Beasts of Beyond
Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - Printable Version

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Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - Character Graveyard. - 06-03-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
So these unfamiliar faces were apart of the group Snowbound she had heard about. Vanessa had walked up, taking a stand next to Pincher, giving a nod of greeting to the Captain before she turned her attention to the Snowbounders. "Name's Vanessa." The raven she-wolf said, her icy-gaze running over all of the ally-group members.

Then she heard Roxanne's comment about the small green feline and she shook her head. She had seen the winged-female around but she had never really interacted with the other fae.
© madi

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - purgatory - 06-03-2018

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - bubblegum - 06-03-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon
the kitten, due to her own silly absence, had no idea of what was going on in snowbound. she did, however, catch notice of a ton of odd smelling creatures entering her home all of a sudden. she perked her ears as she heard lots of unfamiliar voices talk, not really sure what all they were talking about. introducing themselves, it seemed, for the most part. she honestly wasn't listening too hard - she was too focused on all the other things going on. so many weird smells mixing with her home and so many strangers that she didn't know what to do with herself.

or at least, that was until she saw her papa. the bengal was about to approach him until she recognized someone else - someone he'd been talking to. jacob! he brought her tasty food that one time. the kitten ran over, tripping over her large paws, but immediately getting up and smiling. she was beginning to grow into her big paws, but still wasn't yet there, especially since they grew with her. she was five months by now, so she was certainly getting bigger. her body just had a little bit of a delayed start was all. anyway, she smiled towards jacob and pincher, tail waving back and forth. it'd been a while since she'd seen both, due to her accidental leave. but it was okay, because she's here now!

she didn't really know why so many creatures were here, and she was going to ask, except she forgot. she had gotten so distracted by thinking about her papa and then by jacob and then by thinking about then how she was growing and how she had disappeared for a few weeks that she had forgotten what she was going to say. "hiya! there's lotsa people here. it's nice to see everyone!" she said excitedly, at first to pincher and jacob, but then sort of towards the crowd in general. her next statement would clearly be towards everyone, though, as her voice raised and she looked at no one in particular. "i'm goldenluxury, or just goldie! hi! welcome!" she hoped they could all be friends.

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - jacob w.c. - 06-04-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob watched as many new faces arrived, each one introducing themselves though he didn't recognize any of them. He'd hoped to see Lily but she hadn't arrived quite yet. His attention turned to Roxy, who asked for his name and for the ones of those he travelled with. He opened his mouth to respond but soon he heard Pincher saying his name and the name of his clan, of his family. His gaze turned towards the doberman and obvious relief came to his eyes as he approached him before hesitating. What was he supposed to do now? His first instinct had been to hug him or maybe kiss him on the cheek but he wasn't sure if that'd be proper. He didn't know if Pincher would want a kiss in front of all these people, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to kiss him again. They were only friends, after all. For some reason that truth made his stomach ache but his didn't dwell on it long. What else could he do? Maybe a hug? But that didn't seem like it'd be much better than the kiss. They were close friends, most of Typhoon and Snowbound were likely aware of that now, but he wasn't sure if that'd be too much affection. Should they shake hands, as he saw the businessmen in the city do? No, they didn't have hands, that wasn't even an option. He was so caught up in his own mind that it took him a few moments to realize Pincher was soaking wet and his fur clung to his frame. That was... distracting but unimportant. He needed to stay focused. This was an emergency. So, he decided to go for a more formal greeting.

"'S good ta' see ya' as well, Pinch." Deniz. "Thank ya' so much for takin' us in for now. I got some ideas tha' I wanna' run past ya' 'bout approachin' the humans n' all tha'. I know lots 'bout confrontin' big groups but nothin' 'bout really fightin' 'em or drivin' 'em away," he admitted before smiling as he heard the captain's suggestion, quickly nodding. "I think tha' sounds like a real good idea. I'll let everyone figure out where they wanna' stay individual. I'll, uh, well, I'll probably stay-" he paused, unsure of where he should go. Somewhere quiet but not so quiet that everyone would be able to hear him at night. That was when he was most likely to have... episodes and he'd rather not stir up any more concern than what he'd probably already get from the limp he'd have after walking all this way. His legs weren't used to such long journies and just jumping into it certainly hadn't helped matters. "I'll probably be stayin' in a beach hut or somethin'," the canine soon concluded. He then turned his attention to all the other unfamiliar faces that'd arrived and offered a tired smile as he scanned them all. "'S very nice ta' meet all ah' ya'. Thank you for such a warm welcome. 'M glad ta' know we 'ave such reliable allies. I promise we'll be outta' your fur in jus' a few days, hopefully."  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - guts - 06-04-2018

Aizawa was a bit late, but oh well. Introductions were still going on it seemed, so he padded up and briefly surveyed those who were gathered, only recognizing those who were in Snowbound. From what he could remember, he had never met anyone from the Typhoon, despite their alliance with one another.

"Aizawa Shota," he says blankly, looking uninterested in the situation, as per usual. He didn't plan on sticking around here much, anyways. He'd probably spend most of his time helping out back in their territory. It had taken him this long to get used to it, and he wasn't about to accept another change so quickly.

The lion sits, tail laying over his paws. He was a bit disappointed that a few people weren't here, such as Kilua, but he simply shrugged it off. He doubted he was in any trouble, so he wasn't worried.


Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - →AUGUST← - 06-05-2018

The zombie walked much slower than everyone else, of course, and as a result came staggering up much later than the rest of them had. He couldn't even catch any of the conversation but that was alright, he was sure he could ask someone later on for help. His shriveled eyes moved to take in everyone who was already there, ears swiveling around and folding down. Lots of predators already. Although the deer was trying to get better with that he couldn't exactly stop his instincts which screamed so loudly at him to get away. It was this or deal with crazy prey biting his ankles and leaving wounds that would never heal and August knew which he preferred, so he'd continue ignoring his instincts for as long as he needed to.


Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - Deviantmind - 06-05-2018

Coming up from behind, the male would be carrying a pouch of important things to him, such as some succulent plants in pots, a few homemade daggers, and various other things that he never leaves behind.

Dropping the pouch softly on the ground once he got near everyone, the dog would have a seat. "Ahh, you must be Pincher. I have to thank you kindly for letting me and my clanmates stay here." Giving a smile, the black lab's tail would swish back and forth, finding Pincher to be a great guy for someone who was in a different clan.