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snowblind | o, joining + hypothermia - Printable Version

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Re: snowblind | o, joining + hypothermia - Character Graveyard. - 06-18-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Startled by Izuku's sudden, anxious yelp, Natasha would jump back in her surprise and she dropped the cup of tea. Thankfully, not much of the tea had spilled onto the floor and Kodiak did not have much of it in his system at the moment.

Natasha would simply ignore the glare that the Tenderfoot had sent in her direction and she set the cup of tea down in front of her. "Could you conjure up some straw and a few matches?" She asked Izuku.
© madi

Re: snowblind | o, joining + hypothermia - arcy - 06-18-2018

Oops -- he hadn't intended for Natasha to drop the tea. Izuku circles around next to Natasha to see the damage, but the tea seemed mostly fine. And there wasn't even a ton of it gone. Okay, so she hadn't fed him too much before he snapped at her. So there wasn't a ton of risk -- enough for concern, but not enough for panic at anything. Gradually, the Tenderfoot relaxes, tail giving a wave. Luckily, Natasha doesn't seem too upset about Izuku's reaction. In fact, she barely even acknowledges it at all. Which is fine with Izuku, he doesn't want people to respond to his bursts of emotion at all.
"I can try," Izuku agrees as he circles around Kodiak's resting space to where he was previously. He didn't own any straw or anything burnable. Oh, but should they be concerned about lighting a fire in the space here? ... Unless he wanted to try his hand at controlling another elemental. By that, he means air, and Izuku has never used it in his life. "We're gonna have to get something for the smoke, though," He adds, already starting to conjure stuff. it's not going well, considering the number of things he has to conjure and then send back. He does have a matchbox and a piece of wood, though. And then -- oh good, straw to use as kindling or whatever. The tenderfoot considers these items as he rolls them a few more feet away, so that it wasn't too close to Kodiak. Okay, kindling, and -- matches. Izuku can't use matches. He doesn't have hands. Izuku scowls at it for a moment before waving Natasha over. Some people had almost supernatural control with their paws, maybe she could light a match? Somehow? Izuku's not sure and it's kinda scary.
what was i worth

Re: snowblind | o, joining + hypothermia - astre - 06-18-2018


He could feel it as it coursed through his veins, the tea from his saviors coursing through his system and giving his body the thermal energy required to begin functioning once again. Several minutes of nothingness had passed, not a single sensation signaling to his brain up until that point. It was a hypnotizing kind of nothingness. Kodiak had hoped it wouldn't be a feeling that would last an eternity.

I can feel it... the heat of my body. It's coming back.

Quite the jarring feeling for someone who had just spent countless amounts of time in the freezing weather, his body temperature having been approaching freezing temperatures at a lightning pace. Yet even still, it was all he could feel. Nothing was coming back to him quite yet; his muscles in his legs still had yet to function, and he couldn't flex his neck muscles at all. Slowly, though, he was coming to, and that was a step in the right direction.

What wasn't functioning correctly though were his memories, slowly becoming fractured as the time he'd spent brain-dead took a toll on his memory banks. Of course, he could remember his name, and leaving the conservatory in Alaska and everything in-between... but before that point in a time was a blur.

What was I...? Where did it all begin...?

Amnesia was a hell of a trip.

Slowly he could feel his eyelids begin to part, his sights being a blur around him as every sense in his body began to activate. The sapphire-blue eyes of the feliform began to circle the area, trying to make out anything he could as quickly as possible.

Voices. All around him.

Whose were they...? Hana's? No, that's not it. There were multiple. It was an unlikely chance. Perhaps he'd been captured by the poachers again after being knocked out by the sheer cold, and he was to be slaughtered for personal gain like the rest of his kin.

His kin...?

Sure, he remembered being captured, but before that... he knew nothing. What was he before?

Confused as all hell, Kodiak again shut his eyes and groaned. His head felt as if it'd been crushed by a tree -- or the jaws of a lion. His body still felt cold and lifeless on the surface, yet his internal heat felt as if it began to stabilize. A good sign. The pain otherwise was unbearable, but at least he'd been conscious again.

Re: snowblind | o, joining + hypothermia - arcy - 06-19-2018

It's the sound of a groan that distracts Izuku from his rather daunting task. The Tenderfoot blinks as he hears it, because who in the world was that? And then -- oh. Izuku whirls around instantly, just abandoning his attempt at a fire in favor of Kodiak. The hyena seemed conscious, then -- eyes closed, but definitely awake. Izuku is flooded with relief. Okay, good, it was working. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing, but he'd managed to save somebody's life or something. Wow, a first in his career. Granted, everybody else could've done it too, working with hypothermia was just, at its core, warming a person up. I mean, there were little things to pay attention to, but that was basically it.
"Hello," Izuku chirps softly. He's not expecting an instant response, of course -- waking up was a slow process, and the other was probably rather sluggish at the moment. Did they remember anything? Hypothermia could cause brain problems, Izuku knew, and there's no way of telling what was quite wrong till they were awake. "Do you remember what happened?" He tries to keep his voice slow, which isn't hard, since Izuku can't really speak terribly fast anyways. That was a good start, at least -- hopefully Kodiak was even aware enough to reply. In the meantime, though, Izuku conjures the tea from across the bed, and -- oh, he should probably add something to this, shouldn't he? Honey was good -- sugar would get the hyena's energy levels up. He could just conjure sugary snacks but tea was easier to get down. Still, he waits to see if Kodiak can even respond till he tries giving the tea or anything.
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