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FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - Printable Version

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Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - ARVID R. - 04-21-2021

She didn't think she could breathe fire, huh? Well, that was a shame, at least in Arvid's opinion. There were many different scenarios where flames could be useful – particularly when manipulated with elementals. Still, it wasn't as if Aphra could just choose what powers she possessed. If one could simply choose their own powers, then Arvid were certainly have a few more abilities of his own. Both to protect himself, and to make experiments easier for himself. With a soft and thoughtful hum leaving him, the dire wolf muttered, "Oh, that's too bad. Still, it's hardly as if you're defenseless in this form. I'm sure many smaller creatures will be cowering in fear before long." Not that Aphra exactly seemed to be the type to go in guns blazing into a battle. There was a reason why she was an espionage – not that Arvid knew that. He was just going off of personality, really.

The canine then warned Aphra, shaking his head from side to side as he spoke, "Well... in that case, it's probably best to stay in your main body while you're moving around our territory. After all, the cold could end up killing you if you stayed in it for too long." Although, for that to happen, she'd need to stay in the chill for a while. He doubted it would be a huge issue, unless Aphra somehow got herself stuck in a blizzard or something like that. He then mused aloud, tapping a paw lightly against his own muzzle, "That does mean that we could severely handicap a dragon in a battle if we needed to, though. As long as the fight was on our lands." Not that he had much doubt about the battling capabilities of his groupmates. He just liked having all the advantages that they could get.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-21-2021

Happy to, for once, have something be in agreement with him warranted a happy garble from Anthem. The warmth was such a nice thing as it brought energy to him. Warmth meant speeding up his metabolism, though; the cold meant that he could go for quite a lot longer without eating. Unhealthily, though, so he did his best to move and stay warm and keep eating as he saw fit. Hopefully he'd be able to help with such a thing, considering he'd hatched a reptile and didn't seem to be something changing any time soon. He had three years of living like this under his metaphorical belt.

"Cold pulls thoughts," Anthemtalon decided to throw in. They were talking about the cold, right? And how it wasn't pleasant for those of the reptile kind? He figured there was a bit of a difference between him and the other because of the feathers, but similar enough for his simple mind to forge a comparison. "Pulls. Slows everything. If need warmth, can show warm spots found. Mhm." Almost a coherent sentence? Anthem himself seemed surprised at that, tongue flicking as he laid his head down against the ground. "Help offer."
ANTHEMTALON [] komodo monitor [] tags

Re: FIGHT OR FLIGHT // new body - APHRA CIPHER . - 04-22-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M IN THE BUSINESS OF MISERY !。+゚.[/glow]
Arvid had a point, actually. Aphra's feathers fluffed up for a moment at the idea of being able to properly fight in this form, no doubt making a mental note of his comment. She nodded at Arvid's warning, even if she didn't really actually listen to his words, but she did hear Anthemtalon's offer. Like the lizard himself, she was quite surprised to hear him form somewhat of a full sentence. "Show warmth. Sounds good." It would be nice to note of the warm spots in the territory, in case she ever needed to laze about for whatever reason.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]