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SINGUR — DEATH - Printable Version

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Re: SINGUR — DEATH - ROXANNE R. - 06-20-2018

He was dead.

She flew over after hearing the whole commotion and would land quite clumsily into the sand with her face planting right into it. She didn't have time to complain about hitting her face but rather walked over quickly wiping the sand away with her paw only to stare down at Pincher shaking her head and biting her lip. Why him? Why not her? It should have been her, Pincher had something worth living for. . . Everyone did, Roxanne didn't matter and well, she was just a small cat who wouldn't be missed. She was sure of it. "Why couldn't it have been me. . ." She whispered quietly under her breath feeling tears starting to sting her eyes but she wiped them away hastily not even caring if sand had gotten into them, she aimed to place a wing over Goldie and press her nose to her shoulder "I'm sorry, honey." She would remove herself from the kitten and lay down near Pinch laying her head on his shoulder. Fucking dumbass, she thought bitterly holding back tears. Pinch was the only one she considered a friend, hell, she considered him as family.
© madi

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - coldblue - 06-21-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Coldblue is late. He is always late. Too late. Why is he always late?

The first thing the boy hears is his sister's cries. There is not much that Blue pays attention outside of his personal interests, but Goldenluxury is perhaps the only thing on the planet more important to him than himself. So much so that he felt that something was wrong before the screams. It felt like indigestion at first, so the youth chose to ignore his gut. A mistake. Perhaps if he listened to his intuition, he would have returned home sooner, and maybe he would have been able to prevent anything terrible from happening. But he couldn't. Because Coldblue is late.

So now the beautiful young creature is forced to sprint through the sand, stumbling in the holes in the sand created by those who arrived before him. Blue began running the moment he heard Goldie, immediately dropping his current artwork and forgetting it in his haste to run to his sister's side. His heart thunders, chest aching from the exertion. "Move!" he bellows at an unassuming feline who made the mistake of walking into his path. In a split-second decision, the young Roux leaps over the other creature in a stunning display of grace and athleticism. Coldblue can hear his sister's voice growing louder and louder, and he nearly slams into Caeser's retreating figure as the overwhelming stench of copper and iron permeating the air spurns him to move faster and faster. Blue swears that he hears his father's name murmured between the group of onlookers blocking his path to Goldie, but he does his best to ignore the growing suspicions. He doesn't even want to consider the possibility. It shouldn't--can't--be possible! "Goldie? Goldie where--"

As the bodies part around him, the situation becomes all too clear. He skids to a halt, kicking up sand as he pants out of more than just physical fatigue. Glacial blue eyes stare numbly at the body of his father lying on the beach. The boy feels paralyzed by the shock of it all, and yet he feels his body moving closer and closer to his sister. "Is he..? He can't, right..?" Coldblue is not aware of what he is saying, the words spilling from his lips while he seeks the comfort of his sibling, pressing up against her side and tucking his head underneath her chin as he stares with wide-eyes at the body of their father. In his heart, he knows it's true, but Blue does not want to admit it to himself. He doesn't want this to be real. Pincher never really was close to Blue, though the boy supposes that is mainly his fault, not his father's. But that does not mean that the boy does not care. Pinch is--was--his father, whether he was a good one or not is a matter of opinion. "How..How did..." he stammers. "Why did he..." Why is my father dead? That's what he wants to ask, but he can't. Blue pretends to be a lot older than he actually is, but at the end of the day, he is just a kid, and no kid should have to see their parents die like this. He doesn't cry, but it's clear how much he wants to.

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - Owlie - 06-21-2018


Re: SINGUR — DEATH - purgatory - 06-21-2018

Re: SINGUR — DEATH - bubblegum - 06-21-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
whatever caesar's reaction would have been to her actions, she didn't care. she gave no further thought about the male, in fact. when argus arrived and scolded him further, she paid little to no attention. she said what she had wanted to say. she wasn't going to try to fight right now. her papa had just died. she didn't want to fight. she made no response to argus and instead let the world sort of blur around her, besides her papa.

she seemed to barely notice roxanne's comfort at first, only reacting when the female touched her nose to her shoulder. she allowed herself to lean in slightly until she pulled away. all she could think now was about how she wanted him to breathe, how easy it would have been to prevent this, how bad it hurt, and what she was going to do. she'd never felt anything close to this before. she didn't know what she was going to do. she relied on her papa on other adults so much that it was terrifying to think she'd be losing the most important one. family meant so much to her.

the girl gently rubbed her head against papa again, the feather earring once again tickling her. she felt compelled to grab it. so, after a moment of hesitation, she would gently lift her head and hold the earring delicately. she wanted to take it before the took papa away. it was a small part of him that she could keep. and so, she would carefully grab it and hold it to herself, staring at it for a moment quietly. it would be okay for her to take it, right? it wouldn't be disrespectful, would it? papa wouldn't mind? she hoped not. she didn't think so, but a small part of her worried he would. she would take it anyway, though, and would only drop her attention off of it when she sensed her brother's presence.

the girl felt him press up against her and then put his head below her, and she would let him. she aimed to gently wrap one of front legs around him, her tears falling a little slower now. he didn't finish any of his sentences, but she knew what all he was trying to say. "wh-when i w-woke up, i-i s-saw the bl-blood in the subm-marine, a-and then..." she tried to explain, her voice trailing off. her voice was quiet, as she was mainly speaking to coldblue now. she knew this wasn't her fault, but she also knew how easy it could have been to avoid, and that bothered her so much. "i could h-h-have helped h-him if i'd j-just w-woken up. it w-would have b-been s-so easy. th-this sh-shouldn't h-have happened."