Beasts of Beyond
How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Printable Version

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Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 09-12-2022

Icarus flinched back when she told him about being dropped off but that didn't stop the anger that was currently flowing through his veins. "Maybe not, maybe i got lucky to be able to live with him," he hummed with a small chuckle. "But at least you didn't have to deal with the wrath of our mother. At least you still get to have those," he snapped, pointing towards the wings that rest on her back. "I had sit and watch as our mother tore my wings from my back, one at a time," he snarled. "I had to live with the scars, had to live with watching her die, had to learn how to live with not having them and always wondering why I did to deserve her fury," he snapped. While Kold's voice may have stayed calm, Icarus' did not. With each passing word his voice raised, anger and venom dripping from his tone as he spoke. "You got lucky that he dropped you off here and you were raised by someone else, living with papa wasn't a luxury Kold."

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Kold - 09-13-2022

Kold closed her eyes and snorted, listening to his ranting before speaking. Her wings. "Let me say some things. I was not born with these wings, these horns. I got these through shapeshifting. And we all saw her rip your wings from your body. Do not forget, you weren't the only one subject to her wrath." She breathed, taking a moment to think. "And you may have watched her spirit die, but her body died before my eyes. In this desert. She was going to kill me and then she died and I was too young to figure out why."

Though, when Icarus said she was lucky, her voice got louder. Not angrier, but louder. "He dropped me off, I doubt he knew that there was a group and even then, this place could have killed me. He didn't stay to see if I would be safe. He didn't stay by my side and say 'Kold, you'll be safe here'. No." She let anguish sink into her words. "He left me to die here."
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 09-21-2022

Icarus flinched back when Kold spoke, his ears flattening against his head as he turned his gaze away from her. She was right and he knew it but that doesn't mean that he wanted to admit it. He was angry and he was hurt and so he wanted someone else to hurt like he was. But Kold already did and he knew that, they both had scars that ran so deep. "He never did tell me what had happened with you, just that he had left you with a group but I can see that he lied to me," he huffed, voice softer now. "Makes me wonder what else he lied about," he snapped, lips curling back in a snarl.

"And I know you weren't born with them and maybe you were lucky to not of been," he hummed. "If you had been born with them too then she might of taken yours too," he said, voice quiet and filled with pain as memories flashed across his eyes of a time he didn't want to remember. Icarus turned away from Kold, padding away a bit before sitting down, the scars on his back aching as memories continued to flood his mind.

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Kold - 09-23-2022

She watched her brother with a pained expression, taking a few steps toward him. It was only a few before she stopped, paws shaking. She felt her mind start to blank but she shook her head with a vigor that she didn't have before. Eyebrows furrowed, Kold sighed. "I'm sure he...." He loved them once.

She swallowed thickly at his words. "Without a doubt." She said softly, taking a few more steps toward him. For a second she hesitated, but then tried to gently press her nose into his fur. Her legs began to shake again but she bit her tongue to keep herself in the now. To prevent anything from happening.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 10-06-2022

Icarus felt Kold press into his fur, his breath catching in the back of his throat as he fell back onto his haunches. His gaze stared unseeingly at the ground in front of him as he barely noticed the shake of Kold's legs. He didn't need his sister to finish her sentence, he knew what she had wanted to say even if what she actually said had been different. It hurt him deeply to think that their father had stopped loving either one of them, but thinking back on things now not even Icarus could deny it.

But he didn't want to believe it, he refused to believe that their father didn't love them deeply. His head dropped, hair hiding his eyes from the world. Claws dug into the ground as his own body begun to shake a silent tears pooled in his eyes yet refusing to fall. No he would not cry now, he would not break when his sister need him. He lifted his head and turned to Kold, attempting to nuzzle under her chin before moving to rest his head on her shoulder.