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WACK / o, feral raptors - Printable Version

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Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - COSMIIX - 06-25-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"][b]"Kill!"

The word registered itself in Charlie's head before her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits letting out a loud screech, she stumbled back a bit as she was pushed away by the stark creature. She shook her head before letting out a growl though Blue hadn't said to kill this one, no, she said to kill the small cat. She watched as Delta attacked the wolf and decided to assist her sister as she hissed with her arms stretched out in a threatening manner before she screeched furiously at the top of her lungs to assist Delta with the winged lupine aiming to tug onto one of the wolves wings or tail, if successful she would have bit hard in an attempt to break some of the bones. She would step back with her sickle claws digging into the sand underneath them, luckily Delta had already killed the crocodile so they didn't need to worry about another possible opponent. Where was Echo? Charlie would blink her eyes for a moment only to lock her gaze onto Argus once more, she had already been clawed by the yellow cat but it seemed Blue had it under control.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - ARGUS - 06-25-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] If there was one thing Argus knew about feral creatures, it was that to never underestimate them. They relied purely on instinct that most sentient animals learned to ignore. With reason came by a time where instinct was unnecessary, mind and body conflicting each other with two elements that were never meant to come together into one body. Like a half breed or a mutated beast- two conflicting natures only made the creature all the more unpredictable- more dangerous.

If not predictable.

The only thing Raptors had to keep them alive before in times where beast bigger than themselves ruled- it was numbers. They all had claws and needle teeth, they all had venomous saliva that would infect much more easily than now- what raptors had was numbers. And even on limited numbers- they worked cohesively. They were pack animals.

Argus did not have the added benefit of someone on her side. Caesar was a lone wolf in attacking them- Argus was attempting to stop him and only ended up being collateral. At the end of this fight- there was going to be a long conversation between them.

If the raptors didn't kill him, she would.

Argus was only alive this long by her near immortality. Not saying she couldn't die- just a nasty habit of comming back to life afterwards- did not meant she liked dying. Rather avoided it as much as she could. Feral raptors were a dangerous game to play now. For all reasons listed above. This was not their time- now creatures were made of tender fesh and scaleless. But they had powers- neigh magical abilities that amplified the soul- the same power Argus craved and the same she consumed others for- the very same power that burned down her veins. Bubbling in her blood.

Battle instinct would have made her flinch away from both the raptors on either side. Caesar already thrown backwards by the time Argus managed to get to Charlie- now she was surrounded- her head throbbing, Adrenalin making her limbs shake and her blood boil in the rush of power- eyes turning a blue as they launched at her. Going incorporeal from the attacks. Using the ground as a jumping board and flapping up into the air.

The power wasn't meant to be used for long periods of time- her body's live span ticking away with each extended use. Rotting from the inside- that only made it's appearance known now with the black blood that dribbled from her nose- tasting the inky fluid in the back of her throat making her sick.

Argus was not in this fight- she did not want a part of it. So when the power flickered out she remained in the sky. Fuck Caesar, fuck this. She kept a weary eye on the reptiles- watching them for an opening to sweep in and grab her clan mate, but weary on how high they could jump.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

Caesar had barely any time to react as yet another raptor appeared, practically out of nowhere. The demon wasn't able to stop his momentum at this time, but he did try to twist around to avoid Blue. Of course, this plan didn't completely work and the Officer felt needle-sharp teeth dig into his leg. Caesar was practically picked off the ground as Blue grabbed a hold of them and shook him, her teeth practically tearing open the hind leg that she had a hold of. From the area she bit and below, Caesar could feel numbness - which is what he knew as pain, whereas the rest of his leg and body had a tingling sensation that once again made Caesar shiver almost as if he had a cold chill. But above all those things, Caesar suddenly heard the snap of his bone splitting, and immediately he seemed to have lost all feeling in the leg that Blue had a hold of.

"ARGUS!" Caesar practically screeched as he saw the she-wolf launch herself into the air. Lucky her, she was able to escape this damn mess he started. The demon could feel his heart pounding out of his chest, though it was mostly from worry, fright, and adrenaline. Caesar didn't know fear, he typically didn't fear anything, but the idea of him losing his life - despite being able to possess other creatures - was terrifying. Especially considering if the raptors figured out that he could possess other living beings and just ended up chasing him. Argus was doing nothing at this moment to fight back, and although Caesar was pissed at her, he would soon understand she wasn't taking the coward's way out - she was taking the smart route. Attacking a feral raptor was probably Caesar's dumbest decision yet.

But that didn't mean he wasn't going to try to fight back to at least try to get out of Blue's jaws. Caesar tried to twist around as much as possible, and using as much momentum as he could, tried to claw at BLUE's face, trying to get as close to her eyes as possible to try and disorient her. Of course, even if he succeeded, he probably had to deal with the other raptors on his ass.

//aa I'm sorry for not using her tags but using black on this fancypost doesn't show very well ^^'

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - axiom - 06-25-2018

An angry hiss came from her throat as she watched the lupine rise to the air. Delta snapped at the air, her teeth catching nothing - but if the wolf tried to help its grounded packmate, then she wouldn't hesitate to go for a brutal attack again. As it was, however, the smaller one still hadn't managed to die yet. Turning back towards Blue, the teal utahraptor twisted her head and attempted to snap her jaws around another one of the yellow kitty's limbs and pull.

Sheering off meat from bones was one of her specialties, being a veracious carnivore and all. She couldn't get a clear headshot, but with all the flailing that he was doing, catching one of his legs or his tail seemed a good option.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

Caesar was practically getting mauled at this point, and of course he had no way to escape the raptors with powers. He didn't have teleportation, although he may be able to possess an entirely new animal if he had to escape. Although the consequences of doing the latter would be that he'd be stuck in said body for a couple of days. But what mattered more: his life here on Earth or his dignity? At least if he repossessed a new body then the wounds these raptors created would transfer over and create some pretty bad ass scars.

Regardless of whether or not his attack on Blue succeeded, Caesar felt Delta's teeth dig into his tail and at first the demon froze from his struggling as he tried to comprehend what she was doing. And before he could react any longer, the raptor pulled, digging her teeth in much deeper into his tail. Once again, the Officer heard a SNAP as the fragile bones in his tail broke as Delta pulled at him, and despite the numbness that practically covered his entire body at this point, Caesar could feel tissue tearing as the raptor continued pulling against his body, and as she continued to pull, a wave of nausea went over Caesar. The demon stopped struggling in Blue's jaws at this point, too numb to continue to move.

Re: WACK / o, feral raptors - axiom - 07-02-2018

[ powerplay permission given by maple! ]

Elated as the cat's tail tore off, the teal reptile leaned back before she could correct the strength of her pull. Caesar's tail, caught on her backward-curving teeth, seemed to enrage her. Shaking her head, she growled as she pulled at the bony appendage with her clawed arms. Covered in fur and lacking substantial muscle tissue, she wanted the damn thing out of her mouth - it tasted awful! Successfully flinging it on the sand, she forgot about it and turned to Caesar, as her new frustration found a proper meat-filled snack to direct her frustration.

Darting forward, she snapped her jaws at Caesar; she took advantage of his momentary limpness to sink her serrated teeth into his hips. With a sharp tug of her neck muscles, she pulled at him again, wanting to rip off a tastier section of meat from his body. However, his muscle tissues were already abused by her previous attempt, and slid free of Blue's jaws - leaving a chunk of meat in the alpha utahraptor's mouth.

Victorious, Delta lifted her head and leaned back, her maw opening like a trapdoor. Assisted by gravity and the angle of her head, the numb and limp body slid down her throat as easily as if he was a child on a White Water slide. Whether she managed to kill Caesar before swallowing him was a question that didn't even occur to the raptor - he was just a snack that attacked them and Blue ordered the death of. Eating him certainly accomplished the order and filled her belly at the same time.