Beasts of Beyond
The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Printable Version

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Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - ARVID R. - 04-15-2021

Arvid's life up to this point had not been extraordinarily easy. He had been taken from his parents, poked and prodded relentlessly by scientists, and then dumped onto the island without a single say in where his life went. However, even with all that had happened to him, the canine knew he didn't have it as bad as some others. In fact, thst was kind of a driving force in his life. Not that he felt glad others were suffering. No, rather, he just figured that if those that were worse off than him could keep going, then he could as well. He was determined to make something of his life, and hell, perhaps he'd be able to help those worse off than him at some point in the future. That certainly was an intriguing prospect, considering he liked helping others – and also had to admit that he liked the gratitude that came with it. However, he'd have plenty of time for being a "hero" later. For now, he was just getting used to his new home in the Coalition, and enjoying his time within the group.

Unfortunately, while things thus far had been pretty positive or chilled out – at least in his opinion – they couldn't stay that way forever. It was inevitable that someone would eventually be made upset by something, and in this case, that someone seemed to be Saturn. Arvid didn't exactly have context for what was going on as he approached, but he could tell that it wasn't good. Initially he had been a bit hesitant to come over, considering Saturn had lightly scolded him the last time he had been out so late. When he noticed what Byriath and Devraj were doing, however, he knew that he needed to come closer. Sure enough, when he did, he saw the tears that had stained Saturn's face, and the faint tremble that was still traveling through their body. The sight of it all was enough to make the dire wolf's ears pin back, worry filling him. He found that he hated seeing the other so distressed, despite the fact that they hadn't known each other for long. Perhaps that was just an effect that came with joining a group? He wasn't sure, but that was something he could question later.

For now, he just made his way a bit closer, sitting down nearby and shuffling his paws slightly. His voice was gentle when he spoke up, multicolored eyes gleaming with worry, "Saturn...? I'm not sure what's wrong, but... there's nothing wrong with getting comfort from others. I mean, obviously you've been through something, so... it makes sense to turn to those that you know. I admittedly don't know much about this stuff, but... I really don't think you need to apologize." Was that the right thing to say? The pup honestly wasn't quite sure. He didn't know much about comforting someone, especially considering nobody had really comforted him in the past.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Byriath - 04-15-2021

Byriath huffed gently, unsure of what else to do to give Saturn comfort. It was a strange feeling, comforting someone who was hurting. He had never really been comforted himself, since he pushed plenty of people away. When Saturn apologized, Byriath felt his body tense. Apologizing? There was no need. No need at all. His eyes turned to Arvid and Byriath smiled. He wasn't alone with his opinion.

"Yeah, there's no need to apologize. You can't keep emotions holed up forever." And he wanted to laugh at himself. He often kept positive and negative emotions choked down.

Re: The gentle warmth of your embrace is slowly fading from my mind + sad boi hours - Casphian - 04-19-2021

A soft sniffle sounded from the feline, a single paw lifting to wipe away the tears that had slowly stopped falling. "It's not something I'm used to getting so I don't typically know how to react when I receive it if I ever do," they mused. "I guess I might not have to apologize but I'll more than likely still do it anyways just what I'm used to doing," they uttered out, shifting their head towards the ground. "Thank you for taking time out of your nights to deal with me I'm sure none of this is what any of you would wanted to do," they mused, shuffling their front feet awkwardly. Their tail uncurled from Dev's leg, now flicking behind him. Honestly he shouldn't of even been in a place where other's could easily find them but it's a little too late for that now. Gotta just suck it up and deal with it.