Beasts of Beyond
Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Printable Version

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RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Meliko - 05-25-2024

Lele, Meliko & BeĆ­lledraoith were my old accounts iirc.. can I get my hybridisation item back?

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Mothfire - 05-25-2024

I managed to find my old accounts, would you mind checking BomBom, Eon, Bubbles! and Ryu?

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Orion - 05-25-2024

Got your gems.

Hi! Since I can't confirm you are the same person, I am unable to do so. Users should only have one main account. Please DM me privately if you have confirmation that it is you. Then we can proceed with things.

Powers will come soon. Smile I trust you all to be honest for now.

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - axiom - 05-26-2024

Gems plz I had 2294586.

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Orion - 05-27-2024

Got your gems.

Yours too.

Sorry for skipping you by accident! Got you also.

Powers coming later. I love sorting through databases /j

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - psy - 05-31-2024

requesting gems for my main account and powers for my subaccounts! see below -


9460501 gems stored in bank on parent account (psy)

psy - Conjuration x3, Electricity Elemental, Invisibility, Mental Manipulation x2, Shapeshifting, Teleportation
Zjarr - Conjuration, Fire Elemental, Possession, Shapeshifting
blackjack - Electricity Elemental

RE: Request pre-revamp gems/powers. - Orion - 06-02-2024

Gems done!