Beasts of Beyond
uhm I'm awkward sorry - Printable Version

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Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - rakue - 06-17-2018

welcome to bob!! im not sure if we ever met on ff, but if so i was rakue over there :^) if you have any questions dont be afraid to hit me up!

also nice avatar B)

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - wifewoof - 06-18-2018

nice to meet you guys too! <3

thank you <3 and I love your avatar sustina!! I love Be More Chill to death qwq

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - Orion - 06-18-2018

rolls in
im late to the party but welcome to BoB dude!!
i saw bmc and came

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - wifewoof - 06-18-2018

it's nice to be here <3

lol I adore BMC so much qwq I'm hyped for this summer and september for it since it's finally got a cast Will Roland as Jeremy, and George Salazar!! as Micheal again!! and theatre in New York off-broadway it's too bad I already went to NY to see Book of Mormon and Chicago this year, or else I would go see it lol

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - Orion - 06-18-2018

i'm glad to know that!

George as Michael is the best casting honestly.
I hope that the off-Broadway show comes over here.  ;;

oooo Book of Mormon!
I personally saw Aladdin and am going to see Hamilton this year so I'm HYPE.