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an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Printable Version

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Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Byriath - 05-18-2022

Now that Skadi had left the scene, Byriath let out a low rumbling noise. A deep rooted anger bubbled in him. Rotting and hot with fury, those roots held strong onto his heart, some sick memory entering his mind. His claws raked slowly across the earth as the lioness spoke, his face an eerie calm. "Yes. I have an idea." He responded, shoulders tensing. He longed for Saturn to be by his side, to be an anchor for this raging sea of anger he was caught in.

Turning his stone gaze to Plexus after Merlin was finished, he attempted to tap into the smaller feline's mind to speak. "Can I trust you to make this decision? I do not want this to go further south." He then shook his mane, holding his head high to meet Merlin's respectfully. "Once Plexus has answered, the perpretrators will be found, and they will be given justice." And part of him wanted to say they would be executed. Slaughtered just like how this 'Ximen' individual had been.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Kiara Kokytos - 05-19-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

collected gaze drifted over the scenario. all of them were furious, that was understandable. it seemed like history was repeating itself. almost amusingly. if punishments were to be dealt out she would love to strip the killers of anything she could sink her weapons into. gods, she almost missed her brother wrath sometimes.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Romulus - 05-20-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]

A name he cherished.

The woman had been in his paws before, shaking and afraid of what the Coalition of the Condemned would do to her. He couldn't help but feel pity. Romulus took it upon himself, betraying his parent's legacy, to heal her wounds and eventually set her free. Since then, their visits had been lackluster. The Kingpin hadn't seen her in quite awhile, but to hear her call was a blessing at first. Her voice only transformed into fury from afar. As he grew closer, he could feel his stomach begin to sink and dark thoughts beginning to fester within his head. Could he assume the worst? or was this another daily nightmare? Afraid not.

His paws outstretched from the shadows within moments, coming just in time for an explanation. His eyes moved to Corrupttimelines first, noting the unfamiliar animal mentally and making sure he caught their name after this predicament. Nevertheless, he turned to Merlin in no time. The lion offered no gesture of greeting, but remained blunt in his words. The lion had heard enough on his way in to justify punishment once their identities were revealed. Given that he had announced for them to be on their best behavior during the meeting, he hadn't expected anyone to slaughter a Tanglewooder, especially those who knew of his fondness for the group. "They will be dealt with," he firmly stated. "It will be by my paw. I do not wish to dirty Tanglewood's own reputation or cause any other gripes." If need be, they could attend their punishment for proof.

"I am sorry we could not meet in peace," Romulus directed towards Merlin and Corrupttimelines. "My condolences go out to the family and friends of the deceased. If you need anything else for the funeral or your home, please don't be afraid to ask." He could construct a gravestone with his elementals, bury the dead in their honor, or do whatever else the two desired. The kingpin was willing to make things right... even if the Coalition's payment was the just their punishment.

Quick and hasty with his words while running on frustrated fumes, he finished off courtesies and turned to the wanderers that gathered. His brows furrowed and eyes narrowed towards Byriath and Plexus. "Tell me their names," came his simple demand. Romulus had no clue who their true identities were, but he could guess a few names and eventually get them right. The kingpin preferred a straightforward answer though. He trusted the two would comply with his demand, but if not, they would be dealt the same hand as the two involved. With a steady gaze and ears awaiting an answer, Romulus stood tall while seething in disgrace. All he had worked for was crumbling due to two fools who had meddled in another group's politics.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Kiara Kokytos - 05-21-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

the leader, right? she let her gaze rake over his form, taking in but not taking in his words with a tilt of her head. she wasn't sure of the names of the two and didn't really know either how the hell byriath and plexus were supposed to recognise the names of ximen's murderers - by scent, perhaps? but she said nothing.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Agrimony - 05-21-2022

//mobile post so fancy isn't used sorry\\

Qgrimony came over on stiff legs. His scars Clea and eyes on the gathered. He knew what he needed to do, so he was here to do just that. He stopped near the group and lowered his head.

"It was me. It was a boarder skirmish that went wrong. I landed the killing blow and I should be the one to take the fall. She had no hand in his death." He stated bluntly as he looked to them with calm eyes.

"It got out of hand and for that I am sorry. Do what you must with me, but I killed him. She simply fought and had no part in his death."

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Kiara Kokytos - 05-22-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

the was a horse that trodded up, looking sheepish and dejected. he spoke up, saying he was the one to land the "killing blow" onto ximen, and it wasn't "her" fault. she didn't know who this "her" was, but in her mind's eye both of them were equally responsible. "but both of you attacked him, didn't you?" she responded quietly, voice hard and optics burning with something more than anger. how silly of the horse, to simply mention another name so carelessly. he could've taken the blame for himself, all for himself. now that would've been a heroic thing to do, but no, he had to run his mouth and get another one in trouble too. her inner child laughed with delight - this was going so much better than she had anticipated.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Agrimony - 05-22-2022

they attacked him? no. no he was sure the other attacked first. that was what he recalled. then again, the drugs had not helped at all. yet, he was defiant to the end. wrong. he attacked and we fought back. he snorted and stamped a hoof. head raising now as he was annoyed that they dared to think it was all on them.

we didn't start it, but we did fight back and end it. he replied bluntly as he looked the other over with sharp gaze. i will take the blame for the death, but i will not take fault for a fight that came from both sides. and with that he tossed his mane and waited.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
template by quietly

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Plexus - 05-22-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
His throat spasmed as he realized he possibly would've needed to sentence harsh punishment to a fellow camp mate. His heart slowed as he took a deep breath, letting doubt, fear, and remorse swim through his head as an answer for Byriath. The relief he felt at Romulus showing up was burnt to the ground when Agrimony, the stallion he seen join not so long ago, come forward and...he felt bone deep horror at the "her." The stallion only spent time, truly, with Inferno. One of his dear friends.

Plexus held back his dryheave of pure fear and grief, he never felt more glad for his plague mask covering his face right now. He had to appear strong, appear not grief-stricken. He had to be the Guru, impartial and helpful to the Kingpin. His heart ached, and ached, as he remembered running not to long ago to the two: Agrimony and Inferno. He wrapped and treated their wounds and didn't even think to question the scent of Tanglewood or even why they were injured, or why Byriath was so angry. His only thought then was that there was injured that needed to be treated.

His heart dropped at Romulus' question, his mouth stuck together as he tilted his head in question to the past Guru, while he hesitantly started, "Based on evidence, and our confession just now, Agrimony and...Inferno...seem to have held a stake in this. Byriath can correct me if I'm wrong."

It didn't take a mind reader to hear the desperate wish for him to be wrong.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Byriath - 05-22-2022

The influx of negative emotions that Byriath sensed in Plexus made his fur stand on end. Static figure turned gently to face Romulus, though as Agrimony spoke the god turned sharply. Claws dug into the earth, on which thin vines clung to his ankles. His own mind urging him to relax. To think. His eyes narrowed at how quickly Agrimony spoke, how angry the other seemed. He thought he was angry, frustrated? Byriath was far, far worse.

"Quite frankly, since I was not there to witness- thank god, the slaughter, how can we simply take your word for how the fight went down?" He started slowly, lips curling around tusks and teeth into a broad frown. "These tanglers knew the victim, surely they can tell us whether he had always been the one to start fights." The more he spoke, the angrier he became.

This anger made his voice null, and monotonous, as he responded to Plexus. "I do wish you were wrong. I wish this never had happened." And he shook his massive form, raising his voice to announce what most had already known. "The perpetrators of this heinous act are none other than Agrimony, and his friend, Inferno Cipher-Vantas." No matter what Agrimony said next, he was sure it was him trying to make sure his lady wouldn't be punished. Even if, by some manner of luck, Inferno was not punished, Byriath would make sure she would learn.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Kiara Kokytos - 05-23-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

the horse dared speak up and say ximen started it? another creature, hopefully more sensible, padded up, mask-clad. sure, the fight was done by both sides, but she didn't know ximen to be one to start fights. she had seen him at his kindest, removing lucinder from the scene as the child became destructive after finding out about his mother. she saw nothing but kindness in him. ximen might have had a ruined past but from what she experienced with him in tanglewood he was nothing but nice.

agrimony and inferno? the hesitation of the masked male saying "inferno" showed that the mysterious identity revealed shocked the other. why should kiara care though? those two deserved to be punished for what they did. a low snarl burst from her throat. usually not a warbound creature the fire within her wanted to attack without considering consequences of attacking the horse here in front of all of these people. but she kept a cool head. she wasn't like them. couldn't feel empathy, yes. but stupid and foolish, no.

The one that seemed to be in charge had a shift in appearance as agrimony smoke. she could say she knew ximen well, so she would respond. "ximen was, not as i had known him, not one to begin fights. he seemed more a peacekeeper. now i could be wrong because i wasn't around for his entire life, but i knew him for a bit. he wasn't aggressive without reason." that's what she had to say - she hadn't budged from her position one little bit but her muscles had tensed and fury was radiating from her every pore.

agrimony, and inferno cipher-vantas. those names would forever be engraved in her memory like their claw and hoof-marks engraved forever into ximen's corpse.