew where he was going, he focused on making it there first, licking his lips as he could already taste the alcohol that was waiting.


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-27-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]She tussled with Pincher a lot so she doubted that Greed would hurt her much despite the big height difference between the two of them. But then she enjoyed a good wrestle session and wouldn't have mind to "fight" over Greed's glasses, the winged Siamese cat blinked her mismatched gaze taking note of how much bigger and taller Greed was. She could see why especially since they were two different types of animals, the feline let out a soft huff not making a such a big fuss out of it. Rox had been the runt of the litter so she had been the smallest of all of her siblings, nearly starving to death and being deprived of her mother's milk at a young age made it a bit difficult for her to even grow. She would always be quite tiny until she switched forms, of course, though she doubted she would. She liked being tiny yet menacing.

When Greed ran past her, she found a smal frown on her maw as she mewed with the frown disappearing and being replaced with a small smirk [b]"Hey!" She immediately spread her wings in a swift movement, she flew into the air glancing down at Greed only to realize that Kal was right behind the black panther. She would glide down a bit only to scoop up the small crocodile in her arms hearing Kalayavan hiss in protest. He had been so close! Rox flapped her wings thinking about the other night letting out a soft sigh, it was probably best if neither of them spoke about that night. Especially with what people might think since they probably knew Greed a lot better than what she knew about Greed but it was better if she met him for herself. She clumsily landed onto the ground with Kal perched on her head "Whose the slowpoke now?" She giggled.

She finally got to the entrance of the tavern, thanks to her short yet fast legs, she hopped into the tavern but only after waving her fluffy tail teasingly at Greed. She perked her ears forward twitching her whiskers a bit already seeing a few NPCs already enjoying their drinks. She would briefly flap her wings so she got onto one of the tall seats, a smile was laced onto her pretty face as she fluttered her eyes at the bartender asking for two drinks. She would take her little glass of a drink into her warm chocolate paws flicking her tail to the sides, she would hum a quiet tune. Once Greed had entered the tavern, she would pipe out in a playful manner "Took ya long enough, hon." She said with amusement lacing her somewhat singsong voice, the Capricorn Tavern wasn't the prettiest on the inside but she loved every bit of it even the rooms that they had up there with the beds and a view of the ocean. It was a romantic dream of hers, she enjoyed the simple cheesy things in life.

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-28-2018

He's pleased with his speed, obliviously thinking he's in first for a split moment until he notices the shadow that's cast over him. Glancing up, he clenches his jaw at the sight of Roxanne gliding over him, though he quickly flashes a grin. He was a sore loser, but he wasn't about to let it show. He could accept when he was beaten, even if he didn't like it. As a last ditch attempt, he quickens his pace as much as he can muster, but fails at catching up with her. Even so, he doesn't want to keep her waiting.

The panther eventually reaches the tavern after her, chest heaving with heavy breaths. "Hey, can't keep the lady waiting, can I?" As she enters, he follows, though he'd be lying if he said he didn't take a peek at her figure while she wasn't looking. He wasn't exactly a prince charming. The room was already overrun with the voices of other crew-mates, laughing over drinks and food. He always enjoyed the atmosphere, especially when it was slightly rowdy. He joins her at the bar and quirks an invisible brow at the smaller feline's eye fluttering, but he isn't too concerned, as he's sure he's gotten her wrapped around his paw. Hopefully. As the drinks are delivered, he quickly takes one and downs it in a few gulps, then requests another.

He glances around behind his shades, observing the crowd. His eyes catch a few other females and a faint smirk tugs at the edges of his lips. At least he'd have other targets after this one. It'd be a shame if he came to a stand-still. His attention's returned when another glass is set down on the bar surface, quickly grabbed up in his paw and drowned down. "Let's have a drinking contest, eh? The first one to get shit-faced loses,"


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-28-2018

✧*:・゚ Once the black panther had finally entered the tavern and said something about not keeping her waiting, she couldn't help but snort a bit with a light roll of her eyes. She began to take a drink from her own alcoholic beverage not minding the taste at all though her ears would briefly flick catching Greed looking at some other chicks but she didn't take it all that seriously as she finished her first drink letting out a soft breath after she finished her drink. Her ears twitched as she heard Greed talking about a little competition between the both of them and well, Roxanne would be lying if she said she didn't like a little bit of competition though what he suggested made her nervous. Haha, that's funny. A drinking contest. Well, Rox had asked the bartender for a light alcoholic drink and hearing Greed saying this she assumed that the drinks they would be having wouldn't be light at all. Her anxiety spiked a little bit but her spunky attitude had seemed to take the wheel before she would've said anything or suggest something else to her fellow crewmate. It almost felt like there was two people in her mind and well, sometimes it was hard to comprehend Roxanne because of it. Pincher knew Rox for both sides, she was sure, but Greed didn't and Roxie wanted to keep it that way. Greed wasn't family so she didn't want to reveal these vulnerabilities of her to him yet he was a friend. Surely, he would have understood that she didn't want to drink 'til she was drunk, right?


She would snort quietly as the bartender slid another drink in her direction making sure that it a bit stronger than the first, she'd smile at the bartender with her only visible eye flashing a bit of nervousness though it vanished replaced by mischief "Mmm, sounds good. Anything the winner gets or is it just when someone gets shit-faced?" She would down her second drink until she heard her own glass touch the counter and the bartender slid another drink in the direction of Roxanne although more hesitantly this time. She still got this nervous feeling in her gut yet she decided to ignore it thinking it wasn't anything, she snapped out of her thoughts when Kalayavan decided to remind them of his presence by hissing loudly at Greed. Hmm. Rox would use a paw to briefly brush it against Kal's head hearing him let out a brief chirp though his eyes were locked onto Greed, he didn't like this guy nor did he feel would he ever and the drinks smelt bad. Why was Roxanne drinking it? Kalayavan wanted to leap onto the counter and kick away the drinks yet he was too scared to jump. Scaled pussy. What Roxanne hadn't realized is that she probably wouldn't be the winner of this contest at all.

She downed her third drink starting to feel some kind of buzz though she said quite smoothly "Ready?" A grin etched on her face, the winged chocolate point would let out a soft breath looking down at her drink for a moment barely making out her reflection. So this is what it came down to? In a sense, it was depressing due to it feeling slightly like peer pressure though if she thought about it, Greed, she considered him her friend. Surely nothing bad would come out of this, she could feel her heart fluttering inside of her chest not uttering another word but rather downing her fourth drink and her tongue swiping across her lips.

Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - guts - 06-30-2018

Even though it didn't seem like it, he really wouldn't have minded if she declined. He would have been a bit disappointed, sure, but he wouldn't have pushed her. He knew that some people weren't heavy weights like him, or just didn't like drinking as much. But Roxanne ended up agreeing and he grinned, determined to win. He pauses to think, then shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, whatever the winner wants," he's already decided what he would want when he won. As per usual, his plans weren't anything good.

As he's passed another drink, he extends the glass to clink with her's before throwing it back, waiting for her to follow suite before ordering another. And then another. And then another until he eventually lost count, too focused on staying as sober as he could. Or at least appear as if he as. After downing yet another drink, he ran his tongue over his lips, his mouth growing sticky. He glances over at Roxanne, wanting to see if she was cracking yet.

short post srrY


Re: HOME SWEET HOME -- p, roxanne - ROXANNE R. - 06-30-2018

✧*:・゚ "Whatever the winner wants."

That alone was enough to make her shiver slightly yet as their glasses clinked and the two of them began to down most drinks, Roxanne could feel the buzz starting to grow slowly with each drink yet she was sober enough and she'd make sharp remarks at Greed every now and then to poke a bit of fun. She was a giggling mess after a few more drinks, she had began to think everything was funnier as the buzz grew heavier and she'd wink at the panther saying a few flirty things to him. Of course, it was exchanged between thr both of them and she was having the time of her life even if her stomach twisted slightly with that horrible feeling she couldn't seem to recognize, she had unfortunately ignored it. When Greed had decided to look at her, she would find that sickly sweet smile appearing on her maw. She hasn't smiled at anyone like that since her last partner, her eyes glazed over with several emotions. She was drunk, yes, but she knew these feelings she held towards Greed and she knew them too well. Her heart racing in her chest as she stared down briefly at the drink only to finally murmur quietly to Greed starting to lean in until her fur touched his.

"Well, I guess we know whose the winner. What do you want from little ol' me, Champ?""

All she could remember was drunken whispers and laughing, the both of them heading upstairs leaving Kal with the bartender. The two of them staring out of the window before the panther whispered in her ear what he wanted. She could feel her heart beating loudly and was certain that it was stuck in her throat yet she simply smiled lovingly agreeing to the deed. . . Everything else was a blur.
