Beasts of Beyond
TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - Printable Version

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Re: TRAIN TO NOWHERE ♡ MEETING [4/20] - roan ; - 05-04-2021

As with pretty much any meeting run by his mama, things started off rather interesting, and only became more wild from there. This time, though, that wasn't all simply on her. Roan had noticed something was wrong from the very beginning, but the soothsayer's concerns were only confirmed as Roxanne stumbled about, messily welcoming in newcomers and ending the meeting pre-emptively. Thankfully, she seemed to get back on track, even if she still didn't seem to be in the most stable state. Most of the actual news of the meeting wasn't actually a surprise, at least to Roan. The warnings and shout-outs made sense, and Lumia being promoted along with Harland – or Harold, as Roxie had called him – also seemed pretty straightforward. Althougu, the mention of titles did manage to catch the medic off guard, at least somewhat. While he didn't mind the titles in the slightest, he hadn't heard about them in quite a while, and he certainly hadn't expected his mama to bring them up while high. Nevertheless, the siamese muttered from where he sat, tail flicking behind him, "Thank you, madre." Receiving the apothecary title was hardly a surprise, given how long he had been working with medicine, but it still filled him with a faint sense of pride.

That sense of pride was somewhat diminished, however, when Roxanne mentioned yeezys, and then promptly fell right on her face. A heavy sigh left the medic, and he muttered in Vayne's direction, shaking his head, "Don't worry, I've got her." With that said, he moved towards the throne, shifting from his usual feline form into his much larger eastern dragon one. The form allowed him to carefully pick up his mama in his claws, turning and holding her close as he carried her towards the temple. As he moved along, he called back towards the crowd, "Captain Roxanne will be in the temple for a bit. You're all free to come visit, but she'll be fine." He knew there wouldn't be any terrible side effects, aside from maybe a headache when she woke up, depending on what she had ingested. Either way, it wasn't long until the dragon was off, heading towards his usual workplace.

At the same time, Michael sat nearby, finding himself a little dumbfounded by what had just gone on. He knew his adoptive sister to be a little rowdy at times, but this truly was a new level, honestly. He only ended up speaking up once his name was mentioned, muttering softly, "Uh, thanks Rox?" Hedonist was a pretty cool title, as well as pretty fitting for the thief, but he was still pretty distracted by Roxie's state. Then, as if on cue, she went tumbling forward, with Roan coming to the rescue before long. The bobcat then breathed a sigh of relief, shaking his head from side to side before he followed along. He figured he might as well make sure that she was okay, although he had no doubt that she would be fine if Roan said she would be.

Finally, Lumia found herself pretty swept up in the news of the meeting, especially with how it was being delivered. She wasn't sure she had ever seen Rox in such a state before, but she honestly wasn't sure – she usually tried to give the captain a bit of distance. Either way, the girl was more focused on the actual content of the meeting, her gaze lighting up at the shout-outs, and her own promotion. Oh? She was a privateer now? The promotion made her feel exhilarated, and it wasn't long before she called out, "Thank you, Captain Roxie! And congratulations, everyone else!" The following events were... surprising, to say the least, but Mia mostly just stood out of the way, allowing Roan to do his thing. She knew that the soothsayer would take care of their wound up leader, after all. She then looked back towards Vayne, head tilting to one side at her niece as if to ask, are you gonna follow them?
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