Beasts of Beyond
salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - Printable Version

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Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - astre - 05-25-2018

ooer [member=110]susitna[/member]

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - Beatles. - 05-25-2018


Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - astre - 05-26-2018

You have been consumed by the Fosh.

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - Orion - 05-26-2018

i saw lucario
so i am here now

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - astre - 05-26-2018

välkommen min vän, there are sugar cookies on the table and the pizza’s on the way
bathrooms are to the left

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - Orion - 05-28-2018

well i have the bladder the size of a mouse so ty

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - astre - 06-01-2018

hehe mouse bladder

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - tinsel - 06-02-2018

eyyy team mouse bladder

i literally pee like 20 times a day and i asked my doctor and they did an ultrasound and everything
and he was like
"bro it's literally,,,, abnormally small idk what's wrong with u"
[s]moral of the story: small bladders are a thing

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - astre - 06-02-2018

i did not expect for my chat thread to turn into a conversation about bladders

Re: salty spitoon || Nova's chat bread - Orion - 06-04-2018

if you pee between every period of the day like i do during school, it's going to be the talk of the century