Beasts of Beyond
WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Printable Version

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Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Owlie - 06-15-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]The lion's ghostly form turned to look at the leader. He dipped his nose slightly, in acknowledgement of him. "I am interested in staying at the pool here. Residency." Anakin's tail flicked idly, ears flicking back and forth to observe the others. "I can't join, I'm already one with the Force, and so, can't have any attachments to the mortal realm..." He said it before. The Force was strong here, so Anakin was there.

"I can't appear as I am anywhere else. So I am here." Anakin's form was a collection of the glowing blue dust and dirt, an it took some of his energy to do this. Much of it was spent to become whole.

"Is that fine?"

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - BASTILLEPAW - 06-17-2018

Bastille’s stare flickered over this stranger’s aura with vague intrigue as he spoke, but he didn’t really care, in all honesty. They accepted most who came by and he saw no issue in letting someone join in part, or whatever. Did Bast give a fuck if he was contained at the Starpool? Nah. If he was curious about what they were doing as a group, he could have someone come update him or some shit. If he just wanted to chill and haunt the place without engagement, who was he to complain? He wasn’t.

Bast shrugged, and commented idly, ”Uh, I don’t see a problem with it. You and your... Force shit can hang here if you want.” He squinted slightly. ”Do you want us to, like, visit you? Or are you a solitary ghost?” A pause. ”I mean, we have ceremonies here, so I guess you’d see us then. Y’know, if you’re... stuck here. And interested in, like, social interaction. Or whatever.”

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Owlie - 06-17-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Anakin’s ears perked forward, and he hummed lightly, nodding. "Thank you-" he paused, ears flicking back. Well, he didn’t know the leader’s name. He glanced at the folk behind him and hummed.
"Anakin Skywalker." he dipped his head, finally giving his name to the clan. "I wouldn’t mind being visited. The afterlife has been rather lonely.... detaching."

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - BASTILLEPAW - 06-18-2018

”Uh-huh,” he said in place of a “you’re welcome”, yawning slightly. Whatever Rad had given him had truly knocked him the fuck out for a while there, and while he was obviously awake now, he was a little groggy still. He paused as the ghost offered a name, and realized belatedly that he’d neglected to offer his own (again). ”Oh, yeah. ‘M Bast. Nice to meet you and shit.” Nice to be haunted by you? Whatever. Semantics and all that jazz. He considered for a moment and then provided, ”We can have, like, ghostly book club. Or tea time at the Starpool. Ya’know, the likes.” A pause. ”There’s no where else you can... hang? What if we set up an ouija board or somethin’ in our camp?”

He had no idea what exactly made something “Force” heavy, but he assumed it was something ghostly. Ghost energy. Spiritual shit. Maybe they just had to make the Observatory seem haunted to make it a good... place to appear. Or whatever made this guy able to come to the Pool and not elsewhere. (Bast was still half convinced the Observatory already was haunted, frankly.)

Re: WHAT YOU TRIED TO SAY TO ME [o, ghost] - Owlie - 06-18-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"] "Bast. Okay." Anakin started considering these options. "That would be nice. I haven’t read in a while. Can your group find a copy of the 48 Laws of Power for me? I’ve been unable to find one." He admitted, shoulders shrugging slightly.
He had a love-hate relationship with that book. It was one his master had once ordered him to read, but it was good for reference.

"I’m not familiar with an ouija board, so but I know those have more to do with demons. So.... that wouldn’t work with me." He paused, trying to word how to explain the Force to them.
"The Force is many things. It is a lifeforce, a religion, and a way of being. It’s a life force that surrounds and binds every living being. I can appear here, near whole, because this pool is ‘strong with the force.’ He paused. "I would be willing to teach about it."

"In short, I can appear other places, but this apparition of myself isn’t as solid or whole."