Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - Printable Version

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - Agrimony - 05-22-2022

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she was a thane now and she decided to go to the meeting because of this fact. she was not much for these large crowds of strangers and she never would be. so, she crept along until she was next to ninazu where she felt safe. there she settled onto her rump and let her eyes flick over to the older female.

hi.. she offered softly as she let her eyes flick back to the strangers all over the place. some were odd looking. some were scary to see. she was torn between wonder and fear. half of her wanted to hide her face in the feathers of ninazu, but she felt the other may not like her to much.

so, she would refrain from doing so and simply look at her feet. she had to hope she could do this, but she doubted it. so many smells.. who is who..? she asked nervously. hoping that she would not be on the older beings nerves for asking.

she was always worried the adults didn't like her much. she was always so nervous about it. so, she looked up at the older female and waited. simply hoping the other could answer her question. though, she was unaware of the bitter feelings the older beast had for one group.

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template by quietly

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - merlin - 05-24-2022

embrace my lungs -
It seemed that Aesior and Cory had already arrived. At the least, Tanglewood was not weak in presence at the moment. Pain ricocheted through her frame, the lioness no longer in her proud body. Would Jormungand be here? She wanted to fight him again, but not in this body. She could barely move, her wounds tender and pulling at every movement. She couldn't let Tangle fail to appear at the meeting.

Coughing faintly as she found a place to sit, setting down the sword that she usually carried on her hip, resting a paw on it wearily as her tail came to lay at her side. Cream tabby pelt twitched, eyes of gold surveying those in attendance, delicate looking wings of amber hues fluttering quietly behind her back until they found a place themselves. The burns upon her pelt was noticeable, remnants of her temporary home collapsing on her after an Inferno claimed it.
- your breath i keep


Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - Morrison - 05-26-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
A voice called his name and his gaze treaded to the side, only to look up at the towering wyvern with an equally complacent smile. Their height didn't bother him too much. The captain had seen his fair share of egotistical and tall animals across the seven seas. What was one more? As long as Corrupttimelines, the ambassador from Tanglewood, stepped no further and kept their paws away from the pirate, they would have no further issues. Instead, the wolf offered a hearty snort back. "Mm, same to you, boy," he answered. "I hoped to see some familiar faces." His gaze momentarily moved to Aesior, a stranger who meandered towards Corrupttimlines and sat down. A new member to the Tanglewood crowd, eh? "New figures aren't so bad either-" A paw jutted out towards Aesior and their newfound garden. "-especially ones who shit flowers." Stained teeth flashed towards the two, indicating his toilet humor was a mere joke. The wolf actually found the plants to be delightful.

Orange eyes shifted out towards the general crowd and surveyed them, finding Vale's usual mumbling and stumbling. The Pittian leader was of interest to the other. Ve always arrived in gruesome fashion fashion. This time as a tiger, rotting and reeking of Pittian stank. To no surprise, the Typhoon's captain had something to say in response with witty snark and a smirk donning his navy maw. "I quite like collecting names for the roster," he remarked. "Makes the job easier when I need to point a fool out." The Typhoon was usually took the brunt of the other clan's deeds, sadly. They had stayed out of trouble lately though. Nevertheless, better safe than sorry.

"'m afraid The Typhoon has not done much besides manage and flourish lately," came has general response towards the rest. "We have no fucks to give." Morrison merely shrugged. He was satisfied with that currently and chose to stay out of the messes others were making lately. "Sorry if that's not as exciting as you lot dreamed of," the leader quickly added on. His gaze moved to Vale specifically, offering ver a wink in particular.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ MAY 2022 ] - The Tombs - 05-30-2022

The Enclave's first attendance at one of these meetings. His first monthly meeting.

Maximilian appeared with his Enclavians, lightly nudging Sora's shoulder with his own as he walked past her. It was a gesture of acknowledgement and namely comfort amidst the dizzying array of new faces, voices, and scents. In a raging sea of uncertainty, the familiar sensation of a friend was practically a lifeboat. Making his way to the gathering tree with his clan was a battle against his introversion, and one that he worried that he would lose sorely. He was a leader here, a man of authority. He could not back out now, not when it was his duty to introduce the Enclave to the rest of the Island and thoroughly establish their presence. We will be known. Let peace be made, justice be done.

The Alpha began his visit here with small talk amongst various members of the different clans, aiming to soothe his screaming, agitated nerves and grow accustomed to the immense gathering that he had arrived at. Snaking his way through those gathered, he found himself able to breathe easier. There was no visible tension in this place, no outbursts or disputes or bitter brawls. This was simply an opportunity to speak to others freely, whether friend or foe. It was...nice, in a way.

Finally Maximilian found himself capable of addressing more than just one individual at a time. The gray wolf glanced over at his clan for a moment before turning to the rest of the animals that were chit-chatting and updating comrades and strangers alike on their clan's status. "Pleasure to meet youse all," he said, the volume of his voice increased a considerable amount from the low murmur of earlier so that others may hear him. "If we haven't made acquaintances yet, then let me introduce myself and my clan. My name is Maximilian Caputo, and I'm the Alpha — leader — of the Enclave." He gestured to the Enclavians beside him as he spoke. "We've settled on the Island not too long ago with little problems, thankfully." Was that sufficient? Perhaps it was.
[glow=#008040,2,300]where is my mind?[/glow] —