Beasts of Beyond
I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - Printable Version

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Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - daniel - 05-30-2021

Danny chewed on his tongue on thought, listening to Vayne as she spoke. Perhaps having some help during meetings might not be a bad idea, at the very least she could spit things out in a way he could not. The constant nervous stuttering and frequent breaks to catch his breath couldn’t have been good for maintaining attention. Or getting the info across without losing anyone. He blinked, feeling his own attention span slipping as his brain threatened to shut itself off or at least autopilot. Which wasn’t great for doing the talking thing. ”We...we can talk replacement...later. When better adjusted.” He responded quietly, almost blankly, increasingly unfocused by the second. He needed to lay down, it felt like. Although, he didn’t disagree with any of the suggestions, it was just basically what he had in mind, what they needed. Anyone who could heal. And that meant Goldie and Rosemary. Granted, he hadn’t been around to witness the four eyed woman’s skills or time as any sort of medic, but he had seen Goldie, been there to watch her pick up Sage, in fact. His heart said to trust her, his gut said nothing on the topic. A little focused on imploding on itself as he felt nauseous.

Wait, that wasn’t just nausea and distraction. Danny let go of his girlfriend instinctively, looking like he was going to say something, but instead just going down like dead weight, the inevitable stress of public speaking and addressing the gang like a big boy taking its heavy toll as Danny just fucking blacked out entirely. Not a great look. And he would have rather thunked his forehead against the floor than drag the new Dealer with him. Hopefully he’d land on a pillow.

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - Alexandre - 06-01-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
Had anyone expected this? Not exactly. Alexandre had always guessed that the final destination for his parents would be retirement, but not so soon. Their successor was even more of a surprise though. At the call of another, his head turned upwards and a brow furrowed in curiosity. He was hurt. Somewhat confused. The returning feline's canines clenched together as he held back his silver tongue, only offering his orange gaze to narrow as Danny talked.

His ears pinned backwards and pressed against his head. He wanted to move on. Look towards the future, but the world was moving on too quick and things were only beginning to get good for him. Any apologies he had offered were brief. Even so, no chance to repent was given before the offending parties left. A soft sigh left him. Couldn't this be easier? With little family left, despite the Roux family being larger than life, Alexandre felt lost.

Purpose was always important though. At the mention of soothsayer, the tension he retained loosened up. "If I may," he interjected. "I would like to follow in my sister's footsteps, along with the rest of my family's, and work towards assisting our soothsayers." His intention of potentially becoming one was subtle. Orange hues shifted towards Goldenluxury, offering a short nod in her direction, only to turn back to Danny briefly afterwards. "I have some knowledge, but not as much as them." If given approval, he would try and learn what he could with Goldenluxury's and possibly Rosemary's assistance.

His gaze moved to Vayne momentarily. 'Dealer,' eh? Interesting. The two-toned cat kept his thoughts to himself though.


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Alexandre stepped forward, offering to follow in the pawsteps of his family members and Vayne opened her mouth to reply, when Danny trailed off and passed out, with Vayne quickly snapping her attention to the Captain. "We'll talk more about that later, Alex." Came Vayne short reply as she tried to nudge Danny, trying to weave her way underneath him to try and pick him up.

Of course, considering how massive he was compared to her, that... likely wasn't going to work well.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - Alexandre - 06-02-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
//tfw when you didn't see the passing out part

At the sudden thump of another, Alexandre's eyes momentarily drifted away. He swallowed. Vayne's words drifted along in his head, but the vampiric just stood still in his spot and looked down at Danny with a furrowed brow. So much for a leader. Maybe with time he'd get used to it. Shuffling forward, he moved next to his girlfriend and adopted sister. A paw attempted to lightly nudge the boy's side, but he sighed no matter what the response was. "I bet he'd wake up if we light a fire under his ass," the feline remarked. That wasn't really suitable though.


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
"Absolutely the fuck not." Vayne hissed at Alexandre for the comment he made, ears flattening as she glared over at him. So much for wanting that Soothslayer spot, huh? Then again, it wasn't exactly Vayne's decision but she was definitely going to let Danny know about the comment later on.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - daniel - 06-04-2021


That was the first thought post blackout, a budding pain in his skull as he slowly but surely came to. It didn’t even register that he had passed out until minutes later, not having the strength to open his eyes just yet. So Danny just laid there, vaguely aware of what was around him, that people were talking, but unaware as to what they were saying. He couldn’t make it out exactly. On the bright side, his heart rate was descending, which was good given how high it must have climbed for him to pass out in the first place. After consciousness came embarrassment, tail thumping lightly against the ground nervously. Ooooh, they were all going to laugh at him, huh? Hypothetical doubts about his leadership would be doubled down after this stunt. Laughed off stage.

”Absolutely the fuck not.”

Danny suddenly sat up, one ear folded over inside out. Not a great idea, as his head began to spin violently. One paw at his temple, Danny looked over at Vayne with wide brown eyes, the word echoing in his shaken brain. She said fuck. She said fuck. Vayne could be angry? When was this decided? He bit his tongue, exhaling sharply. Was his face burning? No...yes. Clearly it was just his blood flow returning as his heart stabilized. That was it.

”Vayne, I’m going home.” Danny stated quickly, voice squeaking in a very unmanly way. Standing was hard, he stumbled quite a bit, but made it to his paws in the end. He should have waited for her, that would have been polite, they were probably going to end up in the same place again anyway, but he didn’t want her to notice his sudden change in state. At least not here. Anywhere else where there weren’t several people to witness his flustered behavior at something so...unorthodox?

Man, the entrance seemed far away. But he made it there too. He could handle more business later.

// out unless stopped!