Beasts of Beyond
[O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Printable Version

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Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Renlys - 02-09-2022

"They have nothing but words."  Renlys rumbled to his fellow Pittians, not even caring to keep his focus trained on the newcomer.  They had proven themselves.... less than interesting... to the copper drake.  A new Pitt.  Thoughtless, unchallenging words from an outsider.  There was no plan given, no idea to mull over.  It bored him dreadfully and in his younger years, he would half a mind to flay the beast and leave its remains as a gift to a proper ruler.

"I propose a duel.  We are unprepared for a full tourney but there is no reason the usurper cannot prove his might against any of us."  The reptile spared a glance at the much smaller dragon among them and gave them an affectionate purr.  "Well, except perhaps you, Beezlebub.  You are... very tiny."

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Olalla - 02-11-2022

With a furrowed brow, Olalla swayed into his next few steps to the side now. "Words are beginnings," he replied, tilting his head slightly to the side. "Are they not?"

With sturdy paws, the beast took a few exaggerated, oddly slow steps forward, only stopping when the scaled creature turned its attention back to him. A bit rude. A smaller voice crackled from within the crowed, a small bee-like creature with a screechy voice. A test run. As much as he hated agreeing to anything smaller than himself, for good reason, he had to admit. The bee-like creature did have brains; how well it used them, one could only guess. Quite like it did. Olalla nodded, looking back to the larger creature with defiant twinkle in his eyes, aware of what authority they have within the Pitt. Well, had.

Olalla turned to the Pittians once again, holding now a sense of pride that stuck within his barrel chest; speaking loud and clear for all to hear. " Experiance, " remarked he, with a little clearing of his throat; now eyeing the fairly well kept felidae. " Experiance is derived from common sense. Identity and value drive behavior, and behavior is birthed from common sense. From instinct." Olalla gave a slight roll of his shoulder, a sort of humph in his demeanor towards the cat; taking a small liking to him with only a mere raising of a brow and flaunting of shoulder.

"If it as duel that must prove to you my worth," he said hesitantly, gawking now at the sheer size of the copper beast. "Then so be it. But know this, Olalla declared as he turned back to the large beast. " That if i am to win, a greater Pitt will be born. I propose and promise a greater empire of better housing, better regard of impression, better allies that will aid us in battle," he announced as he looked now to the crowd. He may not have had an army but he does, however, had relations in place. " What better to ally with than the less expecting groups such as the Emerald Isles? They've grown quite the numbers, almost that of the Coalition. The Pitt has been looked down on for far too long," Olalla straightened his demeanor, standing tall now with a regal expression. " It's time for The Pitt to rise up from the sands of hell to its truer form. Its real form. A Pitt that kneels to no one group and shows no restraint. An Alcatraz for those whom fall, a gentle cull for the weak, and a haven for the strong."

He turned to the beast now, his face held downward with his eyes glaring up to the beast, a thick smile slithering across his face; Olalla coiled in the copper reptile's path like a sickening rattlesnake. Renlys could either be an ally within the dawning of a new age or be forgotten in the setting of the sun; the deadening, Olalla will reign on, or he would die from the hands of the throne, not to the fire of a beast stuck in the past, waiting for a commander that would never come back for him. Those stuck in the past will stay in the past, his eyes would look on.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-20-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

oh? how interesting. a turn of events. seems like olalla has decided to bite back. a duel was initiated, hung in the air between renlys and olalla. he tilted his head, musing. this would be interesting if it played out, though who would win was a mystery. ren had sheer size advantage and it was clear from olalla's hesitation he also noticed that. bold move, ardent.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - Renlys - 02-23-2022

Renlys tipped his head, caring little for the elaborate spiel that the usurper had given.  He had accepted the invitation for a duel, a challenge by combat in order to prove his worth.  By even acknowledging the challenge, Olalla had gained a bit of the dragon's respect, but he would not show it yet.  Instead, Renlys stood, his scales rippling fire and brimstone in the filtered light that fell across the platform.  A hundred years of battles won and kingdoms fallen reflected in his plated armor, with long-since forgotten wounds now represented on his hide as dented and discolored scales that gave way to the hard leather of his underbelly.

Even after so many years of weathering under heat and storm, Renlys was still an impressive beast, as large as dragons came and just as dangerous.  He gave a (mocking) snap of his jaws once he had reared up to full height and one powerful beat of his wings.  A show of strength and power, and an invitation for Olalla to strike first.

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 02-24-2022

"Tiny?!" Indignant the squeal is from the little dragon at the words that come from the much larger member of their kind. They huff and their sharp teeth click together, fighting against wanting to try and whack the other with their itty bitty wings to prove that they were not tiny, or to stand proper in the face of someone new. It was a difficult task, but Beezlebub bit their tongue and settled with a sharp buzz of their wings. "I am not tiny."

With their height complex settled for the moment, they craned their ears towards the one making their claim to the Pitt's throne. They squinted and mouthed over some of the more complex words; a vernacular that was a a nudge above what the assassin was used to hearing and speaking with themself. "Housing? We're gonna get a construction team out here if you win?" That was probably the least appealing part of the other's speech to their fellow Pittians, but it made them quite happy. Maybe there could finally be furniture the right size for their totally-not-tiny stature!

"Oh, we're getting the fight started now? Here! I'll be the totally legal referee!" Beezlebub flapped their wings to get into the air (and out of the way of what they presumed to be brewing combat) with a shrill shriek. Oh, how they loved to watch other, larger creatures brawl. It always made it easier to swoop in at the end and deal with weakened parties; even if they currently had no plans to do so. Excitement brewed in their veins, bubbling and refusing to be halted. Bursting forth in a rather childish demeanor, although they would claim that excitement to watch a fight was always going to rile them up in ways they would never be able to understand. "Do we need a countdown? I'll do a countdown! 29, 28, 27..."
dragon + the pitt + they/them

Re: [O, Ardent Introduction] Takes Strength to Laugh When you Start to Drown - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-24-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

the panther rolled his eyes. "relax, beelzebub." the skald ordered, and snatched the other out from the air, making him shut up. "you can sit on my shoulder if you want to or whatever, just shut up and let them fight." his optics focused on the two large forms, a crooked grin playing on his face,