Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Printable Version

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romulus shrank back from him and kiara shouted back, but it was red's single optic that he caught with his gaze and followed. he didn't mean for her to get hurt in their joust against the old, wily captain - his legs still burned from where the older male's claws had nearly broken bones. he grimaced back at her then padded over to sit next to her. "ridiculous, isn't the kingpin? we should've captured that good-for-nothing daughter and held her hostage." he was quiet enough that only she could hear, but the embers on his back showed his displeasure.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 2 years & 5 months


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

she trotted in after romulus, but as he shied away from lucinder's fire she in turn tilted her head and stepped closer, danger burning in her optics. she could smell blood the moment she stepped in, and hostility hung fat and heavy like a cloud of stench in the air. she rolled out her shoulders. her uncle was so silly, could he not read the atmosphere?

after kiara called out, her eyes narrowed slightly. how rude of the other to speak to him that way.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - JOSIAH F. - 02-03-2023


While the big dogs were talking their talks, and while the big cats glared and sneered at eachother, the Sentinel listened as he always did, beyond the tree line, just out of sight. But this time, the whole of the Covenant, brothers and sisters and siblings under his rule, were behind him. Sylvester watched with baited breath as Josiah thought. "Anything happens, you're in charge." he chuckled before making his move.

Alone the canine stepped out and down into the crater, careless and arrogant. "Hot-diggity-dog!" he barked, stopping by the tree. His red eyes stared glassily at those around, teeth revealed as he grinned. "This is magnificent!"

As he looked at Sorbet, he dipped his head respectfully toward him and the child below him. And then he redirected his attention to the others. "Allow me to introduce myself; Ladies, Gentlemen, Those of undisclosed or unpreferenced gender terms, I am Josiah Fauls. And this..." as his voice got quiet, he nodded toward the treeline. As though a stream he watched his Covenant approach. "Is The Covenant."


Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - natasha - 02-03-2023

The macaque sauntered into the meeting thankful for her elk cloak. Though she controlled her facial expression with ease, her emotions occasionally betrayed her by fluffing out her fur. She felt the hair raising along her back and throat against the elkskin, but she was confident her cloak protected her emotions. After all, she’d tailored it herself.

She sat with the Coalition. Though the Typhoon and Tanglewoods seemed more interested in reopening their fresh wounds, she’d seen disputes where lower ranked monkeys, appearing at the wrong place at the wrong time, took violence that was intended for someone else.

Her time in these mixed-species groups didn’t dissuade her from fearing the hierarchies of felines and canines shared that behavior.

Natasha’s amber eyes fluttered between the two opposing clans. One hand found a rock, and she forced herself to drop it and keep both hands still. Fidgeting only broadcasted fear—but stars was it a difficult habit to break, her fingers itched for needle and thread to busy themselves with. She sighed and massaged her temples, as if this whole thing was annoying instead of terrifying.

She looked up and turned her head to Josiah. How interesting that he would want to be the center of attention during such tension as this. Was he brave or stupid?

“What is The Covenant?” She glanced at Sorbet, trying to decipher what that brief interaction between Josiah and the Quartermaster had been about. “You don’t strike me as a vassal for those pirates.”

macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Casphian - 02-04-2023

Little ice cream man don't go melting my heart
Sorbet felt his niece before he saw her. A paw moved to press into the ground on the other side of Loki, trapping her underneath his larger frame and against his chest. She’d be able to move away from him if needed but he wanted to be able to quickly protect if needed.

The Quartermaster let out a low hiss directed towards Kiara and Luciander, gaze narrowing as he glared at Tanglewood. If he wasn’t in front of so many and needed to keep the peace right now he would’ve went for blood. But the feline couldn’t and it pissed him off even further. Having to sit here and see the group that so easily snatched his love away and he was supposed to just sit here and pretend to be all happy and okay with everything? Yea fuck that.

“There wouldn’t be tension in the room if a certain group had just kept their noses in their own business,” he snapped, lips curled back in a snarl. His claws dug into the ground beneath, tail flicking with agitation. His attention was soon drawn away from Tanglewood and towards Josiah. He returned the head nod of greeting, fur relaxing a bit at the sight of the Covenant.



[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The ocelots four eyes wandered. Rosemary couldn’t find a single area in the meeting with a relaxed atmosphere. Ironically, the Pittians were the calmest out of the bunch. And the Condemned’s wanderers. As if Rosemary would seriously consider sitting by anyone smelling of those bloodthirsty hellholes.

She sighed all the way to where Sorbet and other pirates had already gathered. There were better things to do than appear here with a farce of presented strength. She would much rather be pouring tea in the Capricorn Tavern as she fussed over wounds that some of her crewmates really shouldn’t be traveling with. And, oh, how she worried about Alexandre.

But she understood not coming tonight would be a show of weakness, even though she really didn’t understand the whole conflict to begin with, seeing as how she had been introverting when it began.

After sitting down, Rosemary grunted in agreement with Sorbet.
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Kiara Kokytos - 02-04-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

josiah. she allowed her gaze to briefly slide over to them before resting on sorbet's movements as he shielded the child between his legs. she gave the female a smile that dripped with malice, lip curling slightly in contempt. "oh, but we did stay to our business, sorbet. our rightful business." she responded, a teasing edge to her voice. urging him to do something, to attack her, them, to squash that whelp between his paws.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Seven - 02-04-2023

Talk, Talk, talk. Her ears took it all in, even as The Covenant made itself known. All they did was talk. She couldn't tell if her expression had changed, but it must have if she felt a concerned paw on her shoulder. With a snort, she shook her head.

"You played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. You should have known how we'd react once we found that you were trespassing on Tanglewood grounds." she rumbled, feeling the paw leave her shoulder.

Talk, talk, talk. All they did was talk. What good would it do, Seven wondered.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Romulus - 02-05-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
At Kiara's comment, the male turned his head. With a narrowed gaze, he countered her sassy tone with a sigh. Tensions, obviously, were high, but he did not know the reason behind it. So, why not inquire? Romulus was tempted to roll his eyes at her in a rare show of disapproval, but instead offered a shake of his head and a comment to follow. "I do not know why recent allies have fallen so far from former expectations. Is it a crime to ask why this has happened?" the leader offered back.

Looking back to the rest, he peered throughout the crowd to find anyone, someone, who would offer him an explanation. Romulus preferred details, not petty squabble. In the moment though, a new scent arrived, followed by a new voice. His head turned, facing Josiah. They were a new group, obviously. Perhaps one hidden in the shadows. The kingpin was intrigued and listened to the other, especially as Natasha inquired more. "Do tell, Josiah. I am interested in your endeavors here today." Perhaps more than Tanglewood and The Typhoon's banter. "I am Romulus of the Coalition of the Condemned. Perhaps we could find some time to chat between today's quarrels."

And, yet, there was no time. The arguing continued, dropping more hints for the kingpin. A territory dispute, it seemed. Over what? The Palm Glades' land that had been laid to rest years ago? Somewhere new? It was unclear to Romulus and he did not want to make any assumptions, so he continued to sit patiently among the edge of the crowd with his periwinkle eyes watching intensely.

As a beacon of neutrality, the leader butted in. "Maybe, if possible, we could negotiate some terms for this territory dispute with an uninvolved party." His paw landed on his chest, signaling he would be the one to do so. "I do not wish to make the same mistake as my father when it comes to land." If either party was willing, of course, then Romulus would offer his assistance. Stryker had been greedy once. He would not be repeating his father's legacy.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Atticus Roux - 02-05-2023

Atticus did not get on the ship, nor did he care to. He had seen Tanglewood's greed and The Pitt's desire to fight before, leading him to be a negotiator between the two as a dual member in the past. Even now, as a fully fledged Tanglewooder, he had no desire to push for violence. Even as he walked into the crater's depths and through the tree's many large roots, his opinion could not be changed. Atticus Roux was against the expansion.

He could see the ignorance of many. Why not appreciate what they had in Tanglewood? Did they really need an island? They had never been sailors, nor pirates. Yet, here they were, trying to take land that had The Typhoon's claim. To him, there was no boundary in the waters or border to be seen, only scent markers and The Typhoon had already laid their claim. In times like these, where tensions were high and fur was pinned upwards, he hoped to find some solace where at least someone would agree.

Yellow eyes perused the crowd, finding another Roux among them. Rosemary Roux. In an effort to push for some calm between the two groups, the distant relative made his way over to the four-eyed feline. "Don't worry. I'm not looking to throw shit your way," he snorted. "All I want is to sit near someone familiar. Would that be okay?" While the two family members did not talk, he felt obliged to catch up and extend a paw during these times.