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baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - Printable Version

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Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - arcy - 05-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:800px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]what is UP ive come up w a new group idea and im uHHH here to Fret tm
if i were a more confident person id be pestering staff abt lore info and integrating groups(i know it goes from unofficial loner lands -> official boarded but other than that fuck if kno)
hh anyways i put a lot of effort into this so lmao
moonlight vale:
moonlight vale more important:

Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - arcy - 05-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:550px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]oneshot from Extra Early izuku lol. warning for uhHH lots of blood? i describe it a lot but im not terribly good at gore or fights

There's blood dribbling down Izuku's chin. His mouth tastes like copper and he can't breathe. Every attempt to suck in a breath just fills his lungs with blood and jostles the knife stabbed deep into his guts. Izuku's losing feeling. His hands, sticky with red blood as they clutch at his stomach, ache with pins and needles, though it's vastly overshadowed by the fading pain from his wounds. The ground below him -- there's just blood. Blood, and blood, and blood. Izuku's eyes are welling with tears, and he hiccups with a sob, or at least the best he can manage. He doesn't -- he doesn't want to die. He might have gotten into this situation, but he'd though that he, or luck, would get him out safely. But, looking into the smug face of his killer, Izuku knows it's too late. The world is fading, and Izuku isn't sure if his hands are still even on his stomach. Where was he? Where were his friends? All Might? He doesn't want to be alone.
His world jostles, and it's another few moments before Izuku realizes he's laying on his side, on the ground. His eyes can't focus, but he can see the concrete sprawling out before him. His cheek is warm and sticky -- belatedly, he realizes that's blood, too. What wasn't blood? Izuku couldn't be sure, as he slowly looks up. He thinks he sees somebody's face, meets their eyes, but he's just not sure. Where ...?
"Izuku --!"
And then Izuku's world is just -- gone.
Izuku wakes up.
He feels wrong. Very, very wrong. There's something pulling at his skin, there's something on his skin in all the wrong ways. He feels sensations where he shouldn't be feeling them, and it's all wrong. There's adrenaline coursing through his veins, however, and then, in another moment, Izuku is on his paws, unsteady and claws unsheathed as he prepares himself to fight -- but there's nothing. Not another living, breathing being anywhere in his radius. And Izuku -- why's he ... standing like this? What's wrong? Why does he smell so much blood? Even more than when he'd passed out? Why...?
Izuku is shaking as he looks down. He doesn't understand. Looking at where his feet should be firm on the ground, Izuku simply sees two paws. Two, blood-soaked paws, with claws and green fur, beneath the crimson. Izuku doesn't understand. Where is he? Why does he have paws? Why isn't he dead? Why Why Why? His breathing is labored as he twists his body, trying to look behind him. However, without any concept of balance, the Maine Coon topples to the ground with a whimper, feeling and hearing the wet ground squelch beneath his weight. Taking a moment to get over the shock, Izuku looks over his shoulder, and all he sees is red. He has thick, green fur, but it's all red. It's stuck down and sticky with the crimson and it's all he can smell. The ground is stained red, too, and he wants to cry. He's nauseous, he wants to throw up, knowing that it's blood making the ground so wet. Was it his blood? It had to be, there wasn't anything nearby to have caused it. But he doesn't feel any pain. He's not even sure there could be this much blood contained in a body this tiny, there wouldn't be any left over. He doesn't ... he doesn't get it. Izuku wants to go home. He wants to see his friends, and he wants his mom, and -- Izuku's breath hitches as he sobs, tears gathering in his eyes and then rolling down his face in the next moment. He doesn't get it. He doesn't know why he's a cat or why he's alone or how he got here. He just wants to go home, he doesn't want to deal with villains or cats or blood. He doesn't get it. He doesn't get it. Unconsciously, Izuku's body slowly curls in on itself, all matted, bloody fur and fear. He's dead. He has to be. There was so much blood, and he couldn't breathe, and the knife --. Izuku's body is shaking with the force of his sobs, tiny, needle-sharp claws scrabbling against the ground. He wants to go home. He'd rather gave up his quirk, rather give up One for All, than sit in this pool of blood in a tiny, green-furred body any longer.
It's a long time before Izuku calms down, whimpering and wailing and begging. He doesn't want to be here. He doesn't want to be dead. He wants his friends, he wants his mom, he wants All Might. Anyone, just so long as he's not alone. Even now, when Izuku looks at the forest before him, his face is twisted as fat droplets of tears simply don't stop. But he can't stay here. He can't. He needs to figure out where he is, and how he gets home. He can't cry forever, after all. (though he's sure his friends would claim he could. Izuku had always been a crybaby.) How had he stood up, earlier? Instinct alone had moved him to his paws then, surely Izuku could replicate that? His paws are shaking as he presses them to the crimson ground. The blood has long since dried, but Izuku can't help the pained noise that strangles its way from his throat. Blood. Blood. He's so tired of blood. Izuku looks away as he shuffles his hind paws underneath himself, and then carefully pushes himself up, the same way as he had earlier. Izuku stumbles heavily, and he squeaks as he falls back to the ground with a gentle thud, and his fur crackles. His next attempt is more successful, and the Maine Coon wobbles on his paws. He doesn't fall, however, and he simply stands there for a long few moments as he attempts to steady himself. His paws are still shaking when he's finally confident enough to take his first step. It's a gradual thing, but, slowly, Izuku manages to walk across to the next few trees. And then, as he gains confidence, he picks up pace. He needs to find water, or a stream, maybe. Izuku can't just -- he can't just leave the blood dried on his fur. He hates how it feels, hates knowing that it's blood and he's not sure who's it is. (is it even his? he doesn't feel any symptoms of blood loss, even excusing the amount --) So, step after step, the tiny feline marches onwards. By this point, only the occasional tear slips down his face, the green feline too invested in his new task to think too hard by this point.
For a long time, Izuku sees nothing but trees. They're tall, towering over the tiny being's figure. He's sure they'd have been tall even when he was human. (he sobs again, when he thinks of it.) It doesn't -- doesn't feel safe. His skin crawls with the sensation of being watched, and Izuku ducks his head. He wants to disappear. Had the blood attracted predators? Something else? Izuku isn't sure, but he wants to leave. Izuku attempts to pick up his pace, though he stumbles often enough that he's not sure it helped. Either way, it's a long time before Izuku hears the trickle of water, and his paws sting with every step and his pelt his itchy and his face -- hurts, with how many times he's fallen. Even so, the little feline beams(it's a very, very odd sensation) as he, after some power-walking, catches sight of the rushing river. There it was. Izuku feels sticky and disgusting, so with little regard for anything but how deep the water was, he clambers in. And then realizes this wasn't the greatest idea. The water flow, while not terribly strong, is too strong for Izuku, who was very small and, perhaps, had no clue how to balance himself on land, much less in the water. The water flow hits the little feline dead on, and a distressed noise is what escapes from him as Izuku is, predictably, knocked off his paws, and he falls face-first into the water. He sputters and flails, and suddenly he can't breathe theres liquid in his lungs is it blood oh god oh god -- but with the right push of his paws, Izuku resurfaces, claws latched onto a rock. His throat burns, and the tiny feline wheezes as he chokes up the water. He nearly vomits, and the green feline is left shaking and feeling strange as he stands in the water.
He gets over his near drowning experience quickly, at least -- he'd only been a little misplaced, and it was only for a second. Izuku has to lean against a nearby sticking out from the water to feel any bit secure though, and so wearily looks down at his fur, nearly fully submerged in the water still. He was a very small thing, after all. He's shocked there was anything shallow enough for him at all -- this was a terribly idea, honestly. Or maybe this was just ... a particularly strong stream. Izuku wouldn't know. In any case -- his fur, his fur. The reminder of his current perdicament makes Izuku waver, a few tears building in his eyes before, hurriedly, Izuku brushes them away with his paw. And nearly falls back into the water due to it. Either way -- he can't cry now. He can't. He may have fur, but it's still stained with blood. Sure, the worst of it came off, and if that wasn't a relief, Izuku wasn't sure what would be. Still, his fur has a red tinge to it that just makes him nervous. He'd been practically drowning in blood earlier, he needs it all off. So, shaking, Izuku makes to scrub away at his pelt in some way -- it's very hard, without hands. His balance is still very bad, after all, and for another moment he's submerged in the water when he's anything but perfect. After a while, though, he finds it acceptable -- anywhere he can reach is cleaned, and anywhere that isn't, he can just ... ignore. So, slowly, warily, the tiny feline wobbles his way out of the river, soaked to the bone and shaking and freezing. His fur hangs from his body, and it feels heavy. Izuku knew he'd had a lot of fur under all of the blood, had realized it while washing it, too, but he hadn't realized he had this much. It was -- it was kind of funny, in a weird, weird way. A hysterical way, maybe. Izuku still hasn't fully accepted that this happened, that -- that he's a cat, right now. It scares him. He remembers bleeding out and dying, so why was he here? What quirk turned him into this? Why was he all alone in a forest? ... Izuku really hopes his classmates are okay. He hopes he was the only one hurt badly, or killed. He wonders what'll happen if he doesn't manage to get home? Will he be forgotten, in a few weeks? It's what Izuku always expected would happen, after all. He'd always just been ... the weird quirkless kid nobody would care about if he just -- died, or disappeared. He wonders how his friends are. But he can't ... think anymore about this, right now. Not when Izuku is so vulnerable and all he can feel are the eyes on his back -- they hadn't stopped, not even when he was watching the blood away. It's ... scary. Who was watching him? Why? Why'd they stick around this long without doing anything? Izuku isn't sure he can defend himself in this state -- does he even have his quirk, right now? This isn't something Izuku is quite ready to test out.
So, slowly, the feline wobbles away from where he stands. The water continues to drip from his fur as he does so, and the ground where he'd stood for maybe a minute was -- drenched. Very muddy. Izuku decides to diverge from the river, after a minute -- it felt too open. His skin is crawling with the weight of the stranger's gaze, wherever it may be, and he just wants to -- hide. Really wants to hide and wait it out. He doesn't ... doesn't know where to go, though, or what to do. He'd gotten some basic survivalist training, of course, but it was all for nothing now that he didn't have hands. He couldn't exactly build a shelter or anything, and -- could he eat berries? Cats were carnivores, would it make things worse? Izuku doesn't know. Though -- he might try the berries thing later, if he gets desperate. I mean -- there were enough abnormalities already. Izuku's fur was green and cats shouldn't be able to cry, but there he'd been. He sighs.
It's another while of walking, when Izuku's fur is no longer dripping but is still definitely wet, that something finally happens. He's wandering through the woods when he hears -- a voice, maybe. It's very weird, very distorted, but in a very clear way? Like -- simultaneously, it's a growl and English. Which definitely isn't a good combo, and it makes Izuku's head spin. He knew a lot from Present Mic's classes, but he wasn't fluent, he didn't think.
"What's a little kid like you doing alone, huh?" The voice says, harsh and almost ... menacing. It's a few moments before the Maine Coon finally deciphers the words, and by then, the speaker has stepped into the open, and Izuku -- his heart stops. The creature is much, much taller than him, bulkier, too. Orange and striped and a menacing sort of delight dancing in its eyes. A tiger. An actual tiger just spoke to him -- in English. Was this -- some sort of elaborate fever dream? And what did she mean little kid? Izuku was a teenager, not a little kid. The little feline is shaking as he meets the larger being's eyes, because he just doesn't get it. How was he supposed to get away from a tiger? Izuku wasn't familiar with this body, and it wouldn't even be on par with an entire tiger if he tried anyways.
"I --" Izuku tries, even the beginnings of the sentence strange and heavy on his tongue. His tail gives a nervous sweep as he fixes the adolescent tiger with a hesitant look. She snorts and sweeps her tail. "I don't wanna hear it, kid. You're in the wrong place," She says simply, and -- oh. Izuku catches sight of her claws, and he's really not sure of his survival chances, anymore. Just a claw was bigger than his entire paw, and she could probably crush him, anyways. No. He doesn't -- he doesn't wanna die again. His quirk? What about his quirk? Izuku, figuratively, reaches tentatively for the sheer power of One for All, just a sliver, but he can't ... reach it. It's there, he just doesn't know how to use it. It's -- like when he'd first received the quirk, but worse. Izuku doesn't have any time to think on it, though, because the next thing he knows there's claws digging deep into his skin and it hurts -- he'd dealt with a lot of injuries, of course, but they were always kind of just -- broken bones and bruises and scrapes, nothing that tore into his skin quite like this. He can't help the little yowl that escapes his maw as he's sent flying. In other words -- just kind of rolling quite a few steps. The pain is sharp and the adrenaline hasn't quite set in yet and it hurts. He can feel the blood welling from the wound within a moment, heavy and flowing and no no no -- He's sick of pain and blood and he wants out. He doesn't even understand. Why was she attacking him? For fun? She hadn't ever given Izuku a chance to speak before she'd done this, and he doesn't get why the tiger can talk or why Izuku can speak and he's just -- scared. Scared out of his damn mind. And that's -- that's really funny. He'd been through a lot, after all, and without even breaking a sweat. That'd all been undeniably worse -- and this was what got him scared? One opponent? Just one? (this was hardly a healthy mindset, in all honestly -- Izuku was overwhelmed and all he knew was blood)
The feline stumbles to his paws, though he nearly gives when he feels the sting of his leg. Oh dear. There's -- that's pretty deep. He swallows down his nausea(blood and knives and nononono --), and, shakily, focuses his full attention on the stranger, despite the pain. It's familiar, anyways. One, two, three -- then she's there, delighted as he claws rake down his cheek(and some of his neck, worryingly enough). Izuku yelps, and he's still so small and he's still shaking and there's blood, but in the next moment, shockingly, his paw lashes out, and -- oh, claws. The larger tiger looks somewhat stunned as she rears back, giving the much smaller Izuku a somewhat indignant look. There's something -- more delighted, malicious, maybe.
"You do have some fight in you!" She crows, delighted. More manic. Who was she? Why -- why, why why. Why did she want him to fight? It's not like Izuku had hurt her, anyways -- just a little scratch across her nose. But it's too late to wonder, because in another moment there's only orange and oh, oh ow -- he yowls, because her teeth are snared around his ear and it hurts as she bites down hard and tears. For a moment, Izuku wonders if his whole ear is gone, and in a moment of hysteria, hops and reaches. There's blood dripping down his leg and face, but that's okay. It's fine. He's fine. There's tears gathering in his eyes because he doesn't get it, he wants it to stop, but it's -- he's just. Here. Bleeding and in a fight he hadn't asked for in the least. His claws snag onto the tiger's skin, and suddenly she straightens up and the world spins but he just -- can't let go. Not only because she'd probably kill him, but he's just -- frozen, claws scrabbling against her neck and face. One paw is caught on her eye, and he's just -- why, why him? "Let go!" She screams, and then Izuku doesn't have a choice in the matter as she furiously shakes her head and dislodges the smaller feline. For a single second, less, probably, there's just -- air, and then with a thud Izuku hits a tree. The blunt force is more familiar, really, and though it aches, he can live with this better than whatever else, even as his ribs feel bruised and even struggling to his paws makes it hurt. They're not broken, though -- probably not even bruised, just painful. In any case, it makes keeping his paws under him very problematic, and if he can't manage it by the time his attacker strides back up to him, that's not fully his own fault. She's angry. He sees it in the bleary, unfocused way he looks at her face -- how was she so expressive? He doesn't understand, seeing the way her face moves in familiar near-human patterns. He can't linger on it long, as his vision goes red with her next strike -- it barely misses his eye, but it's just so jarring and oh, oh dear. He stumbles, off balance when -- oh, another, down his shoulderblades. What was he, her punching bad? Was she angry with how he dared to cling to her? Izuku is getting [i]annoyed[/i] now, just beneath the surface of fear and confusion. There's a strange sensation just under the surface of his skin -- something powerful, something crackling. Was that --? It was. He doesn't hesitate to take it in his paws, however much he could manage without injuring himself, and suddenly everything seems to right itself. It's not perfect -- he's still a cat, of course, but seeing the familiar blue-green crackling of Full Cowl is comforting, even if it's -- subtly different, in a way. Nothing else seems important, anymore, not his wounds or the blood or the strange patterns of the electricity-like ... something. Izuku's claws dig into the ground, and he whirls on his paws, the real adrenaline finally flooding him. It doesn't really feel hopeless, anymore -- after all, if Izuku couldn't naturally beat somebody this large and naturally strong, just by his own, then maybe with aid he could.
So, the Maine Coon's eyes narrow as he wobbles. The tiger in question looks surprised and a little unsure -- not scared, just unsure of what this meant for whatever was happening. He doesn't care anymore. Izuku doesn't care. He'd proven he couldn't match up to her as he was, being thrown off so easily, and he doesn't really want to truly injure her or anything, but -- he needs something. Something for the way his legs were shaking and how tears still burn in his eyes, lips drawn back in a snarl. Something, any at all. So, in another moment, Izuku is no longer on his paws, flying directly at the larger creature's chest. The instant his paws make contact with her chest, something -- changes. She yelps, the fur near his paws singing and smoking and burning. Like static, the rest of her fur stands up and he doesn't get it. His power had never involved electricity, after all, but she was hurting, what --. But then he's crashing fullbody into her chest, claws hooking to the back of her neck and shoulders as he scrabbles against her. And the tiger -- she screams. Her fur continues to sizzle and burn and like touching a hot stove, Izuku lets go. His heart is pounding and his hearing is fading because oh god, what was that --. A gouge of his burns is dug into her sides, where the bulk of his body had clung against her, and he can see pink flesh and its blackened and oh god oh god, nonono --
"What the fuck!" She screams, and even here Izuku can see the pained, frustrated tears in her eyes. She was only a kid, would only be a few years older than him in his terms, nonono, what had he done. Izuku's breath hitches and he's scared because he doesn't understand and he needs to leave because looking at that oozing, pink and black flesh is making his head spin because he did that. He did that he did that, but how, nonono he didn't mean to he didn't mean to -- she starts to scream something again, with words and anger and pain, but Izuku can't hear anymore, he's already turned around and he's running as fast as his quirk-fueled legs will let him because he needs to go, he can't see this anymore, can't face whatever he's done to her. Tears are rolling down his face and he doesn't understand. Doesn't understand how the electricity flickering around his body shifted and changed in such a harmful way, didn't ever want to hurt anyone like that again, wasn't him wasn't him wasn't him --
It's a long time before Izuku tires, adrenaline and quirk abandoning him all at once as, finally, he trips over the roots of a tree and collapses. There's not a lot of trees anymore, there's only fields, so perhaps tripping over one was stupid, but that's okay. He's not thinking anyways -- he's still shaken by the encounter, by the gouges and burns and smoke he'd seen and scented from her. He doesn't -- he doesn't want to do that again. Doesn't even want to use One for All again if it means he'll hurt somebody like that on accident again. Izuku hiccups as, slowly, he wriggles his way under the safety of the tree's roots. Not again. Not again. There's still blood, so much blood, on his fur, and he knows its his because of the way his head spins and the wounds gouged and the pain. He's bled a lot. Running wasn't a good way to let your wounds clot, because most of them kept on tearing open in the process. It doesn't matter, anyways -- Izuku doesn't have the strength to deal with it right now. So, slowly, Izuku curls around himself, still shaking as he buries his face beneath his paws and tail, trying to remain as hidden as possible. Going home be damned -- he'd figure it out someday, but now not, not today. He just ... can't. This is how Izuku falls asleep, bloodied with his fur staticked and hiding away.

Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - COSMIIX - 06-12-2018

track ;^)

Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - arcy - 06-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]look im just a nerd and i wanna get more involved in communities and stuff like this is fUN. will update if i come up w More lmao
list of ooc activity ideas ;;
character/rper q&a
hunger games
choice awards
movie nights
'compliment the character/person above u'
draw the character above u Badly. aka,, memes
theME SONGS!! (either for ur own character or for the one above u)
'how well do u know' quiz threads for ur char??
theme weeks!!
character facts and headcanons
opinions on ur character
get to know the rper??
what yc thinks of when they hear another char's name

i plan on brainstorming new game ideas but AAAAAAA

Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - Una. - 06-15-2018

what y/c thinks when they hear another character's name?

Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - arcy - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Izuku's stomach feels like it's eating itself alive. It hurts. It hurts a lot. Izuku is tired and he's cold even though it's not cold where he is and everything hurts. He's so tired. His paws shake as he shoves himself along, and he can barely support his own weight. There's blood dripping from wounds and it's just so hard to move. He's so hungry. He hasn't eaten much of anything in .. weeks, and people won't leave him alone and he's .. he's scared. He .. hasn't thought about it in ages, but he misses home. He misses his mom, he misses All Might. He misses his classmate and home and he misses his mom's cooking. He hates eating garbage and roadkill because it all tastes gross but Izuku can't hunt consistently enough to support himself off anything else. Even the thought of food makes his stomach twist and Izuku wants to curl up and hold himself. But he can't. He can't. His vision is blurred and he's so alone and scared and everything is just so bad. His breath hitches and -- then he can't support himself. His paws wobble and give and then he's on the ground, eyes squeezed tight. His head is buzzing and everything hurts and he can't think straight --
and then he's out like a light.
When he wakes up, he's .. covered in something. He's still cold, and hungry, and tired, but he's .. not sure. He doesn't want to wake up. He's tired. He's tired. He just wants to give up. There's no point. There's no point. If he gets up, he'll return to a cycle of hopeless survival and wounds and hunger and he'll starve to death, soon enough. He can't -- he could just .. wait here till then. Sleep till he isn't anymore. There's no point.
"You're awake?" A voice. Izuku curls into himself. No. Nonono. He doesn't -- doesn't want to deal with this right now. He doesn't .. doesn't want to fight anyone. Not right now. The only reason he'd ever survived was because of .. One for All, really. Strength and power and speed and crackling electricity, now. Made up for the massive gap in power and everything else between him and the others. "I'm not going to hurt you," It promises. Izuku's ears flatten. lying, lying, lying -- A paw brushes against his shoulder and hovers, hard to notice because of the blanket. Izuku flinches, just waiting for the moment the claws sink in. But they don't come. And, for a long few moments, there's silence before the paw withdraws. The gentle thud of pawsteps as they leave. Izuku feels .. relief, really. Alone. And for a few minutes, all Izuku can really notice is the pain in his stomach and how dry his mouth is. He looks over his shoulder and his wounds are .. treated. White bandages, though some are stained a soft red. Izuku remembers claws and teeth and -- he stops himself there. It's all the same. And he'd remember electricity and snarling and the stance he took. It was all the same. He huffs softly as he lays his head down.
The pawsteps begin to return. Izuku's hearing isn't very good right now, but his ears prick, heart beginning to pound. No no no --. .. But then the scent of prey reaches him as she steps in and suddenly his mouth is watering. His stomach begins to pang even harder than before, and Izuku flinches. But even so, his attention is entirely focused on the slab of red meat as he sits up, eyes wide. "Here," He hears as it's dropped in front of him, but he's not paying attention. He's so hungry. He doesn't -- like, eating meat. Doesn't like the bloody taste and the fact that it's raw, but he's a cat now and raw meat was better than it used to be. So it's without hesitation that Izuku scrabbles forward, and maybe a little ravenously, he begins eating his fill. .. But after a few moments, he's interrupted. "Slow down," She scolds, placing a large paw down to push him away. Izuku can't help it, he glares. His stomach hurts, he can't --. But she shakes her head. It's the first time he's looked at her, really. A leopard. Strawberry orange fur and narrowed amber eyes. There's scars tracing across her pelt, wide and fresh. Izuku barely notices, really. Probably wouldn't have if it weren't for the sharp strikes across her face, obscuring some of her features. But he doesn't care, really. She's just like everybody else. Scarred and battle-worn.
She puts down a bowl of water. Izuku scrabbles forward to that, too. His mouth is dry. He'd gotten more water than food before now, but the water wasn't always clean and water was important. .. But. Izuku doesn't .. understand. He doesn't understand why she's helping.


Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - Una. - 07-27-2018

Drops this here :3c

Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - arcy - 11-13-2018

1 word prompt ideas:
question prompt ideas:

Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - arcy - 12-17-2018

✰ NAME: james tiberius kirk
means "supplanter" "one who follows"
prefers being called jim
"jim", "jimmy"
✰ AGE: 1 year
born jan 4
ages real time
born on a shuttle in klingon space :'^)
✰ GROUP: tanglewood
✰ GENDER: cisgender male
more romantically interested in men, more sexually interested in women.

why did you he choose and stay in this group?
jim joined the group as a favor, in return for joining. the members seemed nice enough, and he needed a place to stay and settle. his decision to stay has thus far been largely based off of how welcome he feels. he enjoys being involved with the group. he agrees with most of their morals and decisions thus far, and so is content.
how does he feel about his rank? why did he choose this path?
jim isn't all too fend of jim does enjoy protecting people or a collective,
✰ APPEARANCE: Jim is a sandy-golden wolfdog. The fur along his back is a light sandy-brown, which extends along his shoulder and hips, back of his neck, cheeks, and about half of his tail. His paws are a paler sandy color, as well as his belly, the front of his snout, chin, and half of his undertail. A pair of small black ram horns curl around the back of his ears, too close to the skin to be of much use. His eyes are a piercing sky blue. His nose and pawpads are black. His fur is dense and heavy, yet strangely soft. He is well-muscled and heavy set. Under his fur, his skin is marred with many scars.
110 pounds
30 inches tall
tends to groom himself rather obsessively. this is largely due to tanglewood's mud.
his expressions can seem somewhat lopsided or strange due to lack of familiarity with body.
jim has lots of types of smiles. they are largely meant to be charming. his genuine smile is warm and wide, though crooked
as a human, he took most after his father. in a small way, he still does.
jim's scarf is meant to ward off homesickness and bring familiarity, as it's in command gold colors with a pin, like his command shirt.

✰ VOICE CLAIM: chris Pine[as jim kirk]
Speaks smoothly, but at a somewhat slow pace. Unless, of course, he's excited, but that's a given.
his tonr of voice is always somewhat warm and curious.
he likes to swear when given the opportunity, but not needlessly.
he sometimes defaults to using 'ship language' and professionalism. things such as 'aye' 'sir' 'mr. (name)'.
speaks casually, and with a fairly simple vocabulary, so as to be easily understood.
✰ PERSONALITY: Jim is a charcter. He comes off rather level-headed and casual at first glance, due to his general attitude in regular scenarios. However, he's rather hyperactive and destructive, requiring constant stimuli. He craves adventure and things to discover. He tends to look on the bright sie of things no matter how dark, even if he has to create the bigntside himself. He's driven and determined, and struggles to listen to what others have to say
optimistic, adventurous, dynamic.
rebellious, boyish.
impulsive, hedonistic, inconsiderate, strong willed.
gryffindor, chaotic good
restless, prone to dramatics and taking charge of situations when unwelcome.
claustrophobic(to an extent), afraid of losing people.
his triggers are stuff like,,, food related, beer, specific types of demeanors. idk, need to do more research.

✰ MORALS: jim has a very dynamic set of morals. Don't kill, UNLESS, etc. He just doesn't condone noncon literally ever.
4 temperments: 'captain'(level headed, calm), hyperactive, adventurer(curious, persistent), angered.
very causal/loose etiquitte unless otherwise required.
jim has a poor sense of self control. he's very impulsive. his sanity,, not entirely intact
spontaneous and instinctual
jim acts in 'captain' mode in public. still casual, still calm and level headed.
in private, jim is more alert, focused, and prone to acting more goofy.
with friende, jim acts hyperactive and enjoys bickering and bantering, even at his own expense.
as a young child, jim was a sort of 'teachers pet' kid. Smart and eager to please. However, as this distanced his moth3r even more, Jim began learning to 'toughen up' with the inadvertant help of Sam once his mother remarried. He became rebellious and aloof after Sam left, and especially the events of Tarsus. Jim has by now mellowed out, and while he still retains the desire to help, and the same destructiveness, he takes more time to consider his actions.
jim reacts to loss with anger. He expects it, and lashes out in response, upset at allowing himself to get attached again.
(ggg etc)

wakes up with the sun, immediately sets to doing training.
always patrols the swamp in the afternoon. grooming session afterwards.
  conks out as soon as he lays down, or doesnt sleep at all. wakes up a lot at night. nightmares, restlessness. (he snores)
jim is a 'jack of all trades' type of guy, picks up skills fast. natural leadership skills, pretty good st picking up moods. and pissing people off by accident.
he's fucking terrible at instruments besides a select few.
plays guitar and piano. sews. plays chess(and go, and a lot of board games, tbh). art. he likes types of sciences(yet to be seen exactly what), astrology.

✰ MANNERISMS/DEMEANOR:   he has a sort of 'larger than life' vibe about him, if you look. generally, though, he tries to come off as approachable, 'one of you guys'.
currently, he's rather clumsy. over time, however, he grows steadily more graceful.
confident stance & walk.
'rough and tumble' fighting style. does what it takes to win, no matter the cost to himself. brutal.
generally doesn't gesture due to lack of balance. likes to gesture with his paws, though -- mock salutes, waves, etc.
✰ RELATIONSHIPS: jim is very devoted to his friends and people he views as 'under his care''. tends to be cold and awkward towards lovers.
winona kirk x george kirk(deceased)
his fther died the day he was born, sacrificing himself for his crew. jim detests his father for the shadow he left behind and taking what could have been a happy live with him.
His mother was a starfleet commamder. jim's relationship with his mother is cold. She could never look him in the eyes due to his redemblance to george, and abandoned her children with frank in fsvor of the stars. jim rarely thinks of winona, and when he does, it's with something like derision.
george "samuel" kirk
up until sam ran away, he and jim were very close, with sam taking care of jim. however, sam never tried to take jim wih him, or even contact him for a long time after he ran away, to which jim is still bitter.
jim hates his stepfather more than anything in the world, and frank hates him right back. they were very cruel to each other, frank more than jim.
jim was cared for by his father's parents for his first few years of his life, and he has a close relationship with them. his relationship with his mother's parents is more strained, but still close. he was closest with his aunt and uncle on his mother's side(not frank), however, they died in the tarsus iv massacre.
his closest friend and confidant is(was) leonard "bones" mccoy
his other friends used to include montogomery "scotty" scott, nyota uhura, spock, pavel chekov, and hikaru sulu. he presently has no people in this world he'd consider friends.
tbh he had a kind of embarrasing crush on spock
jim is an incredibly unjidgemental person. he takes you at face value(not in a bad way) and takes you as you are, basically.
jim likes(but is not friends with) feverdream, beck, and morgan.
the most important person in his life is ---
jim's biggest influencer was, at first, kodos, who still affects his worldviews today. after this is pike, who encouraged jim to do better.
jim has dated a lot of people. most relationships have been purely physical, and e always forgets the briefer ones. however, his longer lasting ones were warmer, with at least a little more vulnerability
jim would not cheat in a relationship. he's very loyal, if very emotionally disant. he has, however, been cheated on.
right now, one of the worst end to a relationship was on the enterprise, when a girl he'd been dating had been apparently cheating behind his back a majority of the time. he only learned of this when she became pregnant and transferred to a different ship. (p sm more emotional ones buT like,, fanfic references)

his is a fanfic ref shut up)

jim's homelife was miserable. while he lived with his grandparents, things were light hearted as they could be in winona's absence and george's death. once his mother remarried, things got somewhat colder. his relstionship with his stepdad was strained and awkward, and jim hated him because sam did. their stepfather viewed them as an unfortunate sideaffect to his marriage. once winona divorced him and sent them to her brotjer's, things got worse. frank was verbally abusive, and while sam tried to take the brunt of it, jim was still frank's favorite target. things continued to esdalate to even physical abuse, at which point sam left a few years later.
riverside, iowa.
his first memory is of sam.
his happiest childhood memory is of a christmas between him and sam.
his overall favorite memory is of his first day as the enterprise captain.
his saddest childhood memory is the first time winona left after a long break
his saddest (most upsetting) overall memory is of the hour after his aunt died.
his most embarrasing memory is --- (hes shameless jusT LET ME THINK)
an event/memory that still most affects his life(besides his transformation) is the whole tarsus iv thing.



Re: baby blue ⚝ storage/dump - guts - 12-28-2018

ily smooch