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✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Printable Version

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Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-08-2018

[div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"][align=center]❝ You are not nothing. You are a liar, and it’s all what you are best. ❞

   Wave after wave struck against his chest. One, two, three. One shove, two punches, three lines—You are not nothing. You are a liar. It’s all what you are best.

   Firm as stone crafted skin, Anthony’s posture yet remained high and still. Resilience held his stand, though, part of him knew not even the mountains of rich gold could live through the heat in the end. Nothing lasted forever.

   At least time didn't lie.

   “You sure made it sound like a compliment, surprisingly, but I’m not complaining.” Despite himself, with quivering hands and blurry visions, he managed to stitch the harsh words together in a perfect align… Maybe a bit too perfect, coming from the other who became further more annoyed at his response, apparently.

   The reaction rendered Anthony desiring to draw the fire closer between them. He didn’t do it, however. There was a thought hanging at the back of his head that if he does so, he’ll only cause the fire to escape out of their reach and spread.

   Maybe his friend was actually wrong on this: maybe it wasn’t him being a liar was what he was best, but rather, a destroyer.

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]For Mrs. S.
Goodness speaks well within you.
You may fail to see it, or even refuse to do so, but that is okay.
Just breathe and know your presence radiates the light
so many people seeks to have nowadays.
Unforgiving darkness dwells in the edges and corners of the world.
While some of it even lives beneath your mind,
you are still capable of shining through the days and nights,
and there is what one calls strength in that.
Your name speaks resilience, as it sparks hope all around.
Hope for there will always be a rainbow after a terrible storm.
A moment worth waiting for in the end.
Motions done and words uttered with soft care
and a starry desire for everyone to be at peace with each other,
most importantly, breathe and remember
your benevolence shapes your presence
as a gentle reminder that there is still goodness in this world.

For Mr. C.
Words spills from your lips,
and, always, are they crafted in silver serenity and great gold kindness,
as beauty hides beneath their coats of honey and milk
you are so willing to share with the world where such action barely exists in.
Together, does confidence and creativity run wild within your veins,
guiding you to reach for joy and freedom among you and beyond.
No demons should hold you back,
as especially no kind of yours should drag you to the oblivion.
When in doubt, let people know you are the man with iron bones,
and also the man whose heart are made of flesh.
Let them listen to how your heart can still beat love despite it all;
no metals can make the heaven itself sing when it only brings chaos—
they sound just the same as the cries of war and vengeance.
A teacher, a friend, a husband, a father, a protector, and a lover,
you are what is defined a blessing overall.
( Amen. )

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-10-2018

[div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]I'm going to drop this list here so I won't forget but omf the idea I have in mind that relates to this though, I'm weepign

- Percy Jones | Male | 22 | Tom Holland
- Dakota Jones | Demimale | 23 | Nick Robinson
- Cyrus Jones / Cy-9 "Cyanine" | Agender | 31 | Bryan Dechart

oKAY so I was thinking that Cyrus actually had two younger brothers before he died and his soul was transferred into a mechanic system and had his memories as a Human erased for an experiment, meaning he wouldn't remember Percy and Dakota until later on. Gosh, can y'all even imagine Cyrus being Bewildered that he actually have a family?

Cyrus: "Cyrus have two brothers?"
Rhys: "Um, yeah."
Cyrus: "Cyrus don't understand. He have no memories of being...closely associated with anyone."
Rhys: "Well, apparently, your brothers, Percy and Dakota, mentioned having a deceased older brother, only that his corpse was taken from his grave few days after the funeral took place."
Cyrus: "Cyrus don't...understand..."

Cyrus never thought about having a family. His programming had forced him to be constantly placed into this belief it was about him only and no one else. Then, after it's been so long, he stumbled across the fact he actually had two humanly brothers?? What??


‣ ❝ You harm Cyrus’ brothers and there shall be consequences. Cyrus highly suggests you leave them be and continue your day without any...unnecessary stops in your way. ❞

‣ ❝ Cyrus wishes Percy and Dakota a happier life. They've been through so much, and if it means Cyrus can take their pain for them to have better experiences, he'll be more than glad. ❞

‣ ❝ It's fascinating. Percy and Dakota are Deviants, and so is Cyrus, yet he's also different compared with them; Cyrus' brothers do not share the same blood nor inner system as Cyrus do. The only biggest thing they share in common is they just want to live. ❞

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]   "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!?”

   Jagged pearls bared, a deafening growl was freed from hollow system, belonging to the poor mad man, Colin Lynch, ( death was calling ). Visage twisting, coated in sanguine.

   Scratch, scratch, scratch. Red. Red. Blood. He tensed.

   At the surprising sight of Richard’s crimson, yet tender hand reaching towards his arm to express reassurance, his mouth snapped into a straight line, releasing emotions, just like his despair ( as he only locked away the desire to break down—how fucking dare he? ).

   Colin slapped his best friend’s hand from touching him ( though he wanted to accept it so badly, he couldn't, he couldn't, nonononoENOUGH ) and snarled, Don't.” Bent mind lost in trembling weight of anger and exhaustion, he couldn't tell if the stinging in his eyes came from the rain or his own tears. Cursing silently to himself, he wiped off what he liked to believe was the former and stared at Richard, oceanic stained eyes narrowed.

   He noticed Richard flinched at his cold rejection and he didn't bother to stop himself from thinking, good. With what Richard just did, the fucker should know he had it coming. However, that wasn't going to stop Richard from attempting to talk him out, apparently, like a stubborn ass bitch he was.

   “Colin, please, listen to me, I was trying to help you,” explained Richard.

   Colin laughed. Amusement evolving into bitterness. "By lying? Is that your definition of helping?” A taunt meant to reopen wounds and spill honey.

   Richard shook his head. “You were being targeted at. I didn't want you to be paranoid and make any rash decisions if I told you the truth in the first place.”

   Iron bones within bloody fists cracked with an intention; that being the urge to punch Richard. What the Hell. Does he think he's not capable of taking care of himself? “Are you fucking telling me I'm not smart?” Colin asked, voice laced with offense.

   “No. I just...I can't risk letting you know, only to get you killed in the end. I do feel horrible that I lied to you, and I'm really sorry, but...please,” pleaded Richard, taking a small step closer to him. “I can't lose you too.”

   An unnatural wave of silence fell between them.

   Memories flickered at the back of Colin’s mind from Richard and him drinking to celebrate their success at the beach, leading to Richard mentioning his wife’s death, and ended with one time when they laughed together without a care in the world. What happened, exactly? Colin couldn't recall at this state, but part of him knew it was one of the best few moments he ever had in his life.

   Inhaling mistakes, he dug his nails into his palms.

   “You're a goddamn asshole, you know that?”

   Colin noticed the other’s lips twitching at his retort. Eventually, Richard smiled, sincerely, and his heart couldn't resist but sing.

   “If it means to keep you safe, then yes.”

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]uhhhhHHHH ZAYDE WOLF RECENTLY RELEASED AN ALBUM AND COME STRAIGHT TO MY FACE AND TELL ME ANIMAL IS N O T A D:BH SONG

Re: ✧ —「 3L3CTR1C DR3ΛMS ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 06-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt"]Reserving a list for me to make a directory out of every characters from my personal story so I can ( hopefully ) do some developing shit for them while I'll be at a 18 + 4 hour flights in few more weeks to Vietnam