Beasts of Beyond
!!! - ??? - Printable Version

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Re: !!! - ??? - VALE - 04-03-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three-eyed crow
Wings catching the rising heat, Vale cruised above the group. The fireball pulsing in vis beak faded into a smoke wisp. The intruder—Vale hesitated to use a word with an aggressive slant, considering they were hardly such—clearly had a destination in mind. Again, though, was that the right choice? Perhaps the stranger was only following a heading, or a general direction—

Oh! The crows three eyes sparked.

“Oi, ignoramus!” Vale dived until ve flew alongside and at eye level to the white serval. To add upon the insult, Vale attempted to land on the serval’s head. “Are you so airheaded that you can't even make a solid perch?”

Re: !!! - ??? - Olalla - 04-03-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla watched as the white Serval played follow the fuckin leader in the Plaza, looking up as Vale flew overhead to land on the felines head. Not only did they ignore Arthur, Serpentine, and Kold, but Vale as well. That would not fly.

What were they doing in the central pieces of the territory? How did they get in? Who let them in? The beast stood up, his tail swaying slowly behind him and his hackles raised. Olalla let out a throaty growl, saliva slipping past black lips to meet with the sandy stone he stood upon; the creature drifted to the side, bee-lining to stand in front of the train of animals.

With a snarly bugle, Olalla, being the asshole he is, darted forward toward the white serval and, using his large head, attempted to ram the feline. If successful, the beast would then move to pin the creature down.

Re: !!! - ??? - ??? - 04-08-2022

The caw of a stranger reached pointed ears and paws stopped in their tracks. 'Ignoramus!'  Frozen in place, the crow flew in their eyeline as the serval calculated their next move. 'Ignoramus...' The word repeated again in their head, eventually becoming an endless cycle. With Vale hovering near, their icey, wide gaze remained forward and empty. Suddenly, Pupils dilated and narrowed with each repetition. Claws exited from their sheaths and dove into straight into the floor. Their pelt started to cascade away in ripples and white fur sloughed to the ground. What remained was on track to become a longer, shaggy brown.

With every pop, crack, and squeal their body made, the unknown figure remained verbally silent and expressionless. Their stature started to shoot upward. The youthful figure's muscular structure expanded and shifted to their appropriate place based on their interpretation of 'ignoramus.' An ill-defined jaw dropped suddenly with a snap. Hanging by a thread, the piece began to form into a widened jawline. With a loud, wheezy inhale, the bone practically climbed back into place. In the meantime, their softer feline facial features were beginning to form into a chiseled bovine.

'Ignoramus, Ignoramus, Ignor-'

Talons interrupted their train of thought. The creature's formation halted in it's process as claws dug into their unfinished skull and another command came their way. They listened with care. Like before, they would be at the will of another.


The hybrid practically deflated back to their original form. Brown and white fur piled onto the floor as they started to shrink. Innards started to shift. A pointed face laid parallel to the floor as their body started to elongate and fatten up horizontally. Their spine audibility popped with each new vertebrae. Their short tail followed in suit and grew in length. Working from inside out, the limbs came next. Legs that once breached the torso came inwards and were absorbed into the body. Front paws remained though, flattening out and widening to become pectoral fins. With two fins below and a tail behind, the final doral fin sprouted from the top of their figure.

A wheeze exited their system. Their stoic maw extended outwards and their blank scowl pulled back. A divot formed on the top of their head and expanded into a hole leading into their newly formed respiratory system. Their once soft, pink skin transformed into slick and grey to noticeably finalize their transformation into an 'airheaded' dolphin. A puff of air confidently shot out from their blowhole, confirming the end to their transfiguration.

Whether or not Vale remained on their figure, the dolphin did not mind, but their peace was soon interrupted by another. Olalla's head slammed into their enlarged side. The mammal merely let out a mocking squeal at their attempt, true to their airheaded fashion.

[OOC: Hey everyone! Sick post here, but I couldn't help not posting this. Figured I'd offer an explanation after being so so so secretive about this. I've had this idea for about a year now, so let me introduce you to '???'. They are a character controlled by all individuals around them based on what they are called. As you can see, they were called two names above and shapeshifted based on their perspective of those names. Your characters are more than welcome to abuse this. In fact, I encourage it.

There are a few rules to their shifting, which will remain hush-hush, but there are a few parameters. Nicknames/adjectives/non-animal nouns will be their own interpretation, but your characters can also say specifics. Specifics can be species, name, pronouns, personality, etc... Needless to say, it's a free-for-all. Wink

'???' goes by all pronouns. By default I will be using 'they/them' or experimenting with neopronouns, such as ze/ze or xe/xem. Along with this, they have no set name. If you wish for them to stay within their current form, they MUST be addressed by the name given to previously. For example, in this situation, they must continue to be called 'airhead' or 'airheaded' to remain a dolphin.

Plots I will be keeping a secret, but do expect them to have some development. This character is very near and dear to my heart, especially after mulling over them for suuuuch a long time. You may even see me throw out a few short stories about them publicly! Not just for BoB. Anyways... hope you guys enjoy. <3 I can't wait to have fun with this character.]

Re: !!! - ??? - shinigami sakigami - 04-08-2022

As Arfur followed the unknown creature, his paws stepping fatefully behind, he heard Vale’s bitter words. Ve called them an ignoramus, and a bitter taste was left in the pup’s mouth. As soon as he turned around to correct vem, he heard a concerning noise.

Whipping around, his eyes landed on the mysterious person. As white fur shed across the ground and a deep brown appeared in its place, a wheeze passed the purple hued pup’s lips. A soft murmur of terror passed his maw as his skeletal tail tucked between his legs and he narrowed himself closer to the floor. Ebony eyes flew back and forth as he let out a whimper.

Wh-What are they doing?! What’s going on?” he cried out in terror, shuffling back rapidly and breathing ragged. Just as he thought the horror of the shifting was over, however, it started again!

This time they morphed further, causing Arfur to panic as he glanced up at his clanmates and then back to ???, uncertain on what to do.

They’re…they’re scary! I don’t like them!

Re: !!! - ??? - Kold - 04-10-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
A hoarse noise left Kold as the stranger started to shift, halting in her steps but moving to stand before Arfur as the pup cowered. "Changing forms. Not sure why." She spoke, letting out a bull-like huff as she watched the creature.

And then Vale spoke again, and then the creature went and changed. Again. Her torn lips curled in a snarl, watching ??? go from bovine to serval to dolphin, before Olalla's movement caught her attention. "Shifting forms can be a very strange experience, both for the one shifting and those watching." But she'd shifted forms before - several times, in fact.

Re: !!! - ??? - VALE - 04-21-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
Perched upon the unstable skull, Vale’s watched the shapeshifting with wide, fascinated eyes. What interesting results! Ve’d thought vis conclusion was too insane to be true, but it was! Haha, and people thought Vale was insane and stupid, well, this proved them wrong on one of those accounts.

To the others, Vale fluffed out vis feathers, looking first at Olalla in irritation. “Oi, quit it! The airhead’s not aggressive—in fact, I think we can use ‘em.” Honestly, Vale didn’t care about the Pitt’s usage for Unknown, but ve did think the shapeshifter would be quite interesting for ver own amusement and schemes.

As the bovine shapeshifted into a dolphin, the crow hopped in place as vis perch changed underneath ver. Holy fuck, you must really lack any and all self-preservation! A dolphin! In the desert!” Vale’s right eye squinted. “Aye, Ignoramus, walk to the pyramids in the distance.”

Vale still needed to confirm a bunch of hypothesis about how the shapeshifter worked, but, for now, it’d be much easier to transport xem if xe could walk on xyr own. Even better if Vale could lazily stay perched on xyr horns as a bovine.

Finally, Vale remembered Artur was freaking out. While (assumingly) Unknown was shapeshifting beneath vis claws, the little crow blinked at the child. “Kid, you see me walking around every damn day with gore dripping off my bones. You yourself are an ugly monster, just like half of us undead things in the Pitt. If you’re scared of Ignoramous here, then you better pray you never encounter a mirror.”

In all honesty, Vale thought ve was being kind by pointing out the truth to Arfur. Seriously, how did a kid drenched in gore become terrified of a dolphin? Vale tutted to verself.

“Anywhoosie, y’all can trust me to deal with Ignoramus. I’ll take the rest of the day to figure out exactly how xyr shapeshifting works, and, haha, I’m totally claiming xem as my birb, because what’s a better aviary companion for lil ol’ me than this?!?”

Re: !!! - ??? - shinigami sakigami - 04-21-2022

At Vale’s pointed remark, Arfur let’s put a low growl. He wasn’t a monster! He didn’t change forms right in front of people’s eyes with zero explanation. When Vale waltzed around, he just seemed like an arrogant vermin. They were nothing more than a thorn in his side most times. As far as he considered it, Vale was just being a bully because he could. Arfur knew he was just mean by nature, but that didn’t mean he wanted to deal with it! This made the young pup beyond angry as he growled and grumbled. However, he knew better than to fight with his leader, so he opted to just turn around and leave.

// out + ic opinions;;