Beasts of Beyond
I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Printable Version

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Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-20-2018

[Image: caucasian-mountain-shepherd-4-809x508.jpg]
[div style="text-shadow: 0pt 0pt 5pt lightgrey; color: black; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10px; margin-top: -15px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: right; width: 500px;"][i]TANGLEWOOD — PROXY — RUSSIAN BEAR DOG
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Ivan didn’t notice the nip. He felt it, but he didn’t care. He raised his head, aiming to slam Ceasar’s body on the ground. He still held onto the cat, shaking him like a chew toy, until he finally moved to the ground, aiming to put his body over the cat to hold him under his weight. Only then would the dog release him.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Bean - 06-20-2018

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Luciferr - 06-21-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"no business here other than to cause trouble seems - but I think you overestimated whatever chances you thought you might have had" a calm cold voice drawled agreeing with Iota's assessment, War shifting out of the underbrush to peer at what was undoubtedly someone in relation to Vigenere given the colouring, species and general aura he got from the enemy.

Fenris' eyes darted to the others, a brief stab of sudden pride at Nayru's bold statement with the dagger he'd crafted for her the fierce little healer, before they went back to the trespasser and narrowed - hm, he had quite the arsenal of tricks to inflict pain or kill the Typhoonian but he'd hang back for now, the others seemed to have it well in hand enough for now.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-21-2018

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - COSMIIX - 06-21-2018

Walking over, she flicked an ear as she stood beside Fenris letting out a soft breath and eventually blinked rather boredly at the captured Typhoon pirate. At first, she had been worried that it was Vigenere though she was relieved to find out that it wasn't as she heard Vigenere say that they should keep him "I don't think we should keep him. I believe he's learned his lesson, getting trapped and then getting bitten by a bear dog." She saw no point in keeping Caesar really, it wasn't like they could use the yellow male as a bargaining chip and if they did what would they even want in exchange. There was probably nothing that the Typhoon had that Tanglewood wanted rrally, her whiskers twitched deciding not to say anything else but did utter as she leaned against Fen "Though by all means, it's your decision so I won't say anything just yet." She was sure that Beck would possibly want to keep the pirate or just want him out of his swamp.
© madi

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-22-2018

Honestly, the fact that Zimavich didn't react to the nip was what shocked Caesar the most. Sure, he was a huge dog, but he was still mortal, right? Unless mortals were unable to feel pain, but the demon had yet to meet one of those. The air was knocked out of Caesar as he was slammed to the ground, and he briefly lost track of his vision from where his head hit the ground. The Officer was unable to regain any air as Zimavich brought down the weight of his jaws onto him. His entire body practically went numb at this, with Caesar feeling fuzziness practially everywhere. Zimavich did, however, eventually release him and Caesar immediately gasped for breath, pinning his ears to the back of his head as he tried to get air into his lungs. His head was bowed, and his claws still dug into the mushy ground of Tanglewood, and his body shook.

Caesar wasn't very aware of who was starting to come over now but he knew that there were more Tanglers gathering by the minute. He heard the one who first confronted him speak, mostly to Ivan, and another who joined along, mocking how Caesar had no business here. But one voice did catch his attention - Vigenere's. Caesar's head immediately snapped up when his heard his brother's voice and he held his breath for a few seconds. Oh, fuck. So Vigenere was here, then. Just like Atbash. Caesar would note how funny it was how they went their separate ways, but the demon was too preoccupied with how worried he was with the fact Vigenere was here.

Without his powers, Vigenere could easily beat him up. Did he know that? Caesar wasn't sure, but he quite honestly didn't want to find out. Caesar eventually had to start breathing again, and the demon forced his gaze away from his brother. He did not like the fact that Vigenere was here, in an enemy Clan. Sure, that could also mean Vigenere was an easy target, but Vigenere had been trained to fight. And Caesar didn't exactly have his powers so he couldn't do much to Vigenere. Caesar took note of how Amunet spoke, and frowned in thought. Vigenere isn't leader here, is he? No, Amunet seemed like she was talking to somebody else about making a decision, not Vigenere. But by god did the thought of Vigenere ruling this Clan scare Caesar shitless.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Morgan - 06-22-2018

Morgan stepped out of the shadows and barked out, "We keep him. Pirates are scum." He let out a loud growl, approaching Vigenere's side. The canine had been watching from the start, well aware that his fellow Tanglers could take care of themselves. "For Vigenere's sake, keep him..." The samoyed turned toward where he had sensed Beck's location. "Right, Beck?"

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - beck. - 06-25-2018

    Steel jaws snapping shut on Caesar's leg would have brought a victorious sneer to his face, or if he had one at the time, that is. The poltergeist lingered in his transparent state for a while longer, mostly due to the swift arrival of his peers. A little game; how long would it take to notice he was right there? He had never shown off his expected ghostly abilities before, beyond the odd apparition distortion or sudden materialization. No actual poltergeist activity, but that would have to wait for another time. The makeshift tripwire dropped from its unseen suspension seemingly without anyone's notice, the entity approaching towards the main cluster of Tanglers only to take a seat and wait. Another fun element to his game was eavesdropping. What would they do without his management? Apparently flirt with an enemy, or shake said enemy around until Beck could hear the pirate's brains rattled against his skull. Not immediately dispatch him on the spot as their own commander would do without a twinge of remorse on his features.

    The back-and-forth discussion of what to do next lost his interest quickly, his focus drawn to Zimavich thrashing the trespasser about instead. Or at least until Iota called him off. What a killjoy. For once, Beck could agree. At least with Zimavich off of Caesar, he could properly watch his reaction. No grimacing or any signs of pain were odd; either he caught someone with high pain tolerance or someone with a failing nervous system. Both options meant torture wouldn't be a method of interrogation if it came down to it. But the arrival of Vigenere sure seemed to induce some amount of terror in him, breaking through his numb facade faster than Beck could notice the elder brother was even there. Side to side, his nearsighted eyes couldn't tell them apart -- definitely related. 

    His hidden fun and games were promptly cut short as Morgan spoke to him directly, luring Beck out of his plane of nonexistence with a clumsy materialization and a cold draft from nowhere. In all honesty, he wasn't sure what to do either. Fulvous eyes instantly sent daggers at Freyja for her previous flirts while his disfigured snout split into a mocking grin. "Didn't know ya liked kissin' guys with fish-lips," came the double-edged quip, delivered by a giggly wheeze. "Y'ain't thinkin' of runnin' off with Ol' Blackbeard here and makin' some minnows now, are ya?" Even with his teasing, a dangerous light remained flashing in his glare, now aimed at the captured pirate instead. Oh, he would teach him a lesson, alright. But first he had to address what exactly to do with him. Speaking from the intact side of his mouth in a hushed tone meant only for the Tanglewood members present, all while staring Caesar down, Beck began to ramble, "Well, if Vigenere really wants to keep him, then I say, 'why not?'" The restless ghost was always an advocate for revenge, yet he had to appeal to both sides of his audience now. "But if he doesn't, we'll just send 'em back with a li'l warnin', right? I dunno 'bout y'all, but keepin' him means he'll be able to spy on us or whatever. And I don't want pirates crawlin' all over our land and knowin' all our secrets, got it?" The little feline sent a worried glance over his shoulder, ears flicking as if asking for silent agreement. Distant as he may be, he didn't want any more friends of his to wind up hurt or dead because of things that could have been prevented. His project was too precious for that.

    A glower returning to his youthful face, Beck slunk towards the leghold clamped around Caesar's paw, baring sharkish teeth when he hissed, "Now as for you, you're gonna answer me whether ya like it or not." Without Zimavich on top of Caesar, he could still lash out, but it wasn't like the ghost cared about his apparition's well-being. Many injuries were repaired and replaced by what movies had dubbed ectoplasm within a matter of days, so Beck advanced with nonchalant confidence, stooping down next to the chain tethering the trap to the ground. Having built the trap himself, it was easy for him to locate the release switch, yet frigid paws ignored it and instead squeezed around a related mechanism, simultaneously forcing the trap to tighten even more and dig its metal teeth deeper into Caesar's leg.  "Now, why don'tcha tell me your name, rank, and what ya were plannin' to do here, unless ya wanna end up with a pegleg like a real pirate's," he smugly threatened, clenching the trap's mechanism tighter and tighter with a vice grip until Caesar chose to speak up or have his leg cut off in a contraption as primitive as two sharpened metal half-circles closing together.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

They were really wanting to keep him? Oh, no. No, no, no. They couldn't keep him. He couldn't be near Vigenere. Caesar stared at Morgan for a few moments in shock, before he realized that there was, in fact, another Tangler who was lurking, which Morgan introduced as Beck. The aforementioned ghost eventually showed himself and Caesar only tensed up as he neared him. "I don't have to -" The demon hissed at first, though as the trap clamped down more on his leg, the demon winced. Sure, he didn't feel pain, but that didn't mean that the body he possessed didn't react to pain. He could feel the teeth of the trap digging more in his leg, and blood trickling out from the wound it was forming. Caesar grit his teeth as he glared up at Beck now as he answered, "Officer Caesar Cipher." There, that was his rank and name out of the way. "I never had any intentions here other than being a prick. Does that satisfy you?" His tone was cold and harsh, but he just wanted out of this damn trap. It didn't take much to trick the demon into getting information - you just had to make him uncomfortable enough.