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Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - bubblegum - 06-22-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl did appreciate her brother's company. she knew they never got to interact much before, mostly because their social patterns. he preferred solitude while she tended to try and speak to many different people. and, while she was introverted, she preferred to know who she lived with and make friends with them as much as she could. she felt like that was important. but, she was a bit glad to have him by her side now. it just was unfortunate that it was...under these circumstances. normally she'd be much more talkative.

his words stung in her ears, but she appreciated them. there would be no misunderstanding now. it wasn't an easy thing to say. she sighed, trying to calm herself down. she didn't like to cry so much. she was afraid of mister jacob's reaction. she was afraid he wouldn't like her anymore because of this. the thing that really stopped the tears from falling, though, was caesar's arrival. she tried to anticipate what he was going to say. surely, though, he would realize that he was already in trouble, and keep his mouth shut. surely not, though, it seemed.

his first comment didn't really matter. he was simply stating it how it was. the second felt a little rude, but again, didn't matter much. the third, however, was clearly directed as an attack towards mister jacob. before she could respond, though, rox lashed out. she knew this was something caesar deserved, but upon observing and thinking some more, she realized this shouldn't happen. they shouldn't attack each other. she considered her slap to caesar minor and not a true attack, but rox was flat out threatening him. that wasn't a good idea. "don't, rox. you'll be punished for hurting him. it's not worth it." she gently turned from jacob now, her voice still shaky but her words level-headed as she suggested them to rox.

"as you for you, caesar," she began, her tone now laced with hostility. she didn't move from her spot this time, though. she was able to think about this more than when she had blindly yelled at him. "i suggest you watch yourself. you're already in trouble for harming an ally, i don't think intentionally trying to upset their leader is a very good choice. you ought to learn to shut your mouth. i think of stupid things to say, too, but most of the time, i don't say them because i know better. you should learn how to do that. stop acting like a baby throwing some ridiculous tantrum all the time. it's not cute. it's not funny. it's annoying." she wasn't trying to fight him. she didn't want to. she was just telling him how it was. somebody needed to, and she had absolutely no patience for him right now.

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - jacob w.c. - 06-22-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — He wasn't sure what it was about the situation that didn't make him realize 'gone' had meant Pincher's death. He supposed he'd already known that, even before all the clarification but he didn't want to believe it. Pincher was all he had left. He hadn't seen Jersey for weeks, his Babbo barely even wrote anymore, and his Ma and Pa had died a long time ago. Pincher was his best friend. He was the one person that Jacob knew he could go to where he didn't have any expectations of him and he could just speak honestly. Deniz had seen him at the lowest point in his entire life other than the day the fire initially happened and he hadn't run away. Instead, he'd stayed and helped him get better. When questioned about it, he hadn't told anyone the details of what'd occurred or why Jacob had been so shaken and most of Snowbound went on believing Jacob was generally fairly healthy. He didn't have to do that. He didn't have to protect Jacob or take care of him or even talk to him. But he did.

His first thought was that he should've been here. He knew it was ridiculous but he wished he'd have somehow known about it all and then he could've come and stitched the wound and all would be well. He felt teras building up in his eyes and a lump in his throat. He didn't want to break down in front of all these people but suddenly he was faced with everything he never said to Pincher and regretted all of it. "I-I'm sorry, Goldie, 'm so, so sorry..." the husky murmured, gently running his paw over her head and fur as she still clung to him. When he heard Caesar's voice, the man pinned his ears to his head and anger immediately swelled in him. However, before he could react, both Roxanne and Goldie did that for him. As the kitten spoke to the yellow feline with such authority, Jacob found himself nodding with her words. That was a decent response. That was a good way to tell him off. He was only looking to get a rise out of him. It was better to remain calm.

Jacob took a deep breath and turned away briefly, trying to compose himself more before he suddenly spun around and attempted to punch Caesar in the face. "Who il cazzo do ya' think you are? 'E was my best friend n' I ain't gonna' stand 'ere n' let you, ah' all people, tell me how ta' do my damn job! Ya' don' think I woulda' been 'ere if I knew? Ya' think I woulda' jus' let 'im bleed out if I was standin' right there? There was no way I coulda' known 'bout all this n' been 'ere with him. You're a stronzo tha' attacks your own sister so if anyone should be ridiculin' me for not bein' 'ere, it sure ain't gonna' be you. So watch your mouth 'fore you try tellin' me what I shoulda' done when ya' know jus' as well as I do tha' there ain't no way I was ever gonna' stop this from happenin'," he snapped, anger and grief poured into each word as tears streamed down his face. Despite his words, he felt guilt and grief eating away at him but it was easier to just be angry at Caesar than it was to confront his true feelings about the situation.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

Caesar was too focused on getting Jacob riled up that he didn't notice Roxanne move to attack him, and the demon let out a hiss of alarm as she shoved him to the ground, and gritted his teeth as he felt her claws dig into his chest. The area where her claws dug into wasn't painful to him, but they did cause a tingling, almost numb sensation to cover his chest, making it hard to breath. The Officer glared up at Roxanne as she spoke to him, narrowing his eyes at her. "You've seen me bleed out before to know that ain't true." The demon responded in a matter-of-fact tone in reference to how Roxanne mentioned him being 'yellow inside'. She saw his blood whenever that damn turtle of his bit him. That black substance was most certainly his blood. Caesar couldn't help but suck in a breath when Roxanne let go, and he slowly got back to his forepaws, although his body was a bit shaky at the moment.

And oh boy, here we go. Goldenluxury had turned to look at him by now, and of course Caesar, being the mature demon he was, rolled his eyes at her as she yelled at him. "You're the one who's throwing tantrums." He growled, his lips peeling back in a snarl. He had no patience for kids, especially if they thought they were better than him - that's what he thought Goldie was thinking, anyway. Kids shouldn't be talking back to their superiors, and Caesar definitely wasn't going to tolerate it. He honestly wanted to dig his claws into her throat, but he knew doing that would end up with his getting chased out, not into being Captain. So Caesar had to try and keep his calm as much as he could, and that was the hardest thing he had to do, especially since he couldn't light himself on fire to allow his anger to seep out of his body. "You're the one who fuckin' cried over this fucker's death. What does that say about you? You're weak. You'd think somebody who the child of the god damn leader would have more control over their emotions, but apparently not. Grow the fuck up." He learned a long time ago that letting your emotions show and control over you did nothing, and Goldie would learn it eventually, too. Or so that's what Caesar believed; she should be learning that soon, and now was a better time than later. "I highly suggest you shut your god damn mouth and listen to your fucking higher ups, yeah?" Because Caesar didn't know how much longer he could take of Goldie yelling at him before he just snapped at her - quite literally.

Of course, focusing on Goldie meant that Caesar wasn't paying attention to Jacob anymore. Yeah, the demon couldn't multi-task very well and he had to focus on just one person or he couldn't properly figure out what he wanted to say. Caesar saw Jacob get closer out of the corner of his eye, but had no time to react as the Snowbound Chief punched him. Caesar reeled back, ears pinning against his head as he shook his head. Black blood had started to come out of his nose, though it wasn't from the typical stress reasons that Caesar normally had to deal with. So it was definitely weird having his nose feel numb rather than be in actual physical pain from his subconscious fighting against his body. Caesar glared at Jacob as he spoke, once again narrowing his eyes. "Except I don't know as well as you do." The demon spoke in another growl. "If somebody had found Pincher earlier, I'm sure one of us could have run over to Snowbound and fetched you." If not finding Nayru first. "Think of all the possibilities before you try shoving words in my mouth." Sure, the likely chance of somebody finding Pincher as he bled out and getting to Jacob in time was impossible, but a point Caesar was going to bring up nonetheless.

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - bubblegum - 06-22-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie did think she was better than him. not because she thought of herself super highly, but simply because caesar is a jerk, and she is not. it's not hard to be better than caesar. his first response to her words sort of confused her. she didn't see how she personally was throwing a tantrum, but she wasn't going to ask right now. he certainly had more to say. she remained quiet as he spoke, disagreeing that crying over her papa made her weak. why should she bother hiding her emotions? she wasn't around any enemies who would have used it against her. "i listen just fine. just because i listen doesn't mean i have to follow." she didn't respect caesar enough to do as he says. she had more to say, but then mister jacob went and punched him. she was quite surprised by that, but seeing him do that was very...pleasant.

everyone was out to get the yellow boy at this point. perhaps he would learn his lesson one day, but that day was not today. he was trying to blame mister jacob for this and she was not having it. "it's not his fault that nobody found papa! he was in a completely different territory." she hissed now, standing up. she still didn't move, though. her angered expression turned slightly sad. "i was sleeping right next to him when it started. i-i could have helped him stop it right there, but i was asleep. it's not mister jacob's fault that i was asleep." her voice grows quieter the more she speaks. she wishes she hadn't been asleep. mister jacob probably hates her now.

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

"You don't listen 'just fine', actually." Caesar corrected in another matter-of-fact tone, switching his gaze from Jacob to Goldenluxury. He swayed a bit, still a bit disoriented from where Jacob punched him, but he did keep his balance. "Listening essentially means you follow orders. Are you that incompetent?" God, was Goldie purposely trying to set him off now. Caesar listened to Goldie ramble on, his left ear flicking and noted how upset she was over being asleep during Pincher's death. Hmm. Maybe he could use that to get to her at some point. But not right now.

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - coldblue - 06-23-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]The young boy falls silent. At first, he bites back a hiss in Caesar's direction, next he is listening in awe as Goldie stand up for herself and Pincher. It is difficult to get a word in edgewise as events begin to unfurl, descending into chaos from the clash between emotion and pragmatism. Roxanne attacks. Jacob lashes out next. There is a lot going on and Coldblue struggles to follow everything, unable to speak or react fast enough before something else arises. Until Caesar has the audacity to personally insult his sister, that is. Mistake. A big mistake. Blue does not care about much, is unfazed by most things, but he draws the line at his family.

"You're the one who fuckin' cried over this fucker's death. What does that say about you? you're weak. You'd think somebody who the child of the god damn leader would have more control over their emotions, but apparently not. Grow the fuck up."

Coldblue's blood boils. Literally. "You're awfully confident in your power for being the least liked person, well, everywhere." he hisses, stepping forward to place his body between Caesar and Goldie. Not because he thinks the antagonizing male is stupid enough to make the mistake of touching his sister, but to redirect the attention to himself and away from his sibling. Blue doesn't mind being called names or being put down for being useless because—hey—he's never been useful in his life. But not Goldie. Goldie does not deserve being called weak for feeling emotions. She does not need to be told to "grow up". "Our father could have gotten help from a number of people, but he chose not to—" The bastard. "—so it is not my sister's fault, and I suggest you think long and hard before you deign to insult her again." Unlike the others, Blue's voice is not at all passionate. It is cold. Frozen. He burns with hatred, but it is not flames, but ice.

He sneers at the demon, frigid blue eyes narrowing to malicious slits. Blue is young, but his body is nearly fully grown, which means he is the same height as Caesar. Sharp ivory teeth shine in light as a bitter smirk tugs paints his handsome visage. "Are you seriously lecturing us about listening?" Caesar only hears what he wants, fills his head with the idea that he is better than everyone else when it is very obvious that he will get nowhere because he does not have the support of the people he claims to lead. "You don't give anyone orders. Especially not me or my family—" Coldblue is a Roux, the captain's son. He might as well be a prince. This heartless yellow jerk holds no power over him. "I don't know why my father promoted you in the first place, but I can tell you now that you neither have the support of the crew or our allies. Now get out of here before there's a mutiny." That's right, two can play that game. Caesar is arrogant, but so is Blue. And Blue isn't enemy number one.

The adolescent pointedly glances down at Caesar's wounds with a haughty smirk, lingering on the satisfying trickle of inky black blood. "You might want to ice that."

Re: Flowers for a ghost // open+visiting - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-23-2018

Caesar did honestly have pride in the fact that he wasn't well-liked here. He knew that nobody liked the way he spoke or held himself, and he honestly felt pride in that. That meant he was doing his job well. Just because he wasn't well-liked didn't mean he couldn't become Captain - he could just as easily murder Pincher or anybody else. I just need my powers back. And Caesar could be patient when he wanted to. Patience was good, especially when your reputation involved where you were in the group. Caesar watched Coldblue as he moved, but of course didn't really do anything to lash out at the Roux kid. Coldblue wasn't being threatening right now, even if the little shit had some ego problems himself.

"Your sister should have known when he left, shouldn't she?" Caesar shot back in a cold tone. "If she was sleeping next to him like she claims, she would have felt him move." Of course he knew that wasn't always the case; there were ways of moving without waking somebody up, but the Officer was just going to be a prick. He quite enjoyed this, if he was honest. And indeed, the demon did only hear what he wanted to, and that's all what mattered to him. Caesar narrowed his eyes at Coldblue as he spoke again, "Just because you're the Captain's son doesn't mean you own me, little prick." He snarled. "I do, in fact, get to order around because fun fact! I'm an Officer, one of your high positions. I'm the next one down -" Other than Argus, who had been promoted before him. "- after Pincher, because the dumbass didn't promote a Quartermaster. So, yes. I can order you around." He didn't care if he didn't have the support of his groupmates or allies - just as mentioned before, he could get somewhere without them. That's what he believed, anyway.

Caesar made no comment about Coldblue stating he should probably need ice. The only reaction he had was shaking his head, sprinkling droplets of blood on the ground. He honestly didn't feel any pain from the wounds, so he felt no need to get help from them. Sure, the area was numb and that's what Caesar knew as 'pain', and the body would act just as it would as if he felt pain, but the demon believed he was fine.