Beasts of Beyond
WHEN I RISE TO THE TOP :: family joining - Printable Version

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Re: WHEN I RISE TO THE TOP :: family joining - tanglewoodian - 05-27-2022

now, while she couldn't speak it, she knew what he was saying as she heard her birth parents talk it before they were lost. she didn't remember her old family, and she wouldn't know them if they came around. zjarr was her dad and that was all that mattered to her now. so, when her brother said those words, her head snapped towards him and her hackles raised slightly. she eyed him a moment and opened her mouth to argue, when father dearest spoke in her defense.

not all of us want to walk forever, brother. she cooed with a small smile tugging at her lips. then she moved up to press to her brothers flank a moment. despite their differences, she loved her sibling all the same. her gaze shifted to her father as he called out into the strange lands.

her ears perked as she looked over the swampy lands and her fur pricked with unease. she found herself frightened and that made her move to hide under her fathers front paws. she didn't like the murky water or the eerie silence. then, she spotted someone coming over and she lowered her head a bit until she realized they weren't dangerous.

he had a book and wrote in it, so she tilted her head to the right. reading the words and deciding to let her father answer him. another joined and her eyes lifted to the larger creature. eyes wide at her size alone. then, true to form, her brother spoke and she looked at him with those wide amber optics.

i doubt they understand you brother. she offered him with drooping ears as she inched up beside her brother once more. tail wagging slightly. she didn't want to explain why she understood, or that she didn't speak like him. she felt weird and like a part of her was lost thinking about it.

dad says we can come live here. she answered their confusion as she looked to her sibling.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
tags :: updated 5/22:

Re: WHEN I RISE TO THE TOP :: family joining - aesior - 05-31-2022

his gaze flickered over the youths, his ears perking at the child's words in a different tongue. he'd ... he'd existed long enough to get a grasp on several other languages, complicated or not. the curse of transcending death, he supposed. it was enough for the slighest understanding of the child's words, though his sister's input was much appreciated. somehow, it caused him amusement for cory to look at him and tell him he didn't understand, a smirk on his lips as he laughed silently. the mute would of course be the one to know, right? he chuckled gently, shaking his head, writing, 'he said they were removed from their home and its as the girl says. can you tell us your names, little ones?', he would bow his head to zjarr once more as he offered the book to the children. he didn't know if they could read or not, but if they could then they could answer his questions.

he had no qualms with allowing the youngsters to stay, he would rather have them stay close and have a safe place to grow up, something he'd wished he could have given to his own children. looking to cory, ares and merlin, nodding his head to the family, 'i give my vote to let them stay. children need a stable home, and we can protect them.' he blinked at the others a few times, tipping his head curiously.

no fancy rn//

Re: WHEN I RISE TO THE TOP :: family joining - Zjarr - 06-01-2022

[div style="width: 48%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Zjarr felt the tension in his aching muscles disappear nearly instantaneously at the sight of Aesior, who had made his way over from whatever collection of herbs he was dealing with at the moment to approach them. "Aesi, buddy!" he called, an immense, almost comical grin upon his maw as he greeted the cat. Another Tangler followed suit, jutting a paw out to him that the Siberian husky took to shake respectfully. They both seemed confused, understandably so, and it was that very concern that the family attempted to address...albeit, in another language.

Amused chocolate brown eyes flickered to Christian, who tried his best to explain the situation to the gathering Tanglewood residents. Poor kid. It seemed that no one was capable of speaking German in this entire crowd except for the Ignibuses (well, a few of them, at least). Why was that so bizarre to Zjarr? Was that something to be expected of a completely foreign group of people? It was normal to me at some point. I dunno why. Rather than melt his own brain trying to decipher why the language was so familiar and commonplace to him, he opted to simply push the thought away and stay present in the moment. We need to stay here. They gotta let us in. There's nowhere else for us to go. It would be futile to turn back now and head back to the Forge, where Flamey would cast them out once more. It's not as though the Forge was a safe place to raise children anyway — they needed a new location to live, surrounded by trustworthy people. This was the best place Zjarr had in mind. He just hoped that he was right.

He nodded in acknowledgment of Lanyu's rough translation of Christian's words. "Dad says we can come live here." Well, that was the gist of it all, essentially. "Y'got it. Thank you, Lanyu," the demon said, offering her a smile before turning back to the rest. "As you've gathered, I'm Dad. Zjarr. These're my kids: the girl is Lanyu, the lil' German boy is Christian, and Four-Eyes is Randall. We've run into a, uh, unfortunate situation in our old home, and we need to stay someplace safe. Not to put ol' Aesior here in the spotlight, but he mentione sum' 'bout comin' down here to introduce myself if I was in the area, so, y'know, why not?" A beat filled with a soft chuckle. "'n' hey, we can pull our own weight. I'm a smith, I can hunt 'n' fight. Whatever T-wood needs."

His eyes landed on Aesior again, who made his position clear that they should allow the family to take shelter. His expression softened, as though to thank him in complete silence. A true friend, indeed.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]cold cold cold[/glow] —