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PRIVATE i'm so obsessed with you(r ex) ; meteor - Printable Version

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RE: i'm so obsessed with you(r ex) ; meteor - kole. - 06-04-2024

Kole had always liked a challenge, whether mental or physical. The mental stimulation was something he absolutely chased, as someone who'd spent years upon years in a sort of limbo. Adrenaline was one of the few things that really kept him going anymore. The exhilaration was a thing of beauty he seldom experienced. When one was an undead being incapable of truly dying except under specific circumstances, such emotions didn't come easy.

Social anxiety, however, was clearly a different case; if Kole's antsy behaviour was anything to go off.

Sure enough, he leapt for the challenge; if not because the idea of getting to show off was utterly tantalising, then because the idea of feasting on a fine specimen like Meteor was utterly delectable to his astute, powerful senses.

"Easy," he agreed quickly, declining to respond to that comment; that little tid-bit about already having his loyalty. Hah, if only Meteor knew the truth; that Kole's loyalty was as fickle as the wind, and hard to earn besides. His ears stood alert atop his head, twitching ever so slightly with excitement at the prospect of flaunting his prowess. What an opportunity; for raising his status, of course... Nothing else. "If you have any requests, now's your chance, I suppose. Anything's on the metaphotical table."

RE: i'm so obsessed with you(r ex) ; meteor - METEOR - 06-04-2024


As Kole stepped out of that weird shame and embarrassment loop, Meteor grinned. A soft chuckle. Kole wanted status and attention more than anything—that much’d been obvious during his years as a Descendant—but Meteor hadn’t quite expected Kole to be eager to show off.

“Considering the post-eruption, a large quantity of meat or useful herbs would be beneficial. Or other supplies.” Naturally, Meteor pointed a validation-hungry Kole in the direction towards enhancing the group itself. What point was there in enhancing his own status? He had undisputed control over the group, status symbols and posturing were, at this point, unnecessary.

“As for the bite… obviously, avoid the mane, the face, the paws.” Then a shrug. Which caused Meteor’s head to slip off the comfortable spot on the coyote’s side, so he readjusted. “Otherwise, I don’t care where you bite.”

RE: i'm so obsessed with you(r ex) ; meteor - kole. - 06-06-2024

When he told Meteor to make a request, Kole had honestly been anticipating something a little more difficult than foraging and hunting. Kole was already good at both of those things naturally, but that was fine. It meant he didn't have to over-exert himself; though the likelihood of over-exerting himself while he was at tip-top shape was decidedly very, very low. He only nodded his head in agreement in response, noting that down for later.

Perhaps understandably, Kole's focus was on other, more appetising things. He hadn't fed in days, and the idea of sinking his fangs into Meteor was making his mouth water, literally. He was still aware enough to be paying attention as the lion listed off where not to bite, but the question was if he'd listen, given the sheer hunger in those orangey-red eyes of his.

The idea of biting Meteor's face had admittedly not occurred to the coyote. Bite his cheek and ruin those good looks? Preposterous. As for the paws, Kole wasn't exactly a feet guy, so that was already off the table; and though the neck was typically a favourite of his kind, Kole wasn't exactly looking forward to getting a mouthful of fluff while he was trying to eat. That was never fun. No, he had somewhere else in mind.

"This might hurt," Kole choked out in warning. His gums throbbed as his fangs extended, and then he leaned down, opening his maw wide to clamp his teeth down on the meat of Meteor's shoulder. The pressure on his throbbing gums felt heavenly, but not as heavenly as the rush of blood in his mouth as his canines sank into Meteor's flesh. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, a contented groan rising from the depths of his throat.

RE: i'm so obsessed with you(r ex) ; meteor - METEOR - 06-06-2024


Meteor stretched out on the warmed rock. He watched Kole’s eyes as the coyote crunched on the established boundaries and his own emotions. If the coyote couldn’t be trusted to manage his hunger, then Meteor was prepared to electrocute the templar. But he didn’t need to say that, did he?

Might?” He sounded amused.

But then the vampire did as a vampire do. And it did hurt. Meteor hissed; the muscles of his shoulder contracted against the pain.

Then the lion exhaled and relaxed. The bite numbed out, though he had a vague sense of pressure and tearing. Kole’s vampirism, at least during the bite itself, seemed to mimic true vampire bats. Meteor hadn’t been bitten by a vampire bat, but, in his adolescent travels, he ran into a colony of vampire bats and a weirdo who liked feeding them with his own blood. Weird, but who was an aspiring cannibal pharaoh to judge?

Honestly, Meteor still didn’t see the appeal of being a blood bag for a vampire bat colony. But for Kole? Maybe the vampire would be stronger if ‘sufficiently fed.’ Maybe having a vampire attack dog would be useful.

Kole would need to be useful, if he wanted more than this taste. Nothing much to do but meditate while the coyote’s teeth sank into the lion’s flesh.

After a few moments, Meteor’s paw reached for Kole’s shoulder and attempted to gently—but firmly—push him off. “Enough, Kole.” Meteor smirked, but didn’t raise his head off the warm rock. Too comfortable to bother. “That should suffice for a few days. By then, you'll have proved yourself, hm?”