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Fly among the stars - storage - Printable Version

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Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 09-19-2022

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; background-position: 55% 25%; width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 15px; border: #fbc3c4 1px solid; margin-top:-20px"]
FOLC of Band of Arrick.
African Wild Dog.
The Innocent.
penned by Finnick..
I promise to handle your heart with care - ꧂


꧁ - and treasure it with love

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 09-19-2022

perfection is found.
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack

in accepting your imperfections.
the band of arrick. -- cheetah.
credit @/teef

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 09-21-2022

Juniper Whitlock
  ◦━ Juniper Whitlock
  ◦━ future names // past names
  ◦━ Juni, open to more + aliases or titles

  ◦━ 6 years + ages monthly
  ◦━ female // female // she/her
  ◦━ pansexual // panromantic
  ◦━ 1/2 of shipname
  ◦━ Typhoon + crewmate // unlikely to betray
  ◦━ Ghastly Ranch + cowpolk // unlikely to betray
  ◦━ voiceclaim - undecided
  ◦━ faceclaim - undecided
- born and raised on a ranch
- once she was old enough she left the ranch in search of her own place to call home but still calls her childhood ranch home
- eventually meets her past lover and the two quickly fall in love
- they settle down in the gastly ranch but a couple of months into living there her lover gets sick and ends up passing
- she eventually moves to the typhoon but still visits gastly ranch from time to time

  has the character made any big accomplishments or recieved any awards? if these are in-character accomplishments, they could be relevant to the personality or plots related to the character. fot ic/ooc promotions, list threads and a small description of the thread. this can be used as an important thread tracker for the character as well, including any guides or explanations of the character. this should be a place where important life events are explained and potential plots listed. etc
  ◦━ thread one - quick description here
  ◦━ thread two - quick description here
  ◦━ thread three - quick description here

PERSONALITY TYPE - the links here are links to the tests i've used to get results personally
  type [the ...]
  jungian, villain, archetypes. [the JUNGIAN] [the VILLAIN] [% caregiver, % intellectual, % spiritual]
  ◦━ traits - here, here, here, here

  does the character have any specific dreams or goals in life? do any dreams come true/have come true? what are their ambitions in life?

FAMILY FIGURES - this is the area to describe the relationship with certain figures (erase this once done)
  ◦━ mother (close? distant?) life status & father (close? distant?) life status
  ◦━ guardians? (close? distant?) life status or foster parents? life status
  ◦━ younger siblings
      ◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)
  ◦━ older siblings
      ◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)

  ◦━ current partners - name (type of bond e.g; lovers, platonic )
  ◦━ crushes - Morrison (Typhoon)
      ◦━ name + gender
      ◦━ name + gender
      ◦━ name + gender

  ◦━ species - animal
  ◦━ race or breed - lioness
  ◦━ hair or pelt color + length - mix of purple/blue hues with longer cheek fluff and mane on the top of her head
  ◦━ eye color - peachy color
  ◦━ accessories - wears a necklace her past lover gave her
  ◦━ scars - n/a currently
  ◦━ tattoos or marks - answer

  ◦━ powers - shapeshifting
  ◦━ bodies - lioness + wolf [lioness ref]
  ◦━ health of bodies - 100% health (body)
template credit @ teef

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 09-21-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 09-21-2022

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of CoTC
penned by Finnick
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #3D82AB; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 11-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
I was all alone with the love of my life
She's got glitter for skin!
-- Kitsune. Pitt.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- My radiant beam in the night
I don't need no light to see you!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 12-06-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
SHORTLYRICS! -- species. rankorgroup.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- SHORTLYRICS !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 12-06-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
Do not fear the dark wolf cub! -- Xenosmilus. COTC.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- For when the sun leaves the world, the world fears you!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 12-06-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
Play by the rules! -- Icarian. Typhoon.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- but do it ferociously!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Fly among the stars - storage - Casphian - 12-27-2022

━━━━━━━━ Tribe of The Fallen ━━━━━━━━
[td][div style="width: 100px; height: auto; background-color: #426f7d; padding: 5px; border-left: 3px solid #11647f; border-right: 3px solid #11647f; border-bottom: 3px solid #11647f; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;"]Discord
Paws crash against the ground, the thundering sound echoing across the surrounding area as the sound of our pants of air intermingle. Your gaze drifts across the path, taking in the sight of the steadily thickening forest to the point that you are having to dodge trees left and right. Finally you skid to a stop, the entrance to a tunnel just in front of you. You jump back as a figure steps out from the shadows, letting out a low chuckle as it moves into the moonlight. "Hello dear traveler how can I help you?" he asks, voice gruff yet light hearted. "You desire to know where you are? Well you're in the territory of the Tribe," he says, moving the circle you, his gaze dancing over your form. "Come now child, why don't I tell you a little story about the Tribe and then you can decide if you wish to stay or not."

The Tribe resides in an old abandoned castle that lives in the middle of a very dense forest. To the south of the forest is a large river that is the only entrance and exit to the Tribe.
River: The River is the entrance and exit to the Tribe. There is a dock stationed at the Tribe's entrance and then on further down the waterway with boats at each dock to allow others to go to and from the Tribe. Along with this the River also runs through the camp, branching off on either side of the castle. There are bridges along the river that allow for an easy way over.

Statues of Dragons: There are six Statues that line the river at the entrance of the Tribe. They are thought to be ancient protectors of the Tribe and are sacred to the group, anyone caught messing with the statues are taken to the Spirit Watcher and a punishment will be given.

The Castle: It is an abandoned giant castle with multiple rooms and floors that allows the Tribe to comfortably reside inside of it. Towards the back and outside of the castle is a garden that houses the Tree of Melodies.

Throne Room: This is where the Spirit Watcher is found the majority of the time. Anyone who wishes to speak with the Spirit Watcher must come here.

Meeting Room: It is to the left of the Throne Room and is where all important meetings are held. Usually the Eclipses will gather here once a month to discuss anything important and any upcoming raids. But in the event that a war happens all meetings are held here.

Library: Deep inside of the castle is a vast library that not many seem to visit. It is filled to the brink with books and scrolls and in the middle of the room is a giant globe. Anyone is free to visit the library if they wish.

Forge: Deep beneath the Castle is an old abandoned forge that was once used by many blacksmiths. It has long since been forgotten as the years have passed but it is still usable if someone stumbles upon it and wishes to use it.

Night Market: Every night a small market opens on the outskirts of the territory. It is filled with shops that are owned by members of the Tribe and anyone from any group is allowed to visit and sell/buy from the market. If they wish to set up their own shop they must speak with the Spirit Watcher before setting up shop.

Tree of Melodies: The Tree lives inside of the Garden behind the Castle, it is a very large oak tree that's branches extend out of the castle and the roots run deep beneath the old building. The Spirit Watcher lives inside of the branches usually and most of the Ceremonies take place at the base of the tree.

Garden of the Lost:
This is a hidden garden deep in the woods that surround the main camp. Not many visit there as it is overgrown and filled with deadly plants and the sorts. But deep in the middle of the garden is a hidden pond filled with it’s own small ecosystem.

Forest of Wandering: To the North of the Tribe's camp there is a large bamboo forest that hides a cavern that is important to the camp. This cave is called the Cavern of the Lost. Deep inside is where the Moon's Tears is located. This is a large underground waterfall that feeds into multiple small pools of water, luckily the pools are heated and are used by many of the Tribe members. At the bottom and closest to the entrance is the large pond named the Silent Mirror, this is a sacred pond which reflects the the Moon when it is high in the night sky.

Sacred Meadow:
- This is a meadow that is tucked far away in the territory, much like the Garden. Here is where the Tribe members that have passed are laid to rest and where anyone within the Tribe can come to visit and remember those who have moved on. It is forbidden for anyone outside of the Tribe to set foot within the Meadow
No one quite knows where Aesteria and Vistarious originated from and nor do many care to find out. The two Gods have been around for however long the universe has been around, or at least that's how the story goes. When Aesteria and Vistarious were younger they hated each other and were constantly bickering, causing many small battles between the two and the creatures that worshiped them. Would you like to know why they were always bickering? Because Aesteria had a crush on Vistarious and thought that he always had to pick on them and the teasing would eventually frustrate Vistarious and cause them to snap at the other God. Looking back on it I'm sure the two would find the whole ordeal rather foolish of them. It would take many years for the two to finally sort out the bickering, but the day that this would happen wouldn't be a pretty day.
The two Gods hadn't quite figured out their reasons of being in the universe yet, their abilities still very much dormant inside of them and because of this many sought out to obtain the two and try to unlock their abilities and use them for evil. Attempts would end in failure until a dreaded deity came around and slunk through the shadows always watching the pair and silently waiting for the moment to attack. One day Aesteria and Vistarious would be relaxing at a river, unknown to the being that watched them. Without hesitation the being attacked, dragging Vistarious away and hiding them from the world. Slowly Vistarious would be corrupted, the God losing all their memories and being forced into fighting Aesteria.

Many eons would go by with countless wars and countless bloodshed until finally Aesteria would find where Vistarious had been locked away. The God would run to Vistarious, trying so hard to snap the other out of whatever trance they had been put under. The meeting would end in the two fighting, the Sun and the Moon were at war with each other and it was a sight no one ever wishes to see again. The battle would last for what felt like days and in the end all it would take to snap the Moon out of their trance was the Sun screaming at them about the love they felt. But it would be a little too late, the weapon that Vistarious had been using would already be embedded deep inside Aesteria's chest.

The world would seem to come to a complete stop at the sound of the broken scream that sounded from the Moon, crying for their lover they had just brought to his knees. Vistarious would drop next to Aesteria, hands pressing to the wound and please falling past their lips for the other to not go. The Sun fell from his Moon, the constant cries of the God not being enough to bring back the fallen. Or so many would think. The story would go on to say that the tears that fell from Vistarious would bring back Aesteria, the Sun rising once again and blocking out the darkness that had encompassed the world. The pair would stand against the evil that had corrupted the lands and Vistarious, shoving the darkness away but never fully getting rid of it. The Gods would then ascend to another place, leaving behind the promise to protect the lands they watched over. It was believed that each God had a descendant that would be born in the animal realm, there to watch over the lands and to be there if the evil were to arise again. It is said that the descendants would be fated to always find each other, soulmates so to speak at least that's what the Tribe believes. After the Sun and the Moon had left the animal realm the lovers would then create four goddesses, one of each element, to aid the mortal creatures in their survival without the Gods. This is the story of how the world came to be today, or at least that's how the Tribe sees it.
Spirit Watcher - This is the leader of the Tribe. They are tasked with making sure everything is safe and sound within the group. They are the face of the group and make all of the final decisions. They are the one who meets with other leaders and sets up any meetings that are needed to happen. Their word is final.
- Kainan | Casphian

Spiritualist(1) - This is the second in command of the Tribe. They set up hunting parties and help to lead and set up strategies in battle if the group ever is under attack. They are also tasked with setting up patrol parties. The Spiritualist takes over as Spirit Watcher if the leader is ever away from the group.
- Name here | Username

Realm Jumpers(2) - They are the medics of the group. There is one that is dedicated to the sun and works during the day and another that is dedicated to the moon and works during the night. They both are considered historians as well.
- Name here | Username (sun)
- Dottore | Rinaroo(moon)

Astral Hoppers(2) - They are the apprentices for the Realm Jumpers. They are hand picked from the Spectres and will then work with one Realm Jumper until their mentor feels they are prepared for the ceremony. If they pass the ceremony they will then be allowed to either take up the role of the Realm Jumper that is missing or they can be an assistant to their mentor. They are usually only chosen when a Realm Jumper is needed or either or both of the Realm Jumpers are close to retiring
- Name here | Username (sun)
- Yosai | Teef(moon)

Guardians(6) - The guardians are trusted members of the pack. They have caught the eye of the Spirit Watcher and the Spiritualist. They are tasked with guarding the higher ups and making sure that the warriors of the tribe are ready for battle. They also get tasked with leading and setting up patrols. (HP)
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username

Eclipses(4) - They are a small group of trusted individuals who have proven that they can be stealthy, trustworthy, and quick on their feet. They are tasked with scouting out other groups and preforming raids on them. They have also been known to spy on groups I’m order to gain information. This group is never talked about and doesn’t partake in the promotion ceremony due to the secretiveness of it. (sHP)
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username

Seers(4) - This is a stepping stone for the tribe. It is given out to members that have been recognized for their contribution to the tribe. It gives way to the possibility of advancing up the ranks and gaining an hp. (sHP)
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username
- Name here | Username

Wraith - They are the warriors of the tribe and are tasked with keeping up patrols and defending the tribe when needed. They are expected to keep up their ability to defend.

Spirits - The regular members of the Tribe, they make up the majority of the numbers.

Star Watchers - These are the elders of the Tribe, once a member is ready to retire they will be given the new rank.

Spectre - These are the apprentices of the Tribe. This rank is given to  members of the age 5 months to 12 months. Sometimes the graduation for a Spectre can either be earlier than 12 months or older depending on what the mentor decides.

Shadows - These are the children of the group. Anyone who is 4 months or less are known as Shadows and are heavily protected by the group.

Apparitions - These are new members of the group, they have yet to receive their marking and necklace.

Prisoners - Anyone who has been taken and held captive of the group, they are usually held in cells in the dungeon of the Castle.

- Sagittarius: Given to those who have gone on the most adventures and sought out new things/territory
- Capricorn: Given to those who keep up with the history and any knowledge of the group and other groups
- Aquarius: Given to this who have stepped up and lead Raid groups when needed.
- Cancer: Given to those who have proven to have excellent proficiency in healing and has stepped up to help the Realm Jumpers.
- Scorpio: Given to those who have proven themselves to be swiftly and with excellent proficiency handle secret missions.
- Pisces: Given to those who have shown great care towards their clan mates and been there for those when needed.
- Leo: Given to those who have shown high loyalty to the group and the SpirtWatcher
- Taurus: Given to those who partake in the council meetings/help with decisions
- Virgo: Given to those who are seen helping out with the community even when not directed to
- Gemini: Given to those who are highly intelligent and stepped up to help with strategizing
- Libra: Given to any set of twins who are born into or join the group
- Aries: Given to the highest protectors of the lands

Tribal Marking: All members of the Tribe, excluding Spectres, Shadows and Apparitions, have the white outline of a crescent moon with the gold  outline of the sun being cradled by the moon on their left shoulder.
Spirit Watcher: The Spirit watcher has the outline of a lotus flower on their forehead that is half white and half gold. Under their left eye they have the gold outline of the sun and under their right the white outline of the moon.
Spiritualist: Under their left eye is a pastel red star with a dark red outline and a circle next to the bottom and two side points.
Realm Jumpers: Located under their right eye is a yin yang with a white sun in the black and a black crescent moon in the white. The Sun Realm Jumper is determined by a gold outline for the circle and the Moon has a dark blue outline.
Astral Hopper: They do not receive a marking until they have completed the ceremony and are not promoted to a Realm Jumper. If they stay as this rank they receive three waves under their right eye, gold if they are under the sun and dark blue if under the moon.
Guardians: Located on their right shoulder is a dark red outline of a paw print with the tribe marking in the middle of the paw pad.
Eclipses: They do not receive markings as they are not meant to be known about unless they are part of the group or was a past member.
Seers: On their left flank is a light blue paw print with a red eye located in the middle of the paw pad.
Wraiths: On their right flank is a white star with a dot on located at the top and the bottom of the star.
Necklace: Each member of the Tribe, excluding those who do not have markings, are given a necklace with the yin yang on it with a star on each side and then the sun on the right and the moon on the left.

Lunar events:
- At the start of each new phase of the moon the Tribe will travel to the Cavern of The Lost where they will gather around the Silent Mirror. With the Spirit Watcher leading, they will each take a step towards the pond and will touch the water, silently wishing for whatever they want. Once the last member has made their wish the Tribe will then spend the rest of the night bonding and relaxing in the many pools in the cavern.

Climbing the Stars:
- This ceremony is dedicated to the Spectres of the group that are ready to graduate and move up in the ranks. Once a month on a starry night the mentors will bring their apprentices to be tested in the field that they have been training in. Upon completion it will be determined by the mentor if they have passed or not and if so they will then be lead to the Tree of Melodies where they will be granted their marking and necklace.

Finding the Lost:
- Whenever new souls find their way into the Tribe they are given a month’s time to adjust and learn the ways of the Tribe. At the end of the month if the creature has shown their worth to the Tribe everyone will gather at the Silent Mirror where the newcomer will be given their marking and necklace. During this time the history of the tribe will be told to the new come and soon after a feast will be held for them.

Sending the Soul Home:
- Whenever a Tribe member passes the group will gather in the Sacred Meadow and will mourn the loss of the member. Their body will be buried amongst the rest, once it is buired the Tribe will call out to the Moon in hopes for a safe passage to the afterlife. After the burial the group will gather in the Castle and will hold a celebration in remembrance of the life that has past.
Rules + Alliances
- Spirit Watcher's word is law!
- Anyone found breaking their word will be stripped of the marking and cast to the prisoners.
- Killing a Tribe member is prohibited!
- If a newcomer is found on the boarder they must be taken to the Throne Room to meet with the Sprit Watcher.

Allies - The Covanent
Neutral - N/a
Enemies - The rest of the groups
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