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Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - Printable Version

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Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-13-2018



-Any foreign words on the front post that are not character names, are Welsh!
-Please play responsibly, and be mature in your writing (no extreme gore or r18 things, loves, I don't want to see this be shut down)
-Please, please, please! Have more than 3 sentences per post, and put a little more detail than "She stepped quickly." if you are posting swiftly
-Some ranks may seem OP but they aren't I promise!
-King is the chosen title of the ruler of House of Death, and is considered gender-neutral.
-The only reason the Upper Classes are numbered is that they hold ranks which need to be restricted by number
-IC drama is loved, OOC is not. I will step in and assuage disagreements OOC, but please try to get along <3
-Ack, I'm not a satanist or demon-summoner, I've been working on figuring out this universe/topic for over 7 years, so pretty please do not steal this idea!!
-Hellhound powers are stored in the horns, but if the horns are removed, the hound struggles with their powers while they regrow and/or heal from the removal. Hellhound powers cover pretty much anything, but the powers need to be balanced. Say one can manipulate life and death, a good balance would be that they pay a hefty price with their body and get really quite sick or have part of their life reduced depending on how intense the manipulation is -- raising someone from the dead would say, take minutes in the form of years from the life of the necromancer (how long it took in minutes would be years from the mancer)
-This is a safe space, and I'm pretty chill with anything. If you're using a species or race of demon other than Hellhound please explain it in your form :p
-Have fun, stay sharp, let me read your forms, try to get some good rest and know you're loved!


- "Tŷ'r Marwolaeth" "House of Death"
- "Brenin" "King"
- "Cynghorwr" "Adviser"
- "Anrhydedd // Unigolion" "Nobility // Nobles"
- "Iachäwr" "Healer"
- "Wreicty y Brenin" "Harem of the King"
- "Gwarcheidwaid" "Guardians"
- "Milwyr" "Soldiers"
- "Prentisiaid" "Apprentices"
- "Cyffredinwyr" "Commoners"

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-13-2018



King - [i]Brenin - The one in control of the House of Death, and leads the denizens. (practically is just a figure head for doing things like taxes, citizenship, etc, but is a large part of the rest).

Adviser - Cynghorwr - Helpers of the King, they give the figure assistance where needed, and pretty much take care of the special tasks for the King. They also hold the "keys" to the King's power, overseeing that the power is only given back in small increments as it a very powerful thing (The demon Xandrie is given to each Brenin, unless their demon is as powerful/close enough in power to him -- easily one of the strongest demons out there and needs to be detained and kept in a mostly sleeping status).

Nobility/Nobles - Anrhydedd/Unigolion - The main tax-payers if you will? Basically, they keep the House of Death's economy running smooth, the mouths fed, the jobless with jobs, and maintain relations with the layers of reality and the safe-places within these realities.

Healer - Iachäwr - Kind of self-explanatory. Pretty much the Doctor and Nurse, they've been gifted with the knowledge of healing and generally have plant magicks or healthy and safe magicks but the occasional Iachäwr has had the opposite power.

Harem of the King - Wreicty y Brenin - Sounds sketchy, but is a pretty decent position. These individuals are potential mates or partners for the King, or their favoured partners. Hellhounds are partial to having harems, or groups of lovers, that they frequent often, and raise families with, or help to raise families. A harem isn't strictly a system for bedding, but for growing a friend circle? Everyone knows each other and are generally okay with one another.

Guardians - Gwarcheidwaid - The regular guards, but includes all types of guards: Royal guards, Tomb guards, Body guards, Mercenaries, City guards, etc.

Soldiers - Milwyr - Troops ready to fight, to be sent out to settle disputes, to protect the lands from invasions, etc. Pretty standard.

Apprentices - Prentisiaid - Younger generations who are in training to become future Healers, Guardians, and Soldiers.

Commoners - Cyffredinwyr - Servants, farmers, job-hunters, etc.

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-13-2018


[i]⋆Plots & Threads⋆

Hellhounds are beginning to journey back to other realities after a Great War drove them into hiding. It is the medieval times in the living reality and Hellhounds are being hunted down for their horns and the magicks embedded within these horns. Hellhound horns are ground to fine powder for medicines, for consumption, and to sprinkle the ash around the house as protection from other demons and such.The Hellhounds are combating this threat to their species (their horns are a part of vanity) as well as trying to reclaim old territory such as churches, valleys, graveyards, forests, etc. Another war may be emerging on the horizon...


Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 06-24-2018



text text text

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - Simon F.M. - 06-27-2018

[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 03-13-2020

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
His paws would lead him through the soot stained halls of the Observatory, ash staining his paws as he left a trail of footprints. Where he was heading, he hadn't an idea, the traveler simply began to wander. While his health was clear, his mind was not. He found himself heading for the beach, to his spot with Suite, though his walk there was slow. He walked with a limp, but no new wounds.

The white feline turned, and when she spotted who the steps belonged to, surprise marked her features. "Cooper?" she called, pushing herself upwards. She scurried towards him, meeting him halfway to their moon-watching spot.

"Coop," he said as he came to a stop, not even sparing Suiteheart a glance, "What're you-- Hey." The greeting came out awkward, edged with something like anticipation like he was waiting for a catch. He was. "Why are you all the way out here?"

Margaery attempted to sound as bright and cheery as possible, but even her words betrayed a bit of her inner turmoil. No... Stop... She thought angrily to herself. This was about Cooper. Not her. Never her. "How does it feel to be out and about again? We missed you... A lot."

What had happened that night?

Cooper had gotten better, yes. But after that? Nothing. He was gone. With him, had disappeared Diya, the young daughter of Margaery and Suiteheart. Had their disappearances been linked? While that was unknown, it was a fact that Cooper would do anything to protect her. Wherever they were, she was safe with him.

Now, where were they? Let's find out.

Agent Dale Cooper felt a whisper brush against his ear, the wind chanting his name like it's life depended on it. The canine lifted his head, jaw clicking as he gave a wide yawn. He felt a pressure against his flank like someone was laying against his side. His hazel eyes blinked open slowly, peering at the fully grown white feline curled against his side. Ah, he must have dozed off with Suiteheart the night before.

He flicked his tail, bumping it against her muzzle to wake up. "Wakey, wakey Suite" yawns the canine, watching as she lifted her head.

"Suiteheart? Momma's here?" The voice that came from the white cat threw Cooper off, causing him to sit up quickly. "Diya?" he asked confusedly, looking down at her. This didn't make sense, last lime he'd seen her, she'd been a kitten? How had she grown, she was the full size of her mother, if not larger.

After a lot of freaking out and stressing, the duo had decided to return to the ascendants, discovering later it would be a long trek home.

So here they stood, right at the edge of what had once been their home. They were unsure of whether to plunge in and head through the territory or to wait for someone to approach them. Dale could remember the days when it was the other way around, when he came to greet every joiner that wished to enter their home. The day he met Playerone, his darling little sister. was she around? Was Bast, or Marg? Oh how he hoped his darling Suiteheart was here, he felt an ache in his chest with how he missed her. What about Rin? Roy? Onision?

Anxiety chewed at his stomach and he waited, tail tucked between his legs as he waited. His ascendants necklace still laid around his neck, beads glimmering in the sun; Leo for his zodiac title, Aquarius as well. What had the purple meant? He couldn't remember. His metal pendant sat in the center, clicking against the two rings on his necklace.

((I'm a bit rusty))

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 03-13-2020

(08-18-2018, 04:49 PM)Diya F.M. link Wrote:
[Image: aaaa_by_daytimedeer-d9vqo1t.png]
Diya stood tall next to her unlce, head brushing against his leg. She was unsure as to what was happening still. Was her mother here? Her siblings? Has they missed her, had they looked for her? She wasn't sure, but she knew she wanted to see her family again.

"Uncle Coop, I'm worried. What if they're not here?What if they're angry at us?" asked the snowy feline, looking up at her uncle. He didn't have an answer for her, instead simply wrapping his tail over her back. He could only hope that someone would come along soon; hopefully, someone who knew them.

"Suiteheart? Bastille? Is someone nearby?" The canine would call out, eyes scanning the horizon. Diya lifted a paw to her necklaces, her beaded necklace nearly too tight after all this time, her pendant resting nicely after all this time. She'd finally grown into it like her mother wanted.

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 03-15-2020


Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - Orion - 03-15-2020


add gradient color code when needed... adding padding on sides and then on the bottom also to allow for spacing of the white border (simplified code to understand)

Re: Coffee || Percy's Storage and Testing - kinglykingstone - 03-15-2020


( ( FULLNAME ) ) answer
( ( NICKNAMES ) ) answer
( ( FAMILY ) ) answer

( ( SEX ) ) answer
( ( GENDER ) ) answer
( ( PRONOUNS ) ) answer

( ( BIRTHDAY ) ) answer
( ( AGE ) ) answer

( ( SPECIES ) ) answer
( ( DESCRIPTION ) ) answer
( ( EYE COLOR) ) answer
    - ref.

( ( SCARS AND AILMENTS ) ) answer
( ( ACCESSORIES ) ) answer
( ( GENETICS ) ) answer

( ( POSITIVE ) ) answer
( ( NEUTRAL ) ) answer
( ( NEGATIVE ) ) answer

( ( QUIRKS ) ) answer
( ( HABITS ) ) answer


    - maternal || answer
    - paternal || answer
( ( PARENTS ) )
    - mother/father || answer
    - mother/father || answer
( ( SIBLINGS ) )
    - brothers || answer
    - sisters || answer
    - other || answer

( ( PARTNER ) ) answer
( ( CHILDREN ) )
    - sons || answer
    - daughters || answer
    - others || answer

( ( FRIENDS ) ) answer
( ( PEERS ) ) answer
( ( ENEMIES ) ) answer

( ( TAGS ) ) health ##% . strength . powers
    tag @/username when attacking . no power play . peaceful powerplay allowed
    [i]attack in BOLDED #000000 when attacking .
( ( VOICE CLAIM ) ) answer
( ( FACE CLAIM ) ) answer
( ( OTHER INFORMATION ) ) answer
