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Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Printable Version

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Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Orion - 05-20-2022

Thank you everyone! Loving these. We don't have a set date yet, as things have been slower, but the progress is LOVELY.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - linnetwing - 05-22-2022

Username: singingmousai
Character name: Linnetwing
Character description/bio: Her tags are still wip-adjacent but there's a good amt of info there now c:
Group you are interested in: ThunderClan
Position(s) you are interested in: Leader/Deputy (mostly Deputy since she's still quite young lol)
Potential plots/ideas:
• Linnetwing is cheerful and social but not the best diplomat. Shortly after the Clans are formed and their leadership established, a small scuffle, likely over borders or prey, spills over into something more dramatic due to a diplomatic blunder. Alternatively, ThunderClan is challenged by their rivals and she chooses negotiation over self-defense, which may or may not be a wise idea.
• Group bonding. This girl is all about team-building. She wants everyone to get to know each other personally so that they feel more inclined to defend one another should the situation call for it.
• She'd probably be pretty insistent on forming Clan identity pretty quickly after the Clans split apart. She wants ThunderClan to feel like a cohesive group that is distinctive from the other Clans and groups in the forest. Putting together the "branding" of ThunderClan, so to speak; discovering her Clanmates' shared ideals and morals.
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
• Linnetwing is practically spilling over with optimism about the life everyone is approaching in the forest. She's not one to give up easily at all, and she wants to see to it that her new comrades to see what she sees! Her primary goal is to keep her Clanmates happy and safe, no matter what that cost might be to her. She is admittedly, however, somewhat naive when it comes to actually leading others, so her rather blind optimism might be a hard sell for a lot of people (which could be another interesting plot point...).
• As for myself, I know I'm still very new in this community, but I'm really eager to get going! I've been roleplaying in different groups for probably 7 or 8 years now, including a highly active streak on FeralFront from probably late 2018-mid 2019 that involved me playing as several HP characters in various groups (albeit extended, not warriors specific). I'm what you would call "chronically online" lol and love replying to as many different threads as I can get my hands on, as well as making my own when there are lulls. I try to keep my posts on the medium-length side of short when I can, so that not every starter I make is a wall of text, but I do love to write longform when the muse strikes me hehe.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - badgernose - 05-22-2022

Username: singingmousai
Character name: Badgernose
Character description/bio: [tags here]
Group you are interested in: ShadowClan
Position(s) you are interested in: Medicine Cat
Potential plots/ideas:
• Badgernose has an issue of hyperfixating a bit too hard. Perhaps there's an outbreak of something in the Clan and he wears himself way too far down searching for a cure? Since he's overworking himself, he may become ill as well, which could be threatening if he doesn't end up with an apprentice.
• This little guy also has a higher-than-average fear of death due to a near-death experience in his childhood. Because of this, he basically refuses to acknowledge the mortality of anyone around him, either. Someone is mortally injured or ill, but he refuses to let them die for as long as he can manage. If the character does die, he spirals, hardcore. Regardless of whether they live or die, this solidifies his interest in attempting to cheat death/seek immortality.
• He would be eager to teach his Clanmates how to forage for medicinal plants, partially in order to scope out a potential apprentice (if one isn't decided on immediately), but also so that anyone who takes an interest in the practice continues foraging and helps him form a somewhat steady supply of herbs.
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
• Badgernose isn't particularly interested in fighting, and he's not the best hunter by any means, but he's discovering that he's one hell of a forager, which serves itself to the Medicine Cat position. Additionally, though he has little regard for his own physicality, he is highly attentive of the needs of others. This isn't out of compassion necessarily, but rather a single-pointed focus on his duties.
• For myself, same as what I said with Linnetwing!! <3

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Cobra - 05-24-2022

Username: Cobra
Character name: Frogpool
Character description/bio: tags
Group you are interested in: Shadowclan
Position(s) you are interested in: Medicine Cat or Medicine Cat Apprentice
Potential plots/ideas: • Frogpool will likely be very sharp tongued and blunt with the injured as she is still hurting. she will have to learn to watch her tongue and will likely be scolded for her behavior. she will also struggle with wanting to help the queens in labor because of her jealousy over them having love.
• Frogpool has a desire to find love and would, if it happened, be struggling to decide between having a mate or staying a medicine cat. which could prove difficult if she has not apprentice lined up. she wants to help others, but she refuses to miss her last chance at love. maybe she gives it up or maybe she steps down and is forced to learn to be a warrior. though, more than likely, she will stay true to her medicine cat role and be heartbroken and confide in a friend?
• Frogpool would not be a good teacher and struggle to form a bond with her apprentice. just like she struggled to bond with her own mentor. this can lead to failed healing sessions or mixing up herbs until she caves and tries to be better.
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: • Frogpool is not very attunde with others, but is good at doing tasks because of her desire not to think of her past mate. so, she would focus on the injured well. she is also not biased and will heal anyone and not sugar coat a thing about it. she will stand up to anyone that tries to stop her from healing someone else without regard for herself.
• As for me, i am an active member and love to plot with others. i love posting in open threads and being around to rp or chat. i can offer up ideas for clan plots from time to time if needed, but for the most part i'm just always here unless i am asleep.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Orion - 05-26-2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: These are closing SUNDAY, 5/29. Please finish your applications by then!

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - SchizophrenicVoid - 05-27-2022

Username: SchizophrenicVoid
Character name: Dreamwillow
Character description/bio: At first glance Dream is a cold and indifferent cat that cares only for those that make themselves useful to her. This impression would be broken as soon as it was formed if she was to be seen among the young of the clan. She's known as an incredible mentor, practically a second mother to her apprentices and a skilled teacher besides. Her blank stare was perfected after a tom took advantage of her trust and left her with kits that never took their first breath, leaving her heart-broken and alone. He came back moons later begging for forgiveness and she spat in his face, nearly taking his life before he ran with his tail between his legs.
Group you are interested in: Shadowclan
Position(s) you are interested in: Leader/Deputy
Potential plots/ideas: It would be great for her to find love again, maybe even kits as well though they would likely be adopted for her fear of 'failing' will likely stay with her for years. Her disdain of those that harm children could cause her to be seen as nosy and unduly harsh towards some parents; this could easily be tempered by the loyalty of the children she fights for. She's very loyal to her clan and would accept loners and kittypets easily enough, but deserters from other clans might struggle to be accepted as easily.
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: Dreamwillow would be a loyal and devoted deputy or leader and I look forward to seeing how she might interact with her clanmates. I've been an admin and HP for my own groups before and I feel like I would be an openminded and friendly option, not to mention I'm basically always online.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - teef - 05-29-2022

Username: adventure.
Character name: cindershout
Character description/bio: [here]
Group you are interested in: shadowclan
Position(s) you are interested in: medicine cat
Potential plots/ideas: cindershout could take the medicine cat rank for a short while before being forced into retirement from the role by either a bad injury or a clans wide plot regarding weather. he has a history with a group of trouble-makers, and has fostered and trained many an apprentice in his years. his duty as a medicine cat would not keep him in camp, he would be taking his apprentice and teaching them how to look after the clan with proper foraging, hunting and battle skills, he is reluctant to see anymore death in the youths.
- he is fiercely protective of his clan and found family, and a potential future plot point would either be his forced retirement due to severe injury, or his death in a clan event in the future. once deceased, he could give a next leader one of their nine lives, and is sure to do his best to look after the clan from starclan.
- another large plot point with him could be that the group he had ran with in the past could show up to cause trouble on the edges of the clan, searching out the old tom to seek vengeance for something he'd done in the past (thus revealing his greatest secret and showing that he is not the innocent old man he seems to be).
- other plots detail his involvement in possibly helping thunderclan's medicine cats, even going as far as to being caught supplying herbs to them if they run low; his biggest issue is seeing the youth suffer, he has enough blood on his paws and doesn't want to see any more children die.
- ultimately, it wouldn't be strange if he happened to lose his mind and sanity as time edged on, perhaps because of an illness he didn't know he suffered from, or collapsing during a pandemic hitting the clan and causing chaos with his apprentice being forced to step up and look after the clan without his guidance, allowing for potential character development in the apprentice?
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: cindershout is a fiercely loyal and protective member of his clan, not afraid to share his opinion and give his life for his clan. his past knowledge through years of hardship would have allowed him the qualities to make decisions based on the better-ness of his home group, and the residents within it. his long knowledge with herbs and medical work would be beneficial to helping to train the next generation of medicine cats, even if he was to only hold the rank temporarily to allow the untrained a chance to learn the ways of a medicine cat, as taught to him years before by the medically trained individual of his birth group. i have experience on BoB as previous HPs of both a fallen official group, a current official group and of a few unofficial uncharted groups, and i'm always open to interaction and posting. i'm always only a message away, regardless of if im at work or on time off. i'd be happy to be a potential candidate, and would do my best to help the others who do end up with the positions regardless.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Orion - 06-02-2022

These are now CLOSED. A decision will be made soon.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Orion - 06-13-2022

After taking some time to review these and monitoring activity, we have decided to pick [member=1348]ADOMANIA[/member] for Thunderclan's leader/deputy (your choice) and @bri for leader of Shadowclan. Cindershout [member=3043]teef[/member] can step up to medicine cat with Frogpool [member=23336]Cobra[/member] as an apprentice. Stormsnap [member=16673]milks0da[/member] can also step up as a medicine cat in Thunderclan.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - canarysong - 06-13-2022