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trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Printable Version

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Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 01-05-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
Sorbet had been lounging on a rock when he heard all the commotion. The Quatermaster looked up from where he laid, gaze resting on the boat as it came into view. The feline leapt up from where he laid and made his way over to his brother, standing near the other ice cream cat. “Easy brother, don’t let them get under your skin so much,” he whispered to Sherbet, gaze never leaving the boat as it drew closer.

Sorbet stepped back a bit once people began to leave the boat, his own head lifted as he stared down the Luminary. His tail flicked behind him lazily, gaze devoid of emotion.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Seven - 01-05-2023

Despite her strong stature and expressionless gaze, Seven was not adjusting well with water. The sway of the ship made her uneasy, and she stumbled from time to time. [b]"God, how i never want to do this again." she grumble, ears flicking as voices rose above the waves. Typhoon on the island. With a huff, she called over her shoulder as Aesior jumped from the ship to the ship ahead. "Get me my medical kit. I have a feeling we'll need it."

As the ships docked and as her kit was given to her, the massive tigress hopped to the lead ship, standing on the bow. Seven wasnt going to risk being unable to clamber back onto the ship if she jumped off. And she was within earshot of everything on the sands. This was not going to end well.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 01-05-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken stayed near Seven during the entire trip, his gaze constantly flicking over to hear to make sure she was doing okay. While on the other hand he was also keeping an eye on Aesior, not trusting his adoptive father and someone needed to watch him. When the boat came to a haul the pushed himself up onto his paws and followed after Aesior. He leapt off the side, head lowering as he drew closer to the Typhoon. His body was tense and ready to leap into action the second he was needed. But he hoped that it wouldn’t come to that and they could just take what was theirs peacefully.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SHERBET - 01-05-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
Sherbet once again in his infinite wisdom, hardly reacted to the massive lion sailing through the air, landing on the shore. His fur spiked up more, however, at the amusement in the Tanglewood Leader's eyes before a fake smile overtook his maw, "'Ello, Luminary Aesior! What a bleeding surprise~!"

His raw nerves still exposed and burning from all of the storm, being on the bloody ship here, and from the sheer anger of being followed. The Captain's ice cream visage swirled as his stripes seemed at a loss of where to sit with his puffed out appearance. Ear flicking, as he in the murkiness of his mind recognized Sorbet (his beloved brother, oh how he missed him so much before), the male extended one already unsheathed claw, the smaller feline traced the words on the scroll. Reveling in the tense silence as he slowly read the words on the paper, the soft scratching of claw on parchment for several minutes. Giving a slight hum every so often, the male flicked his green eyes up to Aesior every so often as he read.

Sherbet couldn't believe how fair (fair, how do you know what's truly fair in this state of mind, how do you know you aren't in such a state of hysterics and anger at being told something isn't yours when YOU found it fair and square first) the scroll was. But, you never got far as a scallyway without taking what you believe is rightfully yours. You don't turn your back on the crew that already has started trying to make this a home, a place to live and love. Sherbet spending his whole life trying to find somewhere to live and love, trying to put behind his memories of the Palm Glades, trying to put behind his unbidden terror at night that the Typhoon actually washed away, trying to give his crew a home, trying to string together home in places that didn't quite fit.

You are scared.

The Captain began to cackle as if possessed, the sound so rough, so broken coming from the small tabby. His lungs begging him to stop and to speak, speak, for fuck's sake TALK. A sharp grin overtook his usually mellow features, a paw (claws, why couldn't he sheath his claws, he didn't want to fight, please) on his shell necklace (they'd be so disappointed in me), "These are quite the terms, my fair friend!"

Mockingly sorrowful, he began slowly, "But, too bad you've seem to forgotten we're pirates, guv'nor. Truly, I'm sorry, but that's a lie, it's in our nature to take what we find, what we want to keep."

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Morrison - 01-05-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
The air had grow cold. Silence stunned the crowd as ships rolled in, but several voices spoke up among the quiet and others took action. Morrison, ordered by Sherbet to keep his cool and keep his head down, had broken his promise already. "OI! FUCKHEADS!" came his harsh bark from the land below in an attempt to reach those up high. "I DIDN'T BREAK MY BACK BUILDING YE SHIPS FOR YOU TO SINK THE BOW OF YOUR SHIP IN OUR LAND!"

As the Tanglewooders started to cascade down from the ships and onto the shore, the fur on his body started to stand tall. He stood firm in his place. For the animals he just called 'friends' of him and The Typhoon, they weren't so friendly. Mean mugs and unsheathed claws approached with malicious intent as he watched intensely with amber eyes.

As Juniper approached, her words teasing in a serious moment, he offered a mumble in response. "Appears so." His stature lightened up in her presence, but his heart continued to pound. He attempted to lean his head into her neck and move his snout up towards her jawline, trying to nuzzle her and push her towards The Typhoon's ships. "I think you should get on the boat, okay Junebug?" came his gentle plead. He offered a weary smile to coax her further, but, knowing her, the stubbornness of the older woman would probably deny his request. Even so, with eyes wide and brows tilted back and down, he hoped she would listen.

Whether or not she listened, he would turn back. Aesior, in his lion form, had jumped down from the bow and onto the shore. A proposition, he proclaimed. Something about The Typhoon on Tanglewood's rightful land. Yeah... right. Morrison's formerly saddened brows grew furrowed and intense. A smirk rose on his lips, shaking his head in suit. He remained in place, but threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh. Deep and bellowing, the older wolf found amusement in Aesior's claim to the land. "Rightful," he wheezed, only to start cackling again.

He eventually caught his breath. Now composed, Morrison started to move forward slowly towards Aesior. Sherbet had said their part, noting their nature, but the logician in him had to point out the obvious. "Ye would have been here months ago like we had if this place was rightful to Tanglewood," he cockily reasoned. "Our ships-" A paw jabbed out towards the direction of their boats. "-got ye here if you can't tell."

The fluffed up being continued on his spiel. "So, what's yer terms, ya daft cunt?" From 'friend' to a cunt... and not the friendly kind he tended to dish out. "Give up the island in return for...." He halted in his tracks. His paw twirled, indicating he was looking for a means to an end. Nothing, sadly, was found. Instead, he kept pacing forward with intimidating confidence. "Well, I can't seem to find any leverage." Yellowed canines appeared before the luminary, both in a show of superiority and neutrality. He hoped they could solve this swiftly, after all. The issue was not as convoluted as it appeared... yet here they were, claiming a land they had no right to.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SirDio - 01-06-2023

Sand scattered in all sorts of directions as the hybrid landed from the boat he came upon with the rest of the swamp's force. The fat-laden beast lumbered forward, eyes focused on Morrison as he spoke. It was aggravating, this rule of no killing. He could already imagine the taste of the older wolf, as sickening as it sounded. His red eyes shined with vigor as he halted a few steps behind Aesior.

A rough snort left the beast, and Liqueor raised onto his already shaking hind legs for a moment, a rumbling noise leaving him. It didn't last long, and he quickly went back to all four limbs, already finding a target should the signal be given.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 01-06-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
Juniper shook her head at Morrison, refusing to leave his side and leave her group to fend for themselves. “I might be old Morri dear but I can still kick some swampy ass,” she said, her thick southern accent lacing her words. Her gaze narrowed in on the beast that seemed to stare down the wolf. His lips curled back in warning before her attention was drawn back to the rest of the group.

“We aren’t afraid to forcefully take what’s ours either,” she snapped. Her chest lifted before falling with a huff, her head shaking out the fur that ran across the top of her neck. Claws dug into the dirt beneath her, coming out of the hiding for the time being.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - sabbath - 01-06-2023

[div style="max-width: 500px; letter-spacing: 5px; text-align: center; font-family: book antiqua; color: #C2B6B7; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: -15px;"] I'M JUST A PAWN
They had been quiet, observing their groupmates from the air for a while. The trip to the island had been fun, as it could be for one with wings. As of late, they'd taken to riding the coastal winds and exploring the island from far above. It wouldn't be good if the island was inhabited when they had first come ashore. Rolling through the air in a bank, the Icarian letting out a joyful chirp as they played with one of the local avians trying to chase the hybrid from it's conceived 'flying grounds'. Their playfulness was all too quick to come to a halt as they folded their wings, tumbling about a bit more before they hovered in a gale, blue and orange eyes locking onto the distant sight of ships. Wait. The Typhoon were the only ones to have ships, right? They had heard about the boats commissioned by Tanglewood of course, but they didn't think the swamp dwellers were capable of having enough guts to come this way and pick a fight, let alone upon the ships that had been built for them. Apparently they would have to change that opinion.

Folding their wings into their body, the Icarian dive bombed to down below where they could see everyone coming front and center to face off against the members of Tanglewood that trapezed onto their island. A low sound escaped them as they snapped their wings open and glided to a stop on top of a boulder, bending down to growl from their perch on it. They didn't have words to say, keeping their thoughts to themself mostly.

[ ☼ ☼ ☼ ]
credit to teef

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - LOKI FLÓKI - 01-09-2023

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

loki didn't know there would likely be bloodshed, she had jsut been there to explore their island and help build - lend a helping hand to the typhoon. but all things turned dark as soon as she heard the shriek of a tangler and saw the towering form of tanglewood's leader, jeering that it was tanglewood's 'rightful' island. her optics narrowed and she pressed against her father, sending support before he spoke, before widening her stance and disembarking, paws hitting the sand with a soft thud. she really didn't want a fight - that tigress looked really big and she doubted her abilities to take anybody head on, but she'd assist in any way she could. she quickly made her way to captain morrison and stood slightly behind the more experienced animal.


Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - LUCINDER XIU - 01-09-2023


typhoon? on their land? the son of the former luminary was one of the first to hop down his ship, sinking his claws into their sand. oh how bold of sherbet - the laughable state he looked like, lucinder had never seen one ice-cream patterned cat, let alone two. must've been his daughter who scurried to hide behind an older member of the typhoon. but he had to give it to the pirate, they had some funny rules. the old animal snapped at them and a snarl burst from his maw as flames matched, running down his spine. "SHUT UP, OLD MAN! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING." he shouted back with a mad cackle, lashing his tail and advancing past aesior. "he wants leverage? i'll give him leverage. i'll go get the captain's daughter and drag her back here by the neck." he murmured, baring his teeth, tailtip twitching. "see how much leverage she can bring." barely glanced at aesior but the sentence was addressed to him.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 2 years & 5 months