Beasts of Beyond
AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - Printable Version

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Re: AND I'M DONE ASKING WHY ☆ poison making - angelembrace - 05-01-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── He watched carefully as the last rodent subject was promptly executed via toxins that Arvid fed it, nearly missing Astraea's departure, though not on purpose. He was just far too fascinated by the scientific experiment taking place before him. An almost devious smile briefly crossed his face as the mouse ran about before it's demise, panicked despite it being much too late to do anything about it. "Perfect." The cub said cheerfully, using a claw to lift and drop the mouse's tail. He'd have to get to work soon, lest his little test subjects go...bad, to put it gently. Or Anthem ate them, gods forbid.

"You said something about using them against enemies, yes? Sounds like quite the project." Not there was any situation he could pin point off the top of his head that would be any fun with some spicy hemlock, alas. He should feel bad for wanting to see the effects of the poisons on large subjects, if it was fatal or just kept them still for a while. He tapped the side of his chin in thought, the hypothetical imagery bringing him a twisted sense of joy, but don't worry. It was just for science, like he would say if asked.