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i have no words ;; cotc - Printable Version

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Re: i have no words ;; cotc ;; all 15 - Agrimony - 02-12-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ SILENTSTEP ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. silentstep kinsella
named for her silent nature
nicknames. silent
biological gender. female
birth date. 01/01/2022
age. 1 year
clan. coalition of the condemned

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. shiro
voiceclaim. shiro
☆ she likes to howl at the moon when she thinks she is alone

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
coyote. — birth body 100% health
a black coyote with white paws and ice blue eyes. she is always clean so her feet glow at night
injures. none

isfj && ravenclaw && candor && chaotic neutral.
a quiet and smart girl, silent is always thinking and watching. she only talks when she feels it is important. she is judgmental, and will hold her first opinion of someone for a long time. she is short tempered and can get angry rather easy. she is blunt and considered snippy in the way she deals with questions and situations.
main personality traits. quiet. smart. blunt. judgmental. short tempered.
disorders. none

parents. jasper x npc
siblings. gohan, hyzenthlay, heicarymus, flame, kimiko, sunshowers, amari, apollyon, yosai
sexuality. heterosexual heteroromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. moderate && hard
will fight && may kill
self defense. some basic knowledge
likes to rip with her fangs
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Coalitioners or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i have no words ;; cotc ;; all 15 - Agrimony - 02-12-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ TUWILE ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. tuwile
means death is invincible.
nicknames. tu
biological gender. female
birth date. 2/12/2023
age. 1 day
clan. coalition of the condemned

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. lucy
voiceclaim. lucy
☆ hangs upside down a lot and loves to climb

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
day gecko. — birth body 100% health
a beautiful teal girl with black stripes on her. they get smaller down her sides and stop before her tail. the ones on her face point backwards, instead of down like the rest, and are longer. she has bright blue eyes.
injures. text

enfj && hufflepuff && amity && chaotic good.
a bubble and happy little girl. she tends to cling to people and is very sweet. she is a bit to trusting and can be easily tricked. she is smart though and only falls for it once. she is very likely to be your friend just because you crossed her path.
main personality traits. bubbly, trusting, sweet, gullible, clingy, happy, friendly
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. homosexual homoromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. easy && easy
won't fight && won't kill
self defense. no knowledge
no weapon preference
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Coalitioners or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i have no words ;; cotc ;; all 15 - Agrimony - 02-12-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ WASPSTING ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. waspsting
named for her mutations
nicknames. wasp
biological gender. female
birth date. 01/01/2020
age. 3 years
clan. coalition of the condemned

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. wasp
voiceclaim. wasp
☆ she is always flitting about and rarely lands

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
mutated humming bird. — birth body 100% health
a small mint bird with a pastel pink belly. she has brown eyes and tiny ram horns. has a tiny stinger.
injures. none

mbti type && hogwarts house && division && natural alignment.
wasp is known to be clever and often has witty comebacks or good ideas. though she is very sharp tongued and honest. to the point others are not often willing to talk to her. she is loyal to her home and this shows despite her attitude.
main personality traits. clever. loyal. sharp tongued. brutally honest.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. homosexual homoromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. moderate && moderate
will fight && might kill
self defense. knows a bit
uses her horns or stinger
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Coalitioners or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i have no words ;; cotc ;; all 15 - Agrimony - 02-12-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ ZURIELA ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. zuriela hoshi
no name meaning
nicknames. zuri
biological gender. female
birth date. 06/16/2022
age. 06/16/2022
clan. 7 months

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. princess bubblegum
voiceclaim. princess bubblegum
☆ is wise beyond her years and offers her opinion if asked

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
canadian marble fox. — birth body 100% health
a beautiful black canadian marble fox with a white belly and blue eyes. her muzzle is also white in color. her ears and tail tip are covered in pastel pink flames. she has pastel rainbow butterfly wings and a pink unicorn style horn.
injures. none

intp && gryffindor && amity && chaotic good.
introverted. as anyone with this trait is often seen to be, she stays to herself. not needing others company to be happy. going out to events or parties doesn't matter much to her. she enjoys staying in and living her life. be this with a good book, or a warm cup of tea while watching the clouds. only going out with close friends or family, as she prefers them to anyone else. this can often seem bad, with her lack of interactions with those she doesn't consider close. this trait does hold its own merits though. intuitive. she studies others, rather then talk to them. this makes her a good judge of emotion, character, and intentions. though, true to her nature, she keeps these thoughts hidden unless she feels the person is a threat to others. this helps her to make wiser choices about who she trusts.

quiet. this girl speaks softly, if she bothers speaking. her voice is never loud and can be drowned out by the wind or others talking. she choses to be this way. partly because she only talks when its important. thus, if she speaks, people must listen closely or miss something of value. timid. she is very timid and tends to shelter behind stronger creatures. not being the first to speak or first to confront a stranger. she refuses to be in harms way unless she must be. as such, she always seems unsure when she does speak. as if she is ready to be scolded at every turn. open-minded. she is not one to judge the life of others. she tries to accept all creatures for who they are, or who they want to be. believing all creatures can change for better or worse. she has no issues with others unless they cross boundaries without a good cause. prospecting. she knows her environment and expects changes. be that weather or something unforeseen. she tends to adapt with ease, as she doesn't try to control changes. she understands that change is important and that she must be ready for it. she knows fearing change is not the way to go about it.

passionate. she has a passion for all things she does. cleaning nests with care. sorting herbs with caution. she puts her all into every task given to her. thus, she often goes above and beyond the call of duty. wanting to make sure she does it to the very highest degree. imaginative. she has a vivid imagination and often uses it. be that to create something, watch the clouds, or play. she can make up things on the fly and has no issue with artistic tasks. she loves to paint or make things that she sees in her minds eye. feeling. she can be read like a book. she has a hard time hiding her emotions. this also means she can get her feelings hurt easily. she has been known to go away and cry simply because she was told no to harshly.
main personality traits. open-minded. passionate. feeling. prospecting. prospecting. imaginative. intuitive. timid. quiet. introverted.
disorders. none

parents. sora x npc, adopted by saturn & byriath
siblings. nesraa, odysseus, plexus, sakkaku
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. plexus, inferno, romulus
enemies. gerald

physically && mentally. easy && moderate
might fight && won't kill
self defense. mild knowledge
prefers to use her fire
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Coalitioners or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. fire elemental

Re: i have no words ;; cotc ;; all 15 - Agrimony - 02-16-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ DIESIE GWYNNE ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 02/2023

name. diesie gwynne
no name meaning
nicknames. dee
biological gender. female
birth date. 06/06/2022
age. 6 months
clan. coalition of the condemned

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. felix argyle
voiceclaim. felix argyle
☆ likes to garden, but has a hard time with hooves

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
zebra. — birth body 100% health
a golden stripped zebra with pink eyes and a white base.
injures. none

isfp && hufflepuff && amity && true neutral.
he is a shy boy by nature and tends to remain quiet. not likeing to talk to people he doesn't know unless he is safe. he is kind to others he knows and can be playful once he knows you. he will, however, defend himself if attacked.
main personality traits. shy. quiet. kind. playful. will defend herself.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc, adopted by merlin
siblings. none
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. moderate && easy
might fight && may kill in defense
self defense. knows very little and uses instinct
uses his hooves
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Coalitioners or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none

Re: i have no words ;; cotc - Agrimony - 03-04-2023

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ BONNY ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 03/2023

name. bonny
no name meaning
nicknames. none
biological gender. female
birth date. 2/4/2019
age. 5 years
clan. coalition of the condemned

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. bonny
voiceclaim. bonny
☆ likes shiny things a lot

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
arctic wolf. — birth body 100% health
a beautiful white wolf with tan shades swirling through her pelt. her eyes are a steel grey-blue in color. wears a gemstone necklace about her neck.
injures. none

estj && ravenclaw && erudite && chaotic neutral.
a calm and loyal woman. she hardly lets things get to her and once she is loyal to someone, she will die for them. she is smart and bold. she is very bold in actions and words. letting herself talk to strangers. she loves to solve problems. using her mind to solve things. this pans out in her greedy nature. stealing and hording things in her burrow.
main personality traits. calm, loyal, smart, bold, greedy
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. none
enemies. none

physically && mentally. hard && moderate
might fight && can and will kill
self defense. knows more than she let's on
no weapon preference, but does have a dagger on her
mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Coalitioners or [member=23336]Cobra[/member] when attacking
attacks in white
powers. none