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Official Animal RP Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Printable Version

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Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - wifewoof - 01-02-2022

Username: QuietlySilent (idk about the capitals, it's been a HOT minute)
Character name: Plexus "Lex" Kingsford
Character description/bio: bio
Basic Info not in Bio yet
Plexus is a selectively mute doctor, he has high interest in biology, healing, and salve/potion making. He has a highly unusual mutation that makes his nerves feel inflamed (and can only twitch certain muscles, not move them), so he learned ways to sooth them. He's been a loner wandering for about 4 years, looking once again to heal.

He received his mask, hat, and scarf from a patient who was uncomfortable with how his face and chest looked with his mutation and his lack of some expressions due to said mutation.
Position(s) you are interested in: Guru from the Coalition of the Condemned
Potential plots/ideas: Anything honestly, Plexus tends to lean more on morality than lawful, so he has a lot of potential. He does what's right.
Plague Plot
I have a lot of interest in a plague plot, where Plexus is struggling with it and has to seek out help without infecting others. He is incredibly self-sacrificing but unwilling to get outsiders sick so he has a huge moral dilemma of whether or not to get help or comfort his sick comrades. He has no idea how the illness travels so he's terrified of sending himself or anyone "healthy" just in case it travels on skin, fur, scales, or even a simple sneeze.
Plenty of room for super close friendships and failed romances!
Reformation/Recovery Program
Maybe, Plexus could run a program to help those severely dealing with mental problems, and/or those who have committed crimes, to help them get through their issues and learn how to handle society better. Possibly available to any group or only to CotC. Ot could be a program to help, and possibly rehabilitate. Good shenanigans and bad shenanigans can happen here.
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: Healing, mostly. Plexus is an amazing listener for mental problems, and he is incredibly skilled as a physical doctor as well. He wants to heal and learn more from so many others. He'd teach others healing for minor injuries and what not to do/what to do in case of a major injury.

Plexus prefers quiet, and let has a calming aura (or creepy, depending on who you ask) and is always willing to hear problems out. He personally does not care about whether he gets the position or not, cause he'll still be in CotC and do his damndest to heal others. He is self-sacrificing, tries to do what is right, and still has no idea when to slow down. Plexus has a "for the people" mentality. He cares a lot about others.

I genuinely want to see his growth in this group, and see what kinda character he becomes. If he becomes jaded, cynical, and loses some morality? Does he app up the doing the right thing and become a compass of moral rightness? I'm really excited to see where this character goes.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Rattlebone - 01-12-2022

Username: Rattlebone
Character name: Olalla
Character description/bio:
Position(s) you are interested in: I am interested in the Ardent role of The Pitt!
Potential plots/ideas: Olalla in his self is a very rag-taggy kind of person, and therefore would likely try to, in some respects, revert The Pitt to its former glory. Halloween would be their time to shine, often competing with Tangles events for fame. As a future future plot/event, I'd imagine some sort of storm bringing in all sorts of items, whether trinkets to sell or new seeds from faraway lands to plant and grow as well as a disease or semi-brief illness. Not all of Olalla's "schemes" would be bad though, he would try to strengthen ties with not only main groups, but smaller groups as well to better equip them with what's to come, group leadership wise.
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: As said before, Olalla is a very gross man and i feel he would be beneficial to The Pitt as a sort of restoration messiah. I honestly cant put it into words.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 01-28-2022

Heyo! Announcing a few things.

[member=1079]Quietly [woof][/member]
You are more than welcome to have Plexus as a Guru! Start roleplaying when you please. <3

[member=23182][OOC] Rattlebone[/member]
You can have Olalla as The Pittian ardent!

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - SchizophrenicVoid - 01-30-2022

Username: KitsuneCrowley
Character name: Yokai
Character description/bio: A shapeshifting kitsune, Yokai is a creature that's used to smiling through any insult thrown his way. However, that hardly means he ignores disrespect; vengeance will arrive in the form of some mean-spirited mischief when they least expect it. Yokai is a duplicitous man by nature, never saying what he means directly and even his true form and true name is unclear. Only his conviction in his ideals is certain, such as his soft spot for children and his disdain for idiots.
Position(s) you are interested in: Marauder or Bonecollector
Potential plots/ideas: Yokai might fall for an enemy of The Pitt and find his loyalty wavering, a lot of angst potential. Open to being framed for crimes, attacked, and driven out of his home in the future.
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: Orion double dared me to do this.
Yokai may have been reluctant to become higher ranking in The Pitt, but that's not for lack of ability or skill. He's very loyal to the group but wants to move it more towards a peaceful-ish direction. Conquering is all well and good but fighting is only a means to an end. His question has always been "what happens (if) when we run out of things to fight?" Yokai is determined to help his people be more than the mindless brutes others might see them as. He knows he's not powerful enough to take on everyone in a straight fight, but who said the fight would be in any way honourable? He'll win if he has to or die trying.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 02-02-2022

I do dare, yes. Everyone deserves a chance. <3

Looks good! Will get back to you soon.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Windowmemer - 02-04-2022


Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 02-10-2022

Hey! After discussing it with the newest ardent, you've been accepted as a Bonecollector! Please starting roleplaying ASAP. <3

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - SirDio - 02-12-2022

Username: AstralBeing200x
Character name: Seven
Character description/bio: Beep!
Position(s) you are interested in: Tanglewood's Reaper of Medicine
Potential plots/ideas: A personal character plot for her would be regaining her sight back, but overall a pretty neat idea for her is to set up a large garden outside town, for herb storage and town defense (maybe thorny vines)
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: Seven has been through a lot, and being in a high position in Tanglewood would help her grow a lot more than if she was just a regular tangler. It would give her (and I) a chance to improve on things. Seven wants to help people, as Tanglewood had once helped her. Seven has no interest in rising to Luminary for a long, long while, and is simply content with putting others before herself.

I, myself, have had around four characters on site as High Positions: Kold as a Pittian Marauder, Brutei/Ezrakel as a Coalition Espionage, Byraith as a Coalition Guru, and Medusa as the Deputy of the now-dead Palm Glades. I can adapt to different plots and give plots of my own.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - deliah . - 02-16-2022

Username: ‘fleur .’
Character name: Deliah
Character description/bio: Deliah is a sleek and tall Doberman Pinscher with scars decorating her body, showing off her history of fearsome battles. She can come off as cold and prideful, but is kind and loving at heart. She spent her childhood being bullied, and has suffered very much. Her pain has made her fierce and ambitious, refusing to ever be pushed around again. She is very ambitious and a natural born leader.
Position(s) you are interested in: luminary if possible. If not, a Reaper of some sort, please.
Potential plots/ideas: I am still thinking up big plots for her but I’m thinking eventually she will have a tragic downfall
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: I am very active and I adore creating events. I have played high positions before and I enjoy brainstorming to see how I can keep activity up. I believe Deliah can be a good leader for the group.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - sykes - 02-21-2022

Ragnar (Tanglewood):
Lysander (The Pitt):