Beasts of Beyond
IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - Printable Version

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Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - Seven - 05-18-2021

Seven froze on instinct as Moth wrapped her paw around the tigress' shoulder, but pressed her head against her own mother. "You're here... oh, god.." And her thin body shook with a silent sob. Seven had ended up disappearing from Tanglewood to look for her mother, but because she was blind, she failed. And suffered from starvation as a result. But now Moth was here.

She pulled away from Moth to cast her blind gaze around, noting the many white auras she saw in the darkness. She slunk behind Moth and sat down, far too close to crying to introduce herself to them. Besides, it was Moth who they were talking to.
Seven - Tanglewood - Heavily mutated tigress - Tagged by Astral

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-19-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
There were a lot of people crowded around Moth's home and that was... rather concerning, really. Had something happened to Elsweyr, or Arrow, or one of the cubs? Or.. anyone really; not only the high positions. "Vig, whats...?" Atbash started to ask her brother as she got closer but trailed off as she saw the familiar figure of Moth. Vigenere gave Atbash a simple nod, as if confirming that Moth was here and it wasn't just an illusion. Moth was the Reaper of Medicine, one of the few people Atbash knew who actually knew how to take care of clanmates - and even if Atbash didn't like her, it was good to see the jaguaress back. A relief, actually.

"You've missed quite a bit," Atbash spoke to Moth after Elsweyr and Arrow's kids introduced themselves. "We... just recovered from a massive heatwave."
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: IM JUST LIKE YOU;; return - arrow - 05-19-2021

Parent one, check, parent two reporting for duty. And sure, as much as she had missed Moth and regretted letting yet another causality fall under her watch, there was also the small, small temptation of sneaking around and away from the homecoming given that many people had been in Moth’s home without previous security clearance, and while sure, it wasn’t out of spite and was a necessity, she knew that Moth wasn’t a huge fan of that.

”Moooooth-“ Arrow whistled, having caught the last part of the greetings to not have to say anything else or risk a repeated statement, taking her familiar place next to Elsweyr and making an attempt to offer comfort, the urge to not cry from the lioness had not gone unnoticed. ”Right....heatwave. You would not have wanted to see the plants. Yikes. But look! Arrow’s got a whole squad now! Where’s the other two...?” The cheetah looked up suddenly, green eyes darting around the scene to see if she couldn’t spot the rest of the family, but figured they might have been sleeping. Hopefully. ”We missed you lots, Doc.”
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