Beasts of Beyond
things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Printable Version

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Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - merlin - 06-06-2022

merlin e. gwynne
long-time member of tanglewood
"the unicorn knight"
penned by teef
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #8E2323; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
actions || "speech" || thoughts
    The sound of a camp coming to life had roused the lioness before the sun had risen, leading the Tangler to observe the going-ons with quite some quiet reserve. She had all but demanded that she be here when the punishment occured, for she needed to know that their neighbors could be trusted to uphold justice. She needed to be able to lay to rest her own doubts about how much had changed. She needed to be able to show those who believed in her words, that justice was served.

Taking a deep breath now as she stood in the shelter of where she'd slept, her gaze wandering those who filled the area. Pittians and Tanglers. If that bastard showed up  .. she would give him a piece of her mind. Stepping out now, the lioness stretched and yawned, padding towards Aesior and Cory with a greeting, "I see the letter reached home. Mh, I agree with Aesior here, you should make something for Firefly, Cory. I'd offer to but I'm not good with flowers and weaving them. She needs something to brighten her days.", she suggested as she nodded to the two cats she called friends, sitting down near them with a glance to Romulus and Sojourn in greeting. There was enough bad blood between the groups, it was a time for peace.

// short, struggling with phone keyboard //
code by teef

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Olalla - 06-06-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla had seen the letter; directions, invite, and all. And at the time, getting there was easy. A fucking desert away, but easy. Passing through the corridor like cave and out towards the mainland, following the roaring fire and playful voices; it wasn't hard to find. However, Olalla felt uneasy to say the least. Out of place, even.

But how could one feel uneasy when you were as beautiful and as big as him, formal attire suiting his rigid figure like skin on bone. The beast was dressed in, what one could only describe as saddle like, leather in colour. with a flowy black cloth underneath him. Attached to the back piece was the spinal structure from the cow Vale hnd brought back with vem to finish the Arch, only the head was needed. He was adorned with shiny trinkets, bones, jewels of all shapes, but his obsidian tooth seemed to be the centerpiece, hanging tightly from his neck. A bejeweled behemoth among rodents, with his swarm following soon after.

Spotting the author of the letter was a tad harder that he figured it would have been, given he had never met the man. But, judging by the nervousness of his demeanor and the exhaustion in his posture, the writer gave himself away. "Ahh, you must be Romulus. A pleasure to make you acquaintance," i hope. Olalla didn't offer a paw to shake, figuring it was best if the host made the first moves. Besides, it would give the beast time to assess him. "I am Olalla, Ardent of The Pitt."

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - tanglewoodian - 06-09-2022

[div style="background-color: TRANSPARENT; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #b28245; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]SOME BOYS TAKE A BEAUTIFUL GIRL -
lanyu followed after the adults. tail wagging as she took a spot on the edge of the group. waiting for her father or her siblings. she was fighting the urge to bounce up and over the the area.

she wanted to explore and talk to everyone, but she did not want to upset cory. nor did she want to miss her dad or siblings arrival. so, she waited quietly, though her body trembled softly.


Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Byriath - 06-15-2022

How come Byriath was one of the Coalitioners to finally arrive? The answer was simple. He wanted to look nice. Presentable. And thus, in his snake/cat skin cloak he finally showed up, giving his nods to Saturn and Romulus before turning his gaze to the others in the crowd. Clicking his tongue at Sojourn's words, he padded up to Kold, watching her as she shifted to stand more defensively. "Relax, fair lady. Byriath Nightshade, Guru of The Coalition." He dipped his head down gently, and after she had given her greeting, he turned his gaze to Olalla.

"Are all Pittians so dramatic with their apparel? Not to be mean, but it seems like a bit much." He forced himself to sound open, while internally he was just hoping he could leave.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Brutei Tsune - 06-16-2022

"I think the name is cute. Albeit, unoriginal, but cute." The blue toned feline purred, walking past Sojourn without a single hesitation or pause to look at him. Tail swaying, they padded after Byriath, finding their gaze matched by the small kitten. Looking up to Kold, they smiled widely. "Brutei Tsune, Wanderer of The Coalition." And they sat down, quite content to sit with the child and the marauder.


Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Plexus - 06-20-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus slunk around the outskirts of the current crowd, and the newcomers showing up. His skin crawled at the amount of animals in one place, his mask firmly in place, repainted with the colors of the Guru symbol. He knew he should be socializing, he was a higher up, he should mingle and show himself strong and worthy of his title. His paws shook, his whiskers trembled underneath his mask, and his ears tremored.

Deep breath.
Deep breath.

Exhaling, the feline gingerly stepped to the fringe of the gathering animals, his heart stuttering with anxiety. Settling on his haunches, he desperately hoped his nerves didn't cause any issues or scenes. He didn't need the embarrassment of being seen as weaker for his unfortunate mutation (he knew no one would, but his mind whispered poison when he was anxious).

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Romulus - 07-17-2022

Periwinkle colored eyes shifted at the sound of his name and his attention was promptly caught by the beast's attire. Romulus was one to enjoy accessorizing, noted by his golden jewels and temporarily crown, but never to such a formal extent as Olalla had done today. They dressed to impress while the Kingpin dressed casually. Nevertheless, he let his gaze move away from their impressive display and focused in on the other. A smile donned Romulus' maw. "Yours truly," he remarked deeply.

The smell of the dry sands of The Pitt had prompted him to think of their group, but he had not expected the company of the ardent so quickly. Their dignified display of trophies clearly indicated their status. The lion offered a nod in greeting as a courtesy and continued on with his own formalities. "It's a pleasure to meet you too after all this time," came his genuine reply. "I have heard plenty about The Pitt from my father, but I have yet to meet his latest successor until now, of course." Romulus held a tinge of disdain for The Pitt given their attitude towards his family after Jervis overthrew his parents, but he tried to kept that to himself. After all, he helped destroy their pyramid with Vale. That was not appropriate to bring up though.

New beginnings had to occur and the lion was intent on pushing aside old grievances for the sake of some peace time. "I dearly hope you are all fairing well. These past two years have been rather... well... well." As he finished his statement, a drop of rain trickled down onto his forehead. The ardent peeked upwards, watching grey clouds beginning to swell above and start to slowly deplete downwards. He let out a sigh of relief. The fire would be smothered by the downfall, but at least a good omen was coming due to the incoming drizzle.

He looked back down at Olalla. "Does my statement reign true? Is The Pitt doing alright lately?" His head craned in interest, waiting for an honest reply.