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WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Printable Version

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Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Sorrel - 06-23-2018

There were always going to be different rankings in the pack. It wasn't just the strongest that became the leader of a pack. One had to have smarts as well, because if one didn't have smarts they would end up dying before getting anywhere. Utahraptors were extremely smart because they were capable of learning about what was happening fairly quickly and adapting to situations. Even then, they had each other when they were being a pack. If one couldn't take down an animal, it just meant that that they could work as a team. When someone in a pack didn't like the other though, it just meant that they would have to forget grudges and work with one another. However, Blue knew that if she ever showed weakness to the rest of her pack members, it was going to spell trouble. That was because it would give the rest of her pack an opportunity to try and challenge her for her position. Echo being the one to challenge her the most, hence why her sister was one of the lowest rankings in the pack at the moment. Having failed a challenge back when they lived with the humans in the first place. The Utahraptor that was almost the same age as her, was Delta, and then under Delta was Charlie. Which was fine with Blue, because she didn't really have to worry about Delta challenging her all that much. Blue could count on Delta to take care of things when she wasn't around. When it came to showing who was still in charge, Blue would not have any sort of insurbodinance in her ranks and would be quick to punish them. Blue rarely strayed all that far from her sisters, knowing that she might be needed at some point. Blue was one of the few that had experience dealing with elemental powers in the past. Having been burned by fire elementals before, but thanks to their thick layer of scales, it was hard to severely damage the reptiles. They were like large crocodiles, their hides thick enough that a domestic cat trying to attack them would do no physical damage by themselves. Blue blinked her amber eyes when she heard the sound of familiar screeching. Something was happening so she might as well check what was happening. The over six foot tall dinosaur ended up skidding onto the scene. Her body radiating dominance and control as her gaze traveled from her sisters. A purring sound erupted from her throat as her long muscular tail swayed behind her. If anyone got close to her personal space, she would be quick to snap at her, but her attention was on the small animal that her sister was surrounding. "Threat?" Blue babbled to her sisters in only the language that the raptors could understand. The blue-ish grey Utahraptor followed the formation that Delta had started to form around Roy. She wasn't sure about the situation, but the other's body language obviously showed that he was aggressive. Her arms were pointed forward in a threat display as her sickle claws tapped the ground. A scream would escape her jaws, the high pitched nosie in an attempt to elicit a reaction from animal.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Roy Mustang - 06-23-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Well, Roy's plan to get Echo away only worked for a moment. Roy thought his flame alchemy would scare the raptor off, as Roy didn't want to become it's dinner. But instead, his plan actually backfired on him- his defense has seemed to provoke the other raptor, the Flame Alchemist wishing he could understand their speech. Whatever they were saying sounded like nonsense to Roy Mustang, but he had a feeling it was a bad sign when the two raptors began to circle him. Roy was thinking of what to do next, when a piercing shriek caused his ears to prick up instantly. That shriek was far too close for Roy's comfort, he barely got to move his head over to see a third raptor making it's way over. Fuck! Roy thought to himself as he kept his right paw poised, claws twitching in temptation to snap again. "Get back-" The Flame Alchemist demanded with the best authoritative, commanding tone, before he was cut short at another blood curdling shriek. Ears drawing back to his cranium, the male listened to the large, heavy steps being made by the new creature.

When Roy's gaze managed to fall onto Blue, he could see the dominance in her. She must be their leader- she seemed controlling, and her stand screamed alpha! Blue also made a noise Roy couldn't understand, before it joined in the formation of the three other raptors. Roy didn't move, staying still as the raptors circled around him, keeping his claws poised. While he keeps his right claws poised, the Flame Alchemist silently hopes they will back off of him. He learned his lesson from using his flame alchemy on Echo, even when he was purposely missing- Roy doesn't miss, he's a master on pinpoint aiming. He was only trying to get Echo away. But instead, he provoked it's sister Delta, and lured in two other Utahraptors. He wants to get out of this safely, and hopefully without provoking them more.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - BASTILLEPAW - 06-23-2018

Bastille would not claim to understand the raptors or how they operated. He hadn’t really gotten Blue — he was certain she wanted to eat him sometimes — and he didn’t really understand the Other Blues, as he liked to consider them collectively. Beta was getting easier to work with, if only because prompting her with dead animals and images of dead animals seemed to pacify her well enough. (As long as he actually provided said food.) Otherwise? He was pretty much just bullshitting, here.

Nevertheless, he was suddenly besides Roy, having materialized beside the Observer with a nonchalant stance. ”Well, this is an odd change of pace,” he said casually, gaze on Blue before it shifted to pick out Blue the Second (Delta, that was). Usually Roy was fixing his fires, but here he was, trying to get this Roy out of this mess. Bast scowled slightly and asked, ”What did Roy do to piss you off, Beta? Are you hungry? Want food?”

He took a slight step towards Blue, adding, ”Food, Blue? Food?” He knew she recognized the word when Vinny said it, anyway, and he took another step away from Roy. The goal was to draw their attention to himself and provide a snack that wasn’t Roy.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Sorrel - 06-23-2018

Body language was their main means of communication with one another. It was basically a universal language, but there were several instances where an animal wouldn't give any sort of reaction to the body language that she delivered. The Utahraptor usually ended up reacting aggressively from there, and since some groups didn't know how to react they usually reacted with fear. Most tried to hide their fear away from the pack, but with so many eyes trained on them, they were bound to pick up any sort of weakness that they were bound to express sooner or later. Blue was the exact same, as she used her body language more than actually speaking to the rest of her sisters. Each of her sisters had their own personalities, and she had her own at the same time. She was a leader, and she was the oldest of her sisters. Out of the batch of eggs that she came from, she was the only one to survive from a hatchling instead of dying because of the wrong mixture of DNA. The mixture of their DNA also helped out of consideration that she had more reptile DNA in her bloodstream, while Delta herself had more DNA making the other's behavior different compared to others. But they had plenty of things in common when it came to behavior, and if someone wanted to study the raptors from a distance, they were more than capbale of doing so and being able to figure out the patterns in their body language and what they expected from the creatures that they came across. It would make everyone's lives easier, but that meant that someone would have to use a significant amount of time to try and get to know each of the raptors individually, which most didn't really have the patience to do something like that. The proper body language to go a long distance and the body language that Roy was giving off wasn't helping his case. The other seemed poised to defend himself, and Blue hadn't appeared quick enough to see the other attack her sister. If she had, then this would be an entirely different situation. They would be attempting to try and rip the other apart without even thinking about the consequences that would come next. They were the apex predators around here. The only thing that they would have to worry about were things that were bigger than themselves, and so far there seemed to be few animals that were capable of reaching their height. Blue is the largest out of her sisters, which probably made her even more intimidating. When Roy began to speak again, a low hiss escaped her jaws as her sickle claws dug into the ground. The muscles on her back legs tensed as it seemed like she was quickly prepared to launch herself at the animal. However, she was stopped in her tracks when one of them suddenly appeared, causing Blue to take a step back as a startled babble escaped her jaws. The startled sound quickly turned into an aggressive hiss as he tail lashed behind her. She was confused. Where did the other come from? She was observant enough that she would know when something was coming toward them. The other's features were indeed familiar though. Blue's lips were curled to reveal her backward facing teeth in a threat display toward Bastille. At the mention of food, her lips slowly descended to cover her teeth again. Food. Food was good. Her arms started to move themselves so they were pressed up against her side instead of pointed forward. "Food" Blue babbled quick, but with her temper, if the other didn't deliver food in a matter of minutes, Bastille would most likely become the food. Luckily for the rest of the group, the pack wouldn't attack without her orders. At least most of the time because if they didn't they would suffer punishment. The heavily scarred Utahraptor wasn't going to play games when it came to her pack. Her amber gaze flickered between Bastille and Roy.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - axiom - 06-23-2018

Before Blue appeared, Delta remained concerned with what the heck this magic-wielding one could do. Still mad about the threat he posed to Echo, she muddled over whether to chance an attack - but, as Charlie and Blue came, she felt increasingly confident in their combined strength. All four of them could easily destroy the threat, as it seemed unlikely that the other could defend himself against all four at the same time. She glanced at Blue and babbled, "Threat, magic." She didn't know how to describe what she saw, much less how to communicate the fire-bomb in their limited language.

The situation started to diffuse, however, as Bast appeared with mention of food. The name Beta, sounding close enough to Delta and spoken by him often enough to her, got her attention. "Food giver!" she babbled, a content chitter in her throat. They'd have no need to hunt the magical one, at least for now, though Delta still held a distinct dislike for him. She turned slightly towards Bast, though nowhere near enough to turn her back to the potential threat. Hissing at Roy over her shoulder, she lifted her head in a threatening manner, in a silent command to get the fuck out.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Character Graveyard. - 06-23-2018

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - BASTILLEPAW - 06-27-2018

Well, okay. That was easier than he anticipated, frankly -- while he'd been fairly confident in his ability to drawl the sisters away from Roy, he had wondered if Blue would take kindly to being interrupted. Evidently, as long as he was willing to offer them more food, they didn't care very much. He vaguely recognized the chitter that he assumed meant food -- he heard it frequently -- before there was Beta, turning to respond to him, offering that one particular vocalization that he felt was either his name or some variation of food.

"Yeah, hi, Beta," he greeted, offering her an idle half-smile as Echo wandered closer. He payed no attention to wether Roy bolted or not, and instead kept his focus on the girls. "Food, yeah, one sec," he continued, considering for a moment before he conjured a deer before him. He had taken to hunting the larger prey more frequently, having determined that big treats were better for big raptors. It kept them busy for longer. "See? Tastier than Roy. What did the mean bobcat do to you, huh?" He made one of those throaty chittering noises, the vibrations still exceedingly odd in his throat. In his head, he was continuing to call Roy mean and blame him for antagonizing the girls.

Re: WE ARE THE WILD ONES / o, feral raptor - Character Graveyard. - 06-27-2018