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open, m+g [★] without you - Printable Version

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Re: open, m+g [★] without you - Tena M. - 05-22-2018

✯ — female. snowbound. sand cat. demdji. tags.
Tena turned with a blink towards the serval.  He, more than her, was a little odd; servals had short fur, didn't they? But he was unbothered as well.  Not the mention, he blended well.  She smiled lightly, taking note of his own observations.  A good skill to have. Tena, given the past, kept her head on a swivel, always watchful, always noting.  The real oddity was the hellhound.  Was he a quiet guy or was there another reason he was not speaking and that Killua had not introduced him?  He didn't look like the shy type, but she had the feeling he wasn't one to talk either.  He was here for Killua, for whatever reason and she'd let him be.  "No, not really.  I spent quite a bit of time in a desert that'd been frozen over; snow just about everywhere." A curse, she'd been told, though she couldn't remember from what or why.  "Lost it's marvel quickly, to be honest, though sometimes it still messes with my head."

"Yes I do, I'm glad I ended up here," she chuckled.  Even if her heart yearned for those she'd been separated from, she knew in the end, she may be happy here.  Maybe.  At least a little happy.  Never fully.  That's how things usually went after all.

The feline's brow creased briefly in confusion at the younger arrival, blinking.  Val.  "I knew your father," yes, that was it.  Tena just barely remembered a pair of little lions, Anakin's children, when she aided his escape from a previous home of hers.  "But I don't believe we've officially met, so it's nice to meet you, Val." He was certainly larger than she recalled, but then it'd been some time.
code by spacexual

Re: open, m+g [★] without you - valemon - 05-23-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
It was entirely possible Val had met the femme before. Likely, even, since she claimed to have known his father. Valemon just wasn’t good at remembering these things.

He was slightly taken aback by her sudden mention of Anakin. So, someone else here other than Lucifer and Sekai had known him? Oddly enough, that gave Val some additional comfort. While he wondered in what capacity they’d been acquainted, he figured that might be a question for some other time. So he simply nodded, his smile softened somewhat.
© madi

Re: open, m+g [★] without you - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-23-2018

Killua wasn't a normal serval. If that wasn't already obvious enough by the color of his fur and the shade of his eyes. True albino's had crimson-hued eyes, while Killua had stark white ones. He himself didn't even know if he was completely albino or if he was just a white serval. The assassin wasn't about to go and ask his parents if he was or not. But that wasn't the point, he didn't have one physical characteristic that most serval's had. That being short fur that covered the majority of his body so that he could survive in warmer climates. There was no need for that when his fur was allowed to grow out further than that of a serval. Making it increasingly difficult for other's to actually see what his form looked like underneath all the fur that he had his body. Besides, he wasn't a huge fan of physical contact and the only way to feel exactly how thin he was would to be to press their paws against his body. Something that he wouldn't allow anyone to do. Due to having existed in colder weather for the majority of his life, even while he was born, the wildcat had adapted to growing out his fur a little bit. And of course, the fur was kept in amazing conditions always. When he was younger, the young male was taught to constantly keep his fur clean as an assassin. Most animals that he would be going after when he was older would have a great sense of smell that he would have to worry about. If he even had a speck of dirt on his pelt it could mean that someone would be capable of catching his scent, and that's the last thing he would need on the likes of a mission. Despite being someone that didn't have any sort of issue when it came to dealing with corpses that could potentially be left at the border or even if someone was killed. Killua would have no issue dealing with a scene like that, but when it came to getting his pelt dirty that was one way to quickly piss him off. He never liked to have his fur stained, which was why he always had to clean his fur right after he completed a job so that the blood that got on his paws wouldn't exactly stain the rest of his body. The wildcat was careful and meticulous with basically everything that he did, and grooming his fur was one of them. \

He was a germaphobe to a degree that one could consider insane, but Killua didn't care. Besides, in a place that was covered with snow, it was easy for the likes of him to hide and camouflage well enough where he wouldn't really have to worry about anyone seeing him. Now if he were to go to a place like the Ascendants and decide to live there, he would have a more difficult time blending into a place like that, as they lived on the plains. The only other albino that lived in Snowbound was his friend London. The clouded leopard wasn't a complete albino as he did have the usual spots that covered her body, but she was more in a greyscale than being completely white like he was. Most creatures that lived in Snowbound were fairly capable of dealing with the cold, and he had powers that he kept hidden so that he himself wouldn't freeze to death. Not like he could really feel it as he had extensive nerve damage across the majority of his body thanks to all the torture that he went through when he was younger. Layers upon layers of scar tissue obvious underneath his fur if anyone was able to physically touch him. The only one that knew about the scars that ran underneath his fur was Aizawa, and that was just because the other had fallen into one of the frozen lakes, and one of the ways to make it so that the raised parts of his skin could be seen was to get him wet so that his fur would be pressed up against his body. His air elementals had a little bit of drawback though, as it lowered the temperature of his skin by a significant amount, anyone touching him would realize how his body was almost always cold. Being observant was something that most clanners seemed to lack, and it was a nice change of pace to notice the sand cat seemed to take everything in around her. Almost impressed, but not completely. He was also glad that Mike wasn't capable of speech, because he knew if the massive Hellhound was, the other would probably talk about the Zoldyck family like it was going out of style. Which was the last thing that Killua needed. The Snowstriker noticed the other's gaze turning toward Mike when he made his entrance, and he debated whether or not to introduce the massive purple beast that basically looked like a giant dog. Mike was created as a guard dog, one that wasn't capable of speech but also wasn't capable of feeling emotions. There was nothing to relate to when one looked in the Hellhounds eyes.

So the sand cat did have to deal with snow from the sounds of it, but a limited amount. In Snowbound they got full-on blizzards that made everyone's life miserable. Killua didn't mind it because it was something exciting that happened in a clan that wasn't dealing with all that much. He flicked one of his large white ears before speaking again, swirling his tongue around the lollipop before speaking. "Well you'll probably get tired of it here too. But did that place of yours have a frozen lake? Going out onto one is pretty awesome. As long as you don't fall in of course." Killua would say with almost a smirk spread across his features as he turned to look at Aizawa. He was just messing with the black lion as the other didn't exactly have all that much luck when it came to dealing with the snow. He turned his attention back to Tena as he spoke again. "Although, the snow might not always be around. No one knows what this place looks like in summer." Killua stated with a shrug of his shoulders. The clan was still new, and dealing with the seasons was an entirely new ordeal. Then it seemed like Tena knew Valemon. Did everyone know this kid? First Lucifer and now Tena. He felt like he missed something which he might because his time in the clan that Valemon came from was erased from him and never to return. "Seems like everyone here already knows this guy." Killua said in a curious manner, and mostly to himself rather than those around him. It was basically muttered when he talked. His gaze traveled back to the Hellhound that was behind him and sighing to himself. "The big behind me is Mike. He can't speak." He might as well get everyone in Snowbound used to the giant beast. Especially if there was a chance that the Hellhound would attack one of them in the future. Which he hoped wouldn't happen.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
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Tags | Updated 03/26/17: