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brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - Printable Version

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Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 02-15-2022


Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - fleur . - 02-16-2022

Sibling app!

NAME & GENDER: lavender swirl floki && cis female
PERSONALITY: lav is a sweetheart with a heart of gold. she has a very motherly personality and is generous and kind. she can be a bit naive and at times can be a bit of an airhead, but she always has good intentions.
APPERANCE:(cuisine pelt) lavender swirl is a pale purple coloured feline with fluffy, well-groomed fur. she has adoring honey colored eyes and a very approachable demeanor. she is based on my favorite ice cream, honey lavender swirl!
EXTRAS: she is three years old! very sweet and can be overbearing at times. i’m going to place her in the typhoon

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 02-16-2022

Accepted <3 I'll send powers as soon/as needed as I can, and have time <33

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - lavender swirl - 02-17-2022

thank you! tracking on sub<3

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - Cheshire - 02-26-2022

NAME & GENDER: Keokie & Male
USERNAME: Cheshire
PERSONALITY: Keokie is a determined kitten,  much smaller then siblings,  but has strong compassion and seems to not be scared of anything that comes his way.
However,  yelling and agression towards him can make him timid and even make him cry. Most useful tactic to him is running to his mother,  which can have him labeled as a tattletale.
If Keokie has a goal, he will do everything in his power to get there,  unless it affects his siblings or clan from getting to their own goal.
He is very sweet,  kind,  yet hes also naive. He can be influenced easy,  but tries his best to stay away from people he considers mean or evil.
His is very family oriented and loyal to them,  and although he may have sensitive tendencies he can and will stand up to anyone threatening them.... then afterwards probably cry to his mother.
Appearance: Keokie is a black tuxedo cat with vitiligo,  which makes him appear more like a "cookies and cream pattern" as he grows older. He has honey brown eyes,  like caramel, and also has a sable like pattern on his back, which looks like dripping caramel.
EXTRAS: text

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 02-26-2022

Accepted <3 I'll send the power when I can, I'm a bit low at the moment

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - Cheshire - 03-01-2022

Of course take your time!

Let me know when i can begin roleplaying him please c:

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 03-14-2022

[member=23246]Cheshire[/member] sent power!

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 03-15-2022

/Reminder since I forgot to really specify, sorry!!, but the Sherbet Litter are now 7 months old since a month has passed since adopts went up! They age realistically, so every month is a month added to their age. Same with the siblings, they age realistically!

Sherbet Litter was born AUGUST 6TH, 2021
Sherbet Siblings was born SEPTEMBER 27TH, 2018

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 05-08-2022

/one slot left still for litter and one slot for sibling <3