Beasts of Beyond
cool for the summer / open - Printable Version

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Re: cool for the summer / open - axiom - 06-24-2018

Blood from her latest kill dripped down her maw, streams of it down her throat. The carrion smell permeated the air, and she nearly slipped on the blood and entrails stained floor. Somehow, the clicker didn't break as her large clawed foot slammed on it, discoloring the devise to crimson from the contact. Where Blue was angrily rebellious, Delta seemed much more mischievous - her instincts knew the small child wouldn't be able to guard the clicker, and so she easily won it from him by her challenge. Having learned to associate the clicker's sound with food, Delta only understood that when she heard the sound that food shortly followed as a rule.

Now, she held the clicker. Hissing at the child and his mother, she impatiently tapped her foot on the mechanical object. Most of the time, she missed and slammed the floor or the side of the clicker. But, every ten tries or so, she got the damn thing to click. And that signified an immediate food reward. "Food! Food! Food!" she babbled loudly, stretching her body up to her full height in a commanding and domineering posture, directed at Connor and his mother. So what if she ranked second behind Blue and stood behind the bigger raptor. Delta heard the clicks, and she expected her reward.

Re: cool for the summer / open - Owlie - 06-25-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Anakin watched the scene unfold from the sidelines, his spirit remaining invisible and held in curiosity.


Re: cool for the summer / open - BASTILLEPAW - 06-27-2018

The sound of several calls clamoring together and a faint clicking told Bastille all that he needed to know. He'd wondered where the raptors seemed to have all disappeared to, and it seemed that he had found them; he followed the noises aimlessly, coming to a slow stop as he surveyed the situation he walked in on. Margy, guarding Connor, while Beta fucked around with the little remote and the rest of the raptors looked vaguely agitated. He scowled, attention sliding from Blue (who was arguably the most hostile) to Beta as she started clicking the little button. Oh -- that vocalization was one of the only few he'd been able to identify so far, and he cocked his head to the side as he studied the bloody remains.

"You were feeding them," he realized aloud, scowling slightly, "You were feeding them with the clicker. Oh." He shook his head slightly, realizing what the fuck Beta was up to, and he couldn't help it -- he smiled slightly. "You're trying to feed yourself, then. Clever girl." After a beat, a rabbit appeared at his paws, and he pushed it towards Beta with an arched brow.

Re: cool for the summer / open - axiom - 06-27-2018

The teal utahraptor glanced at Bast, her thick tail lashing behind her as she continued to babble her order for food. She remembered plenty of times in which he gave her food, ordered to or not, and so he quickly became her 'favorite' of the mammal pack. But that meant very little; if he made a wrong move, she wouldn't hesitate to attack. She called him 'food giver,' for good reason - as far as she considered him, he only existed to give her food. And that's what the clicker was to her, just a tool to achieve that goal; unlike Blue, she didn't associate the clicker near-indistinguishably from Owen.

Hungrily eyeing Bast, she tilted her head slightly as she heard his speech. As usual, his words made no sense to her, but she learned that him speaking to her usually meant food soon enough. Tapping her sickle claw impatiently, she lunged for the rabbit the moment it appeared, swallowing it whole like she'd done with the first. Chittering excitedly, pleased that she now unlocked the secret to effortless infinite food, Delta glanced at angry Blue for a moment - understanding her sister missing their alpha, but a bit confused about the anger. After all, they just discovered the way to get food from no effort at all.

Delta was starting to learn that these pack mammals existed to feed them. And, depending on her actions, she could either do that with a clicker or aggression.

Looking at Bast, she tilted her head curiously as she remembered he once gave her bigger prey. Three rabbits, even two rabbits and a big rabbit, were nice and all - but they hardly seemed to satisfy her, in this hungry state. "Bigger food! Bigger food! Bigger food!" she babbled at Bast, stretching her clawed arms towards him as she stomped on the clicker again. An impatient hiss came from her throat, as she stared him down.