Beasts of Beyond
recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - Printable Version

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Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - LOKI FLÓKI - 09-27-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 7 months / cutie pie bio

how could his tone change so quickly? one moment he was speaking to her like she was the most precious thing in the world, asking her to go to the jungle temple and look for the remaining herbs, which she gladly accepted with a flicker of her tail. her father's voice turned mean, nasty, as he responded to the ambassador for the coalition. she didn't quite know the duties of an ambassador nor knew the coaloition and their relationships with that group, but for her father to set alexandre loose on a smaller female didn't sit right with her. she didn't like violence, and looked away as alex went back for seconds, wincing as inferno shrieked and left.

after she did the child would turn an accusatory glare towards her father, walking up to him. "father, why would you treat an ambassador like that? ours have always returned home safe and without a scratch, why are you so mean?" she said it quietly enough that hopefully only sherbert could hear.


Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - SHERBET - 09-27-2022

Sherbet uncomfortably looked away from Alexandre clawing Inferno, he was too tired to raise a fuss about it, his shoulders heavy as he heaved a sigh as his daughter came up to him, "I was hoping they'd just escort her, but I might've made a bad decision in letting Alex do it. He has his reasons, so don't bother them about it." His tone was weary as he glanced back at the ocean in the distance, "If she had come through properly, I would've been less hostile," he admitted, "or if it wasn't right after a tropical storm, it's slightly suspicious she'd show up during reconstruction efforts."

He leaned his muzzle down to give her a light nudge, "Once things have settled a bit more, I'll talk to Alexandre about it, okay?"
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - LOKI FLÓKI - 09-27-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 7 months / cutie pie bio

her father did raise some good points, it was a storm after all that had terrified the majority, if not all, of them. herself included. as captain he must feel a lot of stress to have to deal with this, especially when inferno just walked into their territory like that. still she didn't like the way alex handled it, but kept it to herself. she just didnÄt want to see anymore unneeded violence and bloodshed if she could help it. "talk to him pleace, we can't have him attacking everybody. i am sure he has a good reason to but i don't like it.."


Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - Alexandre - 10-06-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
A pleased hum left Alexandre as the other wandered off with a threat. So be it. The Typhoon's history never aligned with The Coalition's cronies, nor would they prefer it. They merely rolled their eyes at the thought. Even so, the others, more specifically Loki, seemed misled by their actions and felt that the vampiric feline had not been so welcoming. Child or not, the vampiric feline wasn't keen on sparing their feelings and offered an audible snort.

Orange eyes narrowed in Loki's direction. Still covered in blood, they treaded closer to the other with claws extended. "Sweetheart," the cat cooed. "You don't get to walk into The Typhoon freely, especially this far in, without breaking a few rules." They leaned down close to the other with their gaze attempting to lock with the others. A paw came up to their muzzle in a show of no remorse, wiping away the crimson across his maw and onto his acorn-colored fur.

"If you have a problem with it, you can talk to them right here," came their arrogant remark.

Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - LOKI FLÓKI - 10-07-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 9 months / cutie pie bio

alexandre padded up to her with a nasty smile and her fur pricked up along her spine, a small hiss bursting from her maw. never one for bloodshed or confrontations she didn't like how close he was getting to her. but she had to stand up for herself, she couldn't let everybody spook her forever, just because she didn't like bloodshed. she was fine looking at blood, so what stained alex' fur didn't bother her that much, but still, his hostility unnerved her. his paw came up as they locked optics, her furious ones glaring into his with a disgust she had never felt before. "i have a small problem with it, alexandre. you cannot just attack anybody, even if she was wrong. as she said herself, she's an ambassador and should be treated as such. i admit she did break rules so should be punished accordingly, but you did go quite harsh on her." she scowled at him, darting her unsheathed claw up in attempts to snag the fur on his and push it into the ground.