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may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Printable Version

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Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]EVERY FEELING IN MY BONES IS TELLING ME TO LASH OUT -。+゚.[/glow]
That was what this was all about? One of Vigenere's ears flicked as he heard Atticus's explanation as to what was going on. "You realize borders exist for a reason, correct? You're lucky no one decided to shred your ears because of you smelling like The Pitt." The savannah commented, his tone neutral but his stance revealing he still wasn't too sure of their visitor. "What you have brought us is not news, as Elsweyr stated - at least in terms of The Pitt declaring us as 'enemy number one'." Tanglewood had declared them that long ago, not to mention their whole past with The Pitt. "In case you weren't aware, The Pitt has always been an enemy to us." He wasn't aware of the truce that had set in after his death, but even if he had... He'd likely would argue that the desert-dwelling fucks weren't ever going to keep their end of the bargain.

"You've abandoned The Pitt despite seemingly allying yourself with them." Vigenere noted after a short pause, tail flicking in thought as he spoke now. "Why were you even there in the first place, if you claim to be so loyal to us?" Clearly, with the usage such as 'we' and 'us', Atticus felt some sort of alliance here - and that made Vigenere even more untrustworthy of the wolf, as ironic that may seem. Why would someone who claimed loyalty to Tanglewood go to the enemy? "Who's to say you won't do the same to us?" He went silent after Moth was brought up however, watching Atticus's reaction.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - arrow - 06-06-2021

Was Arrow one for handling a discussion with beauty and grace and no emotional outbursts? Probably not. She did listen to his plea, his weird way of begging forgiveness. Or so that's what it felt like, in a weird sort of way, but all she heard on repeat in her mind was a fragile little way of saying Atticus ran away. Ran from what? Dante? A war? She clicked her tongue, whiskers twitching. "But Atty, you spent an awful long time defending the Pitt. What was it, one Pittian being stupid as hell doesn't mean the whole group's gotta take the fall? I mean, shit, bro, I thought you at least liked them enough to stay." Her tongue dashed across her teeth as others came to speak. They could handle the diplomacy, she didn't have much to say on the matter. It was all so entertaining...until it wasn't.

Beyond the back and forth between the being she felt was both familiar and a stranger and the runaway from the desert, beyond whatever else was going on. The command, even if merely a joke, caused the Luminary to stop lazily observing everything around her, green eyes locked on target to the man who had so rudely intervened with her day-to-day activities. "It's true, I beat the Pitt at their own stupid fucking game and ran their name up to the top of the Most Wanted list. We ain't never liked each other, even before your mama thought to have any kids. Your lovely, beautiful mama, ran on off with someone nice. I really do wish her well." There was no sarcasm there, not in the slightest. Arrow truly hoped Moth found better out there, true happiness. She'd miss her old friend. But that was no longer in her control. Not that she would change the course of Moth's actions. Now, on to what seemed to rustle her jimmies, there was a brief glance between the visitor and Xibalba, her gut twisting at the cheery, friendly interaction that seemed to be present. Surely she was only imagining things bred from insecurity, but even then...

"Now, Atticus, let's not be coy. You're not owed shit or fuck as far as the positions of power goes, and certainly not any special pigeon delivery about the...bodies that my people may be occupying. That would be quite a lot of birds to tie little letters to, sealed with a kiss and all, don't you think? If you want to prove your loyalty to us, even though you bailed on the Pitt, you will start at ground zero. You will work your furry ass off until I decide that you've made your mark in this swamp. Another comment about what you think you're owed, and I will personally pull the guts you certainly have out through your sand coated asshole, am I clear?"

Arrow's gaze did not waver, her voice did not crack nor did she stutter, but she was certainly dead serious. There was several moments where she said nothing else, but eventually raised her brow as if to press him to say more. "Now, do any of these Pitt tactics involve pushing Dante's skull in?"

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Ares - 06-06-2021

Oh, now she could say something. Vigenere and Arrow both spoke, and now she could enter the ring. "My mom doesn't need to tell you shit. We owe you nothing." She spoke gently, though there was pure annoyance- no, pure rage at his little command to her own fucking mother. It was unnerving, and she moved her tail in an anxious manner.

And then she wouldn't say much else - she had left Tanglewood once, ran to their enemy, but she found where she truly lied while she had heard of Atticus getting mad at Aurum for something. She forgot what happened.. oh well, Arrow definitely remembered, maybe Atbash and Vig. Ares was there when Jor had been brought in for punishment. So... she didn't have much else to say.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Atticus Roux - 06-06-2021

Eyes drifted off to the side as their next member approached. Ares. That was a face Atticus hadn't seen in quite awhile, but it caused him to feel somewhat comforted. After their leave to Palm Glades, he remembered everyone's stress and conflict on what to do. He thought they had a lot in common. That simmering anger that lived inside them kept them afloat, but only one had decided to lash out violently. Atticus, instead, used his words. Even so, a breaking point was always possible and his time mindcontrolled by Stryker proved that. Regrettably, so.

At the sudden snap of Vigenere, his attention snapped upwards. Of course he knew borders existed. As a dual-aligned member of both The Pitt and Tanglewood, he thought he would be welcomed within his second home and find his mother with open arms. It appeared to be the opposite. Fur on his nape stood up in annoyance as the feline continued on. "My ear is already torn up," he grumbled dully. A paw lightly slapped at his shredded ear and pushed it forward, displaying it's scarring in glory.

The dead ones always had to assume things were the same as their past. That was their own fault. Sticking to their own ways and not adapting would only damn them. Bouncing back from his own self deprivation, Atticus firmly started to state his stance. "The Pitt was in a truce with Tanglewood during my time there and I was dual-aligned for the sake of my family on both sides of the equation since October," he remarked back with snark. His eyes shifted to Elsweyr. She knew his entire story of when he came to visit initially, only to be taken hostage. "Since you weren't there, let me remind you. I assisted Tanglewood with escaping the Coalition of the Condemned's grasp, ended up getting captured when trying to go The Pitt to get their help, and mind controlled by that fuckwit lion." He didn't delve into what trauma Stryker left him with. Only the ones they hurt would know his troubles. "Afterwards, I helped rehabilitate Tanglewood and stayed for the aftermath, assisting where I could as a member of Tanglewood. I left in January." His story did not stop there. Atticus Roux, the usually quiet deviant, was going to spill all he could. Saying he did nothing for them after experiencing trauma and permanent, debilitating wounds was wildly untrue. "I came back in March. Atbash, Arrow, Elsweyr, you were there-" A shaky paw pointed to each as he listed them off. He was already anticipating his next words, unfortunately. "-when I reunited with... Sweeney." Her name left his mouth slowly and with caution. They didn't know. "I never stopped being a Tanglewood member."

"After my mother died, I went to The Pitt to seek belonging." It appeared she was infamous for going off the deep end then. Already shocked about his mother's disappearance, he was bound to continue rattling off insults and explanations to distract himself from the truth. His anger had to go somewhere. "I was not aligned to The Pitt, but to those noble warriors there. Gael, Sweeney, and Aine, along with the rest who showed me compassion when I was on death's door, were almost family. I was loyal to them." He didn't mention the rest of the Roux's there. They were implied. Atticus just continued to glare as he spoke, popping off about how wrong they were. "Not to mention my lover, who apparently vanished like my mother-" He choked on his words once again. This was going to be a rough one for him today, huh? "- lived there." So fuck him for choosing to pursue a relationship then. Did he really have to justify that The Pitt wasn't all bad, despite the general consensus that Dante and Jormungand was making clear lately? After all, Sweeney and Atticus were apart of Tanglewood's ranks for quite awhile. They should have known.

"I will never-" His words cut like a knife. With a hiss, he continued. "-ever align myself with Dante." That wretched asshole almost ruined Atticus' dual alliance, partially fucked their truce, and almost caused their two groups to ruthlessly go to war. If they had gone to war back then, Atticus would have chosen Tanglewood every time. His eyes shifted to Arrow. "I will never defend their harsh necessities or that vile behavior of that imbecilic fucking cunt."

Back to mom. Oh mother dearest had disappointed momma's boy today, just as Sweeney had done, but he would never allow any slander on her name. "I hope she found a sincere, lovely home then, but it's a shame to hear that none of you heard anything from her." he genuinely replied. Atticus only continued to ask the obvious though. "Have any of you even looked for her?" If not, that would be his first task within Tanglewood. Any family man like he was would set his priorities aside to do so.

His ears firmly planted against his head as Arrow firmly stated her terms. Aurum's ignorance must have been passed down to her. Once again, the dead always had to be right and stick to the past, unable to acknowledge the changes during their time. It didn't help that Ares chimed in. "You don't owe me shit," he repeated back to them. "If you say so, then I will work, but don't ever say I didn't give up anything for Tanglewood, because I sure as hell ain't loyal to The Pitt's fuckwits." Tanglewood was his home and it would remain that way, as it always was, dual-aligned or not.

So much for discussion though. After doing the same, not wavering, stuttering, or stammering during his proclamation (minus the sensitive mentions), the discussion moved onto retaliation. He simply agreed with a snort. "I would prefer to, and I quote, 'pull the his fucking guts that he certainly has,' minus his cold dead heart, 'out through Dante's dry, itchy sand-coated asshole.'" Atticus added a sprinkling of his own creativity to her words, but the point stood nevertheless: Dante and his pitiful reign would come to an end.

//y'all give me so much muse, ty for the wonderful replies <333 + late here, so apologies for any mistakes

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - LUCINDER XIU - 06-06-2021


through narrowed optics he listened to all of this. noticed how carelessly atticus used the words "we" and "us". noted how ares wanted to explode. realised just how much hatred the pitt and tanglewood had for each other. frown stayed dormant in his maw as thoughts whirred. "atticus-" he murmured as he saw the wolf glance at him, seemingly in thought. there was a lot of information being given out, more than a 6 month old should know, especially about diplomatic politic stuff. he was interested, to say the least. the more intel on their enemy the better, no? but one thing he was confused was as to why atticus  had a dual allianceship then swore he wouldn't go back to the pitt and came here. lucinder stood up, padded to his mother, spoke in a tone only she could hear. "mother, why is he back? he mentioned he went there to seek belonging. why is he coming back to protect his family if he sought out belonging somewhere else? how do we know we can trust him?" big questions for a cub, yes, but he wanted to know answers.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-06-2021

[glow=white,1,400]EVERY FEELING IN MY BONES IS TELLING ME TO LASH OUT -。+゚.[/glow]
"You never answered my question." Vigenere mused, glancing at Arrow for a moment as she spoke. Good, so it seemed she had the same suspicion as him - and her child, too. But if Atticus proved himself, then Vigenere didn't have a problem with the guy joining; loyalty was earned, after all. The savannah knew that firsthand. Now, on to the actual matter at hand, but the savannah certainly had his thoughts on it.

"You chose to have a dual alliance with a group that was known for being flaky." The way Atbash winced and flattened her ears when Atticus pointed to her made Vigenere dislike this canine even more. He knew why; she told him how Atticus had accused her of things that never happened (at least in the way that Atticus made it, is what she had said). "You know nothing about loyalty, Atticus. You've admitted that you've left us before for your lover. A pathetic reason, might I add. Family is one thing, but abandoning a group for someone you supposedly love is another." Vigenere knew how strong love was, and he knew how it pulled you. But it did not excuse you from joining the god damn enemy. The Pitt always has been an enemy in the savannah's mind and whatever 'truce' they had was long gone.

"Moth willingly left on her own, there was no reason to search for her." Not this time around at the very least. The medic left on her own terms and while Vigenere didn't necessarily like that she, too, essentially abandoned a group she was loyal for, this argument was not about her. "Now Atticus, I ask again: who's to say you won't leave again, for your lover or another?" If Arrow allowed Atticus to stay, he certainly would make sure the guy paid his dues. Vigenere had always valued loyalty above everything else, and this was certainly no different.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-06-2021

light the night up ,
you're my dark star !
Atbash and Atticus hardly ever really interacted much, but the interaction that had always stood out to her was the meeting with Aurum where he called her out on her leadership with Snowbound. Her leadership always had been a sour spot to her and him calling her out on things made it worse. Hell the fact that she was now deputy of Tanglewood had her extremely nervous. "You left us when we needed help the most." Atbash pointed out gently, as if she was trying to be careful with her words (and she was). "I think it would be best if he wasn't apart of Tanglewood, Arrow." She added, looking over at the Luminary with a frown. Okay, so maybe she was mostly tail-gating off of her brother, but Atticus not being apart of Tanglewood would mean less stress for her.
female f1 savannah | shadow reaper [hp, deputy] of tanglewood | former hailcaller [leader] of snowbound | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - rhosmari - 06-06-2021

Here and now she was listening to them all talk. Back and forth as if he was truly the enemy. Atticus had done nothing to them. He had never lifted a paw against Tanglewood beside voice his own concerns about things that were much more complicated. She saw where he came from and she saw where the members of Tanglewood came from but she felt that everything that he had done for them should outweigh that. But one thing she was upset over. Her eyes narrowed slightly, gaze almost burning as smoke slowly drifted down from her muzzle which was parted on her own words. "While she is moderately pleased with how protective everyone is, she can make her own choices. Atticus is her friend and with everything herself and him have been through she will inform him of things changing in her life of she wants." They had talked over her choice like she had not existed. She did not feel as if she owed him this, she didn't feel pressured to tell him just because he had said so. She agreed wholeheartedly and that in her mind was nothing owed. Taking a deep breath she found herself curling her tail in faint agitation but she was not going to back down and as much as she loved everyone here she didn't find it to be fair.

"She thinks...she thinks that all of this sudden hostility towards Atticus is wrong. He just recently went back to the Pitt to make sure Sweeney was okay and to say that love is not a reason to choose where to go is ridiculous. Forcing a split family is not wise." And to say that he supposedly loved her was insensitive to their relationship to the woman. She would never be happy if someone told her she supposedly loved Arrow. "If all the ones that struggled to keep the peace are gone and he doesn't want anything to do with the new regime then why is that not enough? Tanglewood and the Pitt were neutral for however short and shaky that it was and the only ones that caused the issues were Dante and Jormungand. And though she still thinks Gael was not harsh as he should have been they were the only culprits. Atticus risked everything to help Tanglewood from being enslaved by the Coalition, stayed here instead of returning." Her eyes lifted up then, looking at Arrow, beseeching the woman. She was the leader and she called the shots. The oriental would have to listen even with a foul taste in her maw.

"She doesn't think it would be fair to abandon Atticus, not after he fought for Tanglewood against Stryker and was forced to bend to his will. That was a time of war then. A time they needed everyone. Now we are going to actually need everyone again. The Pitt as it is now, without the ones who hold sense and judgement will be nothing but violence." It was all she could say. Atticus had held a dual alliance here since she had been here. Belonging had nothing to do with this situation. She had left her own tribe to find a place she belonged, to search for herself and here she stood so if change was necessary perhaps this was where he belonged now.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - merlin - 06-06-2021

⛥ drop of rum on my tongue with a warning ⛥

The sound of voices had stirred her. She couldn't place them at first, head buzzing with sleep. Staggering from wherever she'd taken her nap, the scent of the Pitt reached her, causing the fur along her spine to lift. Pace picking up, the dilute callie charged along until the voices became clear. She stood quietly in the background as the others spoke, her ears swiveling back. The reek of the Pitt clung to him, a scent she would never forget, or that of the Coalition's. Jormungand. The one who had ripped her to ribbons. As the talking went on, a furious growl slipped from the Celt, "Ye say ye left them. Ye lost a ... lover, and whatever else there, but what is the reason behind it all?", she began, pacing forward from the back of the group so she could be seen.

Taking a short inhale of breath, "How do we know ye won't tuck tail. People change over time. Hearts change over time. We can't trust someone who flip-flops. We smell a rat, amd we will eat that goddamn rat.", she didn't need to clarify on who she spoke of. Let them all assume, she knew who it was. Turning her gaze to the Cipher siblings, the Celt moved backwards to Atbash's side, attempting to touch her nose to her shoulder, she would always stand with Atbash, and Arrow. She hadn't interacted with the Luminary often but she knew the heavy burden that leading brought with it, and she knew that the other acted in different ways befitting of her rank. If something hurt the other woman, it was easy to tell that she wouldn't let it affect her. She knew a few people who were like that, but she'd seen enough of Arrow and heard talk of her, that she respected her, greatly. Arrow wasn't indecisive, whatever choices she made were weighed and considered. She knew what she was doing.

Gaze flicking up to Arrow, remembering her welcome back. Remembering the pain of Jormungand digging into her back and belly. Jaws gritting as she stood there, "We do not trust a desert snake. If we are given more reason to not trust hatchlings, we will take our action. The one who treads carefully survives the poisoning. But one shouldn't walk alone, breaks are necessary in long travels." she would murmur. Others may be upset, but she knew her stance on anyone from that damn desert group. Blinking once to Arrow and Xibalba, returning her attention to Atbash. She had spoken, she would show her own reactions along the way. It might not be fair to others but life was never a fair thing, and she knew that painfully well.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - XANTI - 06-06-2021

“Did the Ciphers and the Celt forget Atticus brought key intel with him?” Ximen’s lanky legs stepped through the crowd—over Vigenere, in fact—until he stood beside Xibalba. “He helped Tanglewoods, in the past and in the present. He never raised a paw against Tangelewoods before, and this proves his loyalty. After his lover and his mother disappeared, which Clan did he come to? Tanglewoods.”

Ximen’s golden gaze flicked to the Cipher siblings. He inhaled deeply, until his lungs expanded to burning, and his muzzle flashed a grimace. Then he exhaled all the tension in one big fwoosh. Dealing with hypocrisy always pissed him off.

“What is the difference between familial, platonic, and romantic love?” he asked, pointedly looking at Vigenere with his unblinking golden gaze. “Intensity? No. A choice? No—Xibalba adopted Ares, does this choice negate their familial bond?”

“Atbash came to Tanglewoods only because of her brother, did she not? As Ximen only came here for his sister.” He grit his teeth, his upper lip curling. “If Atticus came to protect his friends and family in Tanglewood, then he is the same as Ximen, Ares, Atbash, and everyone else.”